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This article examines the voice of mobilized welfare mothers and the mainstream women’s movement in the welfare debate of the 1970s in Ontario. A question debated was whether welfare mothers had a right to “stay home” while receiving welfare. The article shows that a radical strain of welfare mother activists at this time demanded recognition of women’s unpaid work. While mainstream women’s groups were generally sympathetic to welfare mothers, their overriding focus on employability as the solution to their poverty served to derail the radical possibilities of welfare mother politics and solidify a policy agenda that undermined the deserving status of welfare mothers.  相似文献   
如何认识和控制医疗卫生费用的上涨,长期以来一直是美国理论界研究和争论的一个焦点问题。技术进步是推动费用上涨最重要的因素。而医疗卫生费用的快速上涨既会损害公平,也会损害效率。政府管制与市场竞争是控制费用的两种理念与方法。但是,在美国这样一个利益分化、文化多元、政治分权的社会,要想在医疗卫生费用问题上,特别是在费用控制问题上达成某种共识,尚有很长的路要走。  相似文献   
论南社与同光体   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文论述了南社唐宋之争的起因、过程,指出其领导人柳亚子由于主观独断而造成南社分裂的错误,对南社解体负有责任。并试图将南社与同光体在诗歌思想与艺术方面的不同特征作一比较,指出各自的得失。  相似文献   
胡适、陈独秀的"文学革命"论,点燃了围绕白话与文言展开的文学论争,论争的思维与言说方式凝结成现 代汉语文论至关重要的话语方式:论辩。论辩话语方式具有对话性、针对性、极端性三个显著特征。现代汉语语法的 系统性、词汇的口语化,以及梁启超的新文体、章士钊的逻辑文体、维新派与革命派进行的报刊大论战等多种因素, 共同培育了论辩话语方式。随着现代文学批评的展开与深入,论辩话语方式被煅造成一把典型的文论双刃剑。  相似文献   
There has been much debate as to whether women manage differently from men and whether this may constitute a reason for women's lack of progress to the top echelons of organizations (Tanton 1994; Coyle 1993; Still 1994; Wajcman 1998). This article locates the sameness/difference debate in a wider analysis of management styles, with particular attention paid to the business function. It is also suggested that any debate on styles must take place within a feminist theoretical framework which acknowledges inequalities of power, economic and patriarchal interests. Management skills are socially constructed (Phillips and Taylor 1980) and change according to social and economic conditions. The article shows that business function is the most important influence on management style. The author contends, like others, that even in times of great change, men seem to be able to hold on to the most powerful positions in organizations (Cockburn 1986; Savage and Witz 1992; Collinson et al. 1990). The convergence of patriarchal interests with business interests ultimately determines what style is valued. The much vaunted feminization of management (Rosener 1990) does not mean that more women are to be found in senior positions in organizations. Nor do large numbers of women managers necessarily lead to a more feminized management style (Kanter 1977). Stereotypes of women still act against their acceptance into positions of power while men's ability to adopt some of traditionally feminine skills of communication means that women's supposed advantage (Rosener 1990) may have been leapfrogged.  相似文献   
This article presents a quantitative content analysis of 10,473 comments from two opposing online petitions related to the legal status of a section of the penal code in Singapore used to ban sex between men. Results indicate numerous significant differences in how the two sides discussed the law and its significance. In particular, they used different types of arguments to support their views and expressed different kinds of concerns over the potential impact of changing or maintaining the law. The patterns of language use seem to reflect distinctly different approaches to the debate and suggest the difficulty of finding common ground amid this contentious social issue, but they also reveal similarities to how Western cultures have framed the debate.  相似文献   
刘荣争 《学术探索》2007,3(2):88-93
《独立评论》是20世纪三十年代中国知识界创办的一份具有广泛社会影响的政论性刊物。以《独立评论》为平台,一批著名学者对当时中国的发展道路问题进行了讨论。其中,乡村建设问题即是一个引起普遍关注的问题。《独立评论》周围的知识分子从研究中国乡村问题入手,思考中国经济发展之路,提出一些解决中国乡村问题的思路和措施,并对当时轰轰烈烈的乡村建设运动提出不同的看法,引起时人对乡村建设运动的质疑。综观这场关于乡村建设的论争,它所反映的其实是知识界对处于内外交困的中国乡村社会发展道路的不同观点,而其中通过发展城市和工业化来救济乡村的观点在当时引起了很大的反响。  相似文献   
清初的颜元与清末的龚自珍是一前一后互相映照的两个思想怪杰.颜氏构思设计的"浑天地二气四德化生万物图",实际上是一幅宇宙创世模型图;而其"性、情、才皆善之图",又是一幅人性构成图;再加上他的人论,可见出其对宇宙和人类特异的哲学思考.龚氏提出的众人造天地、人声名天而立思想以及公私多元表现人性本私观点,是主于"逆"哲学思维的产物,这正好同颜氏哲学形成映照.它们均表现出两位怪杰在哲学思维上的非常态运作特点.这对于今天哲学创新思维之发展,颇有启迪参照意义.  相似文献   
我国现行《继承法》关于法定继承人范围和继承顺序的规定不尽合理,表现为法定继承人的范围过窄,继承顺序设置不合理。为了继续发挥继承制度的家庭扶养职能,延缓遗产归公的行程,平衡配偶继承人和血亲继承人之间的利益关系,建议将法定继承人的范围扩大至被继承人的侄甥子女、伯、叔、姑、舅、姨、(外)曾祖父母以及堂表兄弟姐妹;并将法定继承人的继承顺序由现在的两个增加为五个;继续保留父母的第一顺序法定继承人地位,将配偶列为非固定顺序继承人,保留丧偶儿媳、女婿的继承权,限制继子女的继承权。  相似文献   
清末为了寻求救国方案,先进的知识分子逐步分化为两大派别——立宪派和革命派。两派改造社会与政治的理念有很大差异,并展开了激烈的论战,双方理论虽各具特色,但又有机地联系在一起,所要达到的目标都是建立资产阶级民主宪政,可谓是“殊途同归”。双方的争论是辛亥革命必不可少的思想跳板,对于我们今天建设有中国特色的社会主义民主政治,具有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   
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