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The use of government incentives tied to market prices as means of boosting corporate social responsibility (CSR) has expanded notably in recent decades. Enhanced business tax deductions for charitable donations and credits for conservation easements are notable cases. While providing incentives for socially desirable behavior to achieve legislative goals has intuitive appeal, the broader economic consequences are not always fully understood. In this study, we examine such wider consequences for supply chains when subsidies for CSR are offered. One effect we identify is that since incentives are typically tied to market value, firms have not only an added incentive to achieve societal objectives (say by donating inventory) but also an incentive to raise output (retail) market prices. A second consequence is that since firms forgo potential revenues by engaging in socially desired behavior, they become increasingly sensitive to supplier pricing; in an uncoordinated supply chain this leads to input (wholesale) price concessions. Among other things, the results underscore that incentives put in place to meet broader societal objectives also have notable ramifications for suppliers, retailers, and consumers in primary markets.  相似文献   
Online material and waste exchanges (OMWEs) provide online channels to repurpose by‐products, unused materials and waste from industrial and commercial facilities. Unfortunately, OMWE's also have challenges. First, sellers may have access to other disposal options and, as a result, may not fully commit to the exchange. Second, buyers can face high uncertainty about the product exchanged and the transaction being undertaken. Overcoming these challenges is the “last hurdle” to making OMWEs successful. This study investigates the factors that reduce the buyers' uncertainty and increase the sellers' commitment to the OMWE. We analyze novel transaction‐level data from an online exchange (MNExchange.org) combined with other archival public records on county‐level repurposing and disposal statistics. First, we find that regional repurposing policies and alternatives have a complementary effect on sellers' commitment toward OMWEs, resulting in increased OMWE exchanges. However, regional disposal policies and alternatives have a substitution effect on sellers' commitment, resulting in reduced exchange success. Further, greater product and transaction information reduce the buyer's uncertainty and increase exchange success. Finally, the analysis shows that users' (buyers and sellers) heavily rely on their prior experience with OMWEs. Specifically, higher familiarity between the buyer–seller pair and familiarity with the OMWE system leads to higher likelihood of exchange success. This study lays the foundation for understanding OMWEs and has important implications for developing policies and operations to increase online transactions of by‐products, materials and wastes.  相似文献   
