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官僚制的潮汐与我国行政组织体制的理性构建   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
70年代以后 ,西方各国先后进入后工业社会 ,与其相应的官僚制陷入了困境。于是 ,西方各国掀起了旨在否定官僚制的行政改革浪潮。而处于国际大背景中的我国必将受此浪潮的影响 ,但我国的处境又极为特殊。本文从我国的特殊国情入手 ,透析我国现阶段经济基础、组织及其文化的劣根性 ,从而判定我国尚处于官僚制不足阶段 ,必须强化官僚制的优点 ,弱化其缺点 ,并借鉴别国成功经验 ,对我国行政体制进行理性构建 ,建立有中国特色的行政组织体制  相似文献   
御史是中国古代社会监察制度的主体,也是中央集权兴衰的一个缩影。一个绕有兴趣的现象是,唐代御史在官僚制与社会舆论中表现出两种不同的形象。在官僚制中,御史始终处于“清官”和清望官”序列,而且后期御史大夫与中丞的官阶较之前期还有所提高。但是从社会舆论的角度来看,前期称之为“法官”的御史,后期则被称为“法吏”;前期“御史出都,若不动摇山岳,震慑州县,诚旷职耳”,而后期出使在外的御史却常常受到来自各方的漫骂乃至殴打。文献中关于御史的这两种不同的记载并无抵牾之处。一方面反映出唐代中央力图从官僚制上提高御史的地位,强化中央集权的统治;另一方面又无力改变中晚唐时期出现的“轻法学,贱法吏”现状。在这种政治气候的影响下,唐后期的御史构成、秉公执法观念以及社会地位等各方面都呈现出明显弱化的趋势。  相似文献   
Lipsky's Street-level Bureaucracy (Russell Sage Foundation, New York, 1980 Lipsky, M. 1980. Street-level Bureaucracy: The Dilemmas of Individuals in Public Service, New York: Russell Sage Foundation.  [Google Scholar]) has exerted a strong influence on the study of public service organisations. There has been a growing interest in using this perspective to understand the organisational context of social work and Musil et al.'s article in the EJSW (2004, ‘Do social workers avoid the dilemmas of work with clients?’, European Journal of Social Work, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 305–319) reflects this interest. Musil et al. argue that it is possible to identify two forms of practitioner response to the constraints of street-level bureaucracies: adapting working practices in ways that disadvantage service users or challenging working conditions in order to achieve more professionally acceptable practice. Their contribution to the debate is helpful, particularly with regard to their identification of responses by practitioners that seek to advance the interests of service users. However, we view their approach as constrained by lack of consideration of the construction of social work roles within particular street-level bureaucracies. We suggest that Lipsky's work should be approached as a tentative analytic framework, rather than as a fixed model and we argue that a productive approach to research on social workers as street-level bureaucrats is conjunctural analysis. Such analysis examines the contexts, circumstances and statuses of practitioners and how these factors shape the specific forms of street-level practice that operate in particular organisational settings. We illustrate this in our discussion of the factors that are likely to have had a bearing on the two practice settings used as case studies by Musil et al.  相似文献   
Complexity leadership in bureaucratic forms of organizing: A meso model   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
We consider Complexity Leadership Theory [Uhl-Bien, M., Marion, R., & McKelvey, B. (2007). Complexity Leadership Theory: Shifting leadership from the industrial age to the knowledge era. The Leadership Quarterly.] in contexts of bureaucratic forms of organizing to describe how adaptive dynamics can work in combination with administrative functions to generate emergence and change in organizations. Complexity leadership approaches are consistent with the central assertion of the meso argument that leadership is multi-level, processual, contextual, and interactive. In this paper we focus on the adaptive function, an interactive process between adaptive leadership (an agentic behavior) and complexity dynamics (non-agentic social dynamics) that generates emergent outcomes (e.g., innovation, learning, adaptability) for the firm. Propositions regarding the actions of complexity leadership in bureaucratic forms of organizing are offered.  相似文献   
