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谚语作为一种极具民族特色的语言形式,既是词汇学又是语法学的研究对象。维汉谚语在语法形式上既有相似之处,又有明显的差异。通过对单句式、紧缩句式和复句式维吾尔谚语和汉语谚语的统计对比分析,发现维汉谚语形式特点的共通之处在于句式自足完整,形式简洁自然,兼得书面语和口语之风;不同之处在于维吾尔谚语基本遵循SOV语序,汉语则遵循SVO语序。  相似文献   
Retailers who sell seasonal products often face challenges in demand management due to weather uncertainty. In many cases, they make their ordering and pricing decisions prior to the regular selling season but the vast majority of sales do not occur until after the season starts, during which unfavorable weather conditions may result in high monetary losses. To protect against such adverse financial outcomes, retailers may offer weather-linked promotions such as weather rebates and induce customers to make early purchases. Specifically, weather-conditional rebates are incentives offered in an advance promotional period to be paid to the early buyers if the weather state in the regular season is unfavorable. In the presence of seasonal weather uncertainty, risk attitudes of retailers and buyers may play an important role on the effectiveness of these promotions. In this paper, we analyze the performance of weather-conditional rebates by explicitly considering the impact of different risk behaviors. First, we study the case in which the retailer and customers are risk-neutral and show that the weather-conditional rebates are effective in increasing the retailer's profits. Under the assumption of the retailer's risk-neutrality, we conduct a simulation study to investigate the impact of customers' alternative early-purchase behaviors on the performance of the rebate program. Next, we consider a risk-averse retailer. We model the retailer's risk aversion primarily in the mean–variance framework and find that the rebate program can be designed to increase the mean profit and reduce the profit variance simultaneously. Furthermore, by combining the rebate program with a financial instrument such as binary weather options, the retailer can obtain greater benefits from weather-conditional rebates.  相似文献   
英汉谚语的文化差异及其交际策略   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
语言是人们进行交流的工具,亦是记载文化的符号系统,语言和文化相互影响又相互制约。谚语作为语言的一种特殊形式,亦承载着传递文化的作用。英语谚语和汉语谚语作为两种不同语言的瑰宝,亦表现出不同文化间的差异。对于英汉谚语的文化差异应当精准的翻译和应用,加强彼此文化的理解。  相似文献   
桐城历史悠久,文化发达.在长期的生产生活实践中,产生了大量的谚语,它包涵了丰富的文化信息.从文化语言学角度研究桐城谚语所反映的生活状况、民风民俗和思想观念.通过分析发现,桐城人重文尚读,敬祖尊亲;在为人处世方面他们尚礼贵和,珍视名誉,提倡自强,地域特征十分明显.研究不仅有助于更深入地了解桐城文化,也有助于更好地理解安徽文化,对发展繁荣安徽文化,构建和谐、学习型社会都具有重要的现实意义.  相似文献   
法谚是生成并通行于大众中的有关法律的民间用语形态,属于俗文化范畴。在文化或观念的传承上,法谚比同属俗语的歇后语、惯用语要深入或深刻,比雅语的成语要细微。法谚之民间形态的根基,是大众法律生活道理与经验的总结和传授的需要。法谚所反映的法律生活的范围是比较宽广而全面的,囊括了当时社会法律生活的基本领域和主要的法律现象。法谚与法律的关系密切。它们基本上渊源于法律的规定、原则和精神,至少是与其密切相关。法谚与其他谚语关联甚紧,后者对其起支撑、加固或强化作用;法谚有时也衍化为外围谚语,进一步表达一种日常生活道理或经验。从法学、语言学、文化学、历史学的学科交叉角度,对法谚进行研究是有重要意义的。  相似文献   
古代丝绸之路谣谚在复杂多元的地理、政治、商业、文化等环境中生成,主要由胡商、士兵、宗教人士、士人等主体进行传播,从中能够反映古代丝绸之路上的自然名物、社会民情、政治趋势、战争冲突等多元化内容;因为古人没有“丝绸之路”的概念,所以,也就没有集中归类,而是分散记录在正史、笔记史料、诗歌总集、谣谚总集等文献之中。  相似文献   
谚语之成为语言中的盐和花朵,与其讲究修辞的锤炼、注重语言形式分不开,本文拟以此为观察点,研究谚语的结构美、口语化和音乐感等诸艺术特征  相似文献   
天气谚语是我国劳动人民智慧的结晶。本文对天气谚语的类型、科学价值、局限性、应用中的注意事项等作了较为系统的考察。  相似文献   
本文从文化的角度,通过对英汉两种民族不同的生存环境、风俗习惯、宗教信仰及历史典故等方面的粗略比较,来探究英汉谚语中动物比喻形象差异的根源。  相似文献   
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