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This paper traces the development of the voluntary and community sector in Northern Ireland from the early 1970s onwards. Particular attention is given to the expansion of the voluntary and community sector in the 1970s, community action in conflict with government in the 1980s, and new funding--from the European Union and other international sources--for development work since the mid-1990s. More recent trends discussed include the rapprochement of the voluntary and community sector with government, which has seen a growth in formal partnerships and networking, as well as the impact of the 1998 Belfast Agreement.  相似文献   
在朝鲜战争停战谈判第四项议程战俘遣返谈判中,美国以"维护人权""、反对共产主义暴政"为名,顽固地坚持"自愿遣返"原则。美国利用国民党当局和战俘中的反共分子,采取暴力胁迫和欺骗利诱等手段,制造出多数志愿军战俘不愿回国的假象,丑化共产党和新中国,粉饰曾被美国斥为腐败专制的蒋介石政权。美国和国民党当局在战俘遣返中的互相利用与配合,成为推动"台湾中立化"政策向"扶蒋反共"政策转化的重要环节。  相似文献   
The article explores how voluntary precautionary recommendations for cell phone usage influence people's health concerns and behavior. An experimental study using a sample of Swiss citizens (N= 408) was conducted. Three different versions of a newly developed booklet, which focused on common misconceptions in regard to mobile communication, and an existing booklet were tested. The experimental design addressed questions of the potential effects of knowledge, precautionary recommendations, and sender identity on health concerns and transfer of the proposed recommendations. Participants’ perceptions were measured three times: immediately before and after reading the booklet, and two weeks later. The reading of the booklets increased participants’ knowledge considerably and led to perceptual changes. In regard to cell phones, health concerns increased after the reading and stayed at a higher level even after two weeks. The negative perception of base stations, in contrast, tended to decrease. Neither the identity of the sender nor the omission of precautionary recommendations had significant effects on health concerns. Provision of specific recommendations enhanced readers’ behavioral changes. Confrontation with information per se, and not precautionary recommendations, influenced the public's health concerns. These changes should not prevent the provision of precautionary recommendations because, in the face of scientific uncertainty, these are the only means through which to enable users to make informed decisions.  相似文献   
公共服务府际协作供给是地方政府提供公共服务的手段之一。什么因素影响地方政府协作的动机与行为?这种协作提供公共服务的方式是否有效?近20年来,西方公共管理学界基于地方府际协议( Interlocal Agreements, ILAs)这一载体,正不断推进上述问题的研究。综合西方学者对于ILAs的研究,归纳和总结出当前关于公共服务府际协作供给的动因及成效,以期能够为中国学者的府际协作主题研究提供借鉴。  相似文献   
自首制度是我国刑法体系中最为重要的制度之一,我国刑法对于自首采取了相对从宽处罚原则,在通常情况下,一般自首可以从轻或减轻处罚,其中犯罪情节较轻、主观恶性不大的犯罪可以免除处罚。但是自首制度存在着疑惑与缺陷。这种现状造成了理论上的困惑与司法实践中的不公,受到社会的否定与批评。通过对上述问题和观点的深入探究,解决当前自首从宽处罚在理论上、实践上、制度完善方面的困惑,从而使自首制度的价值在我国刑法体系中最大化。  相似文献   
Quality testing by suppliers has significant ramifications for downstream supply chain participants and retail consumers. This article focuses on such implications accounting for the fact that suppliers often enjoy discretion in quality testing and reporting. Under a discretionary testing and reporting environment, we show that a supplier can improve the market's perception of product quality by engaging in self‐imposed production cuts. Production cuts dampen supplier incentives to engage in excessive quality testing, putting the supplier and the market on a more equal information footing. This reduces the market's need to skeptically discount product quality to protect itself. The improved market perception, then, reduces quality testing demand, introducing cost savings. The result that costly production cuts can improve quality perceptions indicates that the groundwork for influencing market perceptions may have to be laid upfront, even prior to acquiring private information, providing a contrast to routine signaling models.  相似文献   
公司成立前发起人签订的设立公司股东协议具有合同的法律性质,公司成立后认缴注册资本的股东签署的公司章程具有法律规范的性质。股东协议拘束缔约人,公司章程拘束签署股东和公司以及未曾签署的董事、监事等。公司成立之后,股东协议并不被公司章程取代,在没有被修改、变更、解除之前,股东协议的效力并不自然终止。在个案诉讼中,股东协议与公司章程具有不同的证明对象,不存在以哪个为准的问题。  相似文献   
进城务工人员作为我们当今社会的弱势群体,他们子女的教育问题是影响我国构建社会主义和谐社会的重要因素。通过分析"杀鱼弟"作为义务教育适龄儿童,不做读书郎却愿为杀鱼工,发现隐藏在这一事件背后的是一个严重的教育问题,即进城务工人员子女的失学问题。采用问卷调查和文献研究两种研究方法,对进城务工人员子女失学问题从失学因素、隐性失学现象、失学所带来的危害等几个方面展开论述,并在此基础上提出具有可行性的对策。  相似文献   
第三部门存在的志愿失灵现象已引起学界的广泛关注。在消除志愿失灵议题上,现有研究聚焦于三部门合作的解决方案,未能区分“失灵”的不同场景,更无法回应和解释经典理论与现实经验之间的悖论。在萨拉蒙提出的志愿失灵理论框架基础上,通过对中国第三部门抗击疫情的行动分析,探讨互联网对志愿失灵所产生的影响。研究发现:置于公共危机的特定场景,任务的时效性和复杂性会导致跨部门之间合作变得异常困难,互联网技术的应用有利于第三部门扩充慈善资源,扩大服务覆盖面,消除家长制作风和提升服务专业性,在一定程度上消解了志愿失灵,不仅在理论上丰富和拓展了志愿失灵的既有研究成果,还从实践角度分析了互联网+慈善背景下公共危机治理的政策意涵。  相似文献   
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