A multitude of influences have affected the development of social work education, one of the earliest of which was the settlement movement in British inner cities. This article explores the early impact of the settlements on social work education and presents the results of a survey of current settlements and their relationship with UK social work. Ideas from the settlement movement have continued to fertilise British social policy and community development practice but their numbers and influence have waned. In contrast, British social work and social services organisations exert a major influence on settlements both directly and indirectly. As part of the longest established sections of the voluntary sector within the UK, the settlement movement's survival may also offer suggestions about the organic development of welfare organisations which are of wider relevance in a rapidly changing social environment.  相似文献   
在行政学发展过程中出现的官僚制理论、政策执行理论、专业化途径、政治与行政互动理论等在解释街头官僚的自由裁量权及其相对应的责任时存在相当的限度。本文运用领导理论分析街头官僚的自由裁量及其责任,构建了一个街头领导模型,认为:街头官僚的自由裁量可以分为两个维度,即过程型自由裁量和结果型自由裁量;街头官僚的自由裁量权有四种不同的情况。  相似文献   
清代前期中枢机构均重用旗人,部院各衙门也是如此。太平天国运动的兴起,将满清王公贵族的腐败、无能暴露无遗。在这种情况下,清廷遂改变政策,允许各省就地筹饷,改非定额解款为定额摊派,这就赋予了各省督抚控制财政的合法权力,中央集权的财政体系宣告瓦解,人事权开始下移,原来行之有效的官僚制度不灵了。而部分军、政、财权从中央向地方转移,从满人向湘军为代表的汉人转移,从而形成了湘军地方军事大员领导的区域性政治、经济、司法的一体化格局。  相似文献   
政府信息公开是现代民主政治发展的产物,它不仅是保障公民知情权,强化民主政治的需要,而且有助于防止行政腐败,提高行政管理的质量。《政府信息公开条例》的颁布与实施,为透明政府建设提供了法律基础,在我国行政管理体制改革的过程中,具有里程碑的意义。从实证的角度出发,以省级政府信息公开报告为研究对象,分析地方政府贯彻政府信息公开条例中的成效及其存在问题,可以得知,加强组织体系建设,是政府信息公开制度建设的必要前提。  相似文献   
BackgroundPost bureaucracy is increasingly shaping how health care professionals work. Within hospital settings, post bureaucracy is frequently connected to loss of professional autonomy and protocol-based care. However, this development also affects relationships between care providers and care receivers.QuestionTo explore experiences of post bureaucratic hospital reforms and their impact on care provision.MethodData builds on nine mini group interviews with midwives (n = three), nurses (n = three) and physiotherapists (n = three), in all thirty participants. Data was analysed using existing theories of professionalism and post bureaucracy.FindingsTwo overarching themes were identified: ‘Time, tasks and institutional duties’ which referred to transformations in care practices, increased use of screening procedures, efficiency requirements and matching linear time to the psychosocial needs of patients. ‘Managerial control of work’ which described rising administrative demands, engaging in protective measures, younger professionals pressured by documentation obligations and fear of disciplinary procedures.ConclusionThe institutional context appears to play a key role shaping care practices. Although midwives, nurses and physiotherapists share similar experiences of post bureaucratic hospital reforms, changes in care provision can impact these professions in different ways. As a discipline, midwifery is founded on relationships between women and midwives. Standardised clinical care, performativity demands, litigation risks and rising administrative obligations are liable to challenge the provision of woman centred care. These changes may also result in increased inequity in maternity care by affecting some groups of women more than others.  相似文献   
十月革命胜利后 ,为了提高执政水平 ,巩固执政地位 ,列宁提出了一系列关于党风建设的思想 :共产党要保持与人民群众的血肉联系 ,克服官僚主义 ,反对贪污腐败。列宁关于党风建设的理论与实践对于我们今天的党风建设具有一定的指导意义  相似文献   
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