We study the logistics problem faced by Regional Branches (RBs) of a central bank in managing the currency supply under security concerns. While making banknote supply decisions to Sub‐Branches (SBs), the management of RB must achieve two goals simultaneously: (i) guarantee that each SB has sufficient inventories of all denominations of banknotes to satisfy the demands from all commercial banks within its service area, and (ii) control the annual spending on this banknote supply operation. Due to security concerns, the following methods are implemented in the process of transporting banknotes: (i) the capacity of a cash truck is limited by the total face value (instead of the physical space) of banknotes, and (ii) empty decoy trucks are deployed along with the trucks filled with banknotes. After deriving a polynomial‐time strategy to guarantee an optimal solution for the special Bin‐Packing Problem faced in this study, we provide an exact formulation for the RB's supply planning problem. We also propose several polynomial‐time algorithms for deriving either optimal or near‐optimal solutions for the problem under different settings. Using the weekly demand data obtained from the central bank, we verify the performance of our algorithms, and analyze the impacts of changes in these features and in the fleet capacity on the total cost incurred by an RB under various scenarios.  相似文献   
本文以新制度理论与交易成本理论进行对话,从合法性视角构建中国情境下制度环境、风险感知与供应链网络治理模式选择之间影响机理的理论模型。通过问卷调查的方式收集117份有效问卷,并采用结构方程模型方法实证检验制度环境、风险感知对供应链网络治理模式的"形塑"作用。研究结果表明,制度环境是影响供应链网络治理模式选择的重要因素,强制制度对供应链网络治理模式选择具有显著影响,规范制度的影响作用不显著。在供应链网络治理模式选择过程中关系风险感知具有完全中介作用,而绩效风险感知具有部分中介作用。  相似文献   
胡金焱  韩坤 《管理科学》2020,23(6):1-17
本文研究了存在随机产出风险时供应链上游高技术生产企业的专利运作战略.分别构建了3种最常见专利战略——独占、授权和共享下的供应链上下游决策模型.独占战略下,上游供应商自己生产零件并向下游制造商供货,但生产过程存在随机产出风险;授权战略下,供应商不生产零件但把技术授权给代工厂商并收取专利许可费;共享战略下,供应商把专利共享给代工厂商,当其随机产出实现且不能满足下游订单时由代工厂商来补足订单.研究结果表明,对供应商而言,若下游制造商面临的市场规模较小,则授权战略占优;若市场规模较大,此时哪种战略更好取决于其供应的可靠性:当可靠性较低时独占战略占优,当可靠性较高时共享战略占优.与分散决策相比,集中决策下授权战略占优的区间扩大,而独占战略占优的区间缩小.此外本文还发现,对供应商而言最优的专利战略和社会最优(即对整条供应链而言最优的专利战略)之间存在一定程度的偏离,且偏离的程度随启动成本的降低而加剧,随可靠性的降低而缓解.  相似文献   
分析了我国农村居民生产资料和生活资料需求侧的演变特点与规律,认为当农民的收入水平和恩格尔系数达到小康水平时,满足最低农业生产所需的生产资料和基本温饱的生活资料,不会因为农民收入水平的提高而同比率提高;而满足高效率、享受型、健康型的生产资料和生活资料需求却大幅度增长,此时“供给侧”对商品种类和服务种类的供给创新与发展,成为刺激和促进农村居民消费增长的主要因素。今后应在科技、高效、享受、智能、健康等范畴和方面,提升供给侧对农村居民所需商品和服务的创新和发展能力。  相似文献   
整体性治理框架下农村公共服务的有效供给   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农村公共服务供给的有效性关乎到社会治理现代化目标的实现。通过对当前农村公共服务碎片化供给的历史演变考察,提出农村公共服务供给整体性治理的应然性。进而建构出农村公共服务供给的整体性治理框架,梳理了整体性治理的三大机制,探求并分析影响农村公共服务供给中整体性治理机制的变量关系。借助于样本区域的调研数据,诠释了整体性治理机制与农村公共服务供给的关系模型。同时结合非结构访谈的实践内容,厘清了农村公共服务供给在整体性治理理念下的现实盲区,通过提出农村公共服务供给路径的建议,进一步提升我国农村公共服务供给的有效性。  相似文献   
为准确把握中国天然气供需安全状态,以2006-2014年的数据为样本,在模糊隶属度函数量化指标值的基础上,运用层次分析法(AHP)和熵值法确定指标权重,基于线性加权和函数计算均方根进行综合评价。结果表明:(1)中国天然气供需安全指数呈现"N形"波动,2006-2007年天然气供需安全指数上升。2007-2013年天然气供需安全指数年均下降1.7979。2013年以来天然气供需安全指数开始回升,天然气供需安全压力有所缓解。(2)天然气供应安全指数从2006年的17.5914下降到2013年的0.1556,峰谷差17.4359。天然气需求安全指数呈现"W形"波动。天然气市场安全指数相对稳定,2013年以来略有上升,天然气市场风险逐年下降。(3)天然气供需安全很大程度上取决于天然气供应是否安全。因此,建议从确保天然气稳定供应、提高天然气使用效率和降低市场风险方面采取措施,维护天然气供需安全。  相似文献   
通过对广东农户民间借贷行为实地调查的问卷进行数据分析,了解农村民间借贷中的资金供求关系,发现存在的融资约束问题,进而对融资约束环境下民间借贷资金利率定价过程进行实证分析;着重考察农村民间借贷利率受公共信息和私人信息影响的程度,从借款人和贷款人的角度分别建立定价模型进行经验分析。结果显示,定价模型在F检验1%水平上显著,其他模型具有R2的统计显著性;反映借款用途的变量在10%水平上显著,其他变量均在5%水平上显著。这说明该市场利率能够反映公共信息的影响,借款人和贷款人的利率定价也反映了各自私人信息中相关风险和财务能力因素的影响,得到的经验结论主要是:第一,农村民间借贷市场是自主交易的金融市场;第二,其利率定价过程基本市场化。  相似文献   
人口预测和人力资源供给分析是为了适应社会经济发展的客观需要而提出的,它们未来的发展状况,对于一个地区的社会经济的发展影响深远。在对福建省"十五"期间人口与人力资源状况分析的基础上,对福建省"十一五"期间人口与人力资源状况进行初步预测,旨在为福建省制定未来的社会经济发展战略提供人口统计上的数据依据。  相似文献   
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