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燕行录是研究前近代中韩关系的重要史料,其中18世纪朝鲜文人洪大容所著《乾净笔谭》的价值尤为贵重。洪大容于1765年随朝鲜使节团来到北京,与数名中国文人进行笔谈,回国后将这一经历写成《乾净衕会友录》,两年之后改编为《乾净笔谭》,主要内容均为笔谈记录。前后两个版本之间进行的删改修订,反映出当时两国文人在不同的大环境下有着政治、学术、女性观等认知上的差异。  相似文献   
当今,医患关系日趋紧张,矛盾冲突不断,“职业医闹”甚嚣尘上,亟需构建一个和谐的医患关系。中国古代医患伦理思想博大精深。医德方面,提出了“重义轻利”“易地以观”“仁心”待患的高标准道德要求;同时,也强调医患之间的互信。这些传统医患伦理思想,不仅有利于优秀医德的传承,也将有利于当代和谐医患关系的构建。对此,我们有必要加以借鉴变通。以往我国学者的研究重点是医患关系的经济和法律属性,却忽略了它的伦理属性。只有回归到医患关系的伦理属性上,重塑医学人文精神,增进医患互信,才有可能构建和谐的医患关系。  相似文献   
方法论更新与当代文学批评的出路   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
黄永健 《晋阳学刊》2009,(2):108-112
文学批评环境的恶化以及批评者自身能力的弱化,都使当代文学批评陷入新的一轮危机。所谓的“纯文学”、“文学性”等批评标准,面对20世纪90年代以来尤其是新世纪以来的文学新生态,不再具有理论说服力和阐释的有效性。一方面,“纯文学”文学作品或文学姿态不再受宠,以“纯文学”、“文学性”批评标准所经典化了的“经典”遭到了不同程度的解构;另一方面,通俗文学、民间写作、打工文学、80后新性情写作、欲望叙事和身体写作。却有被重新“经典化”的可能。如何有效地阐释当代的文学新现实,强化批评的能力,这成为当代文学批评者和文学理论界面临的重要课题。对于当代文学批评,必须更新论述方法,放弃狭隘的“文学性”批评标准。采用“文化人类学”视野、“理解接受”理论、“交流对话”理论、中国传统文论中的“情本体论”观察视角来对待和阐释当代文学文化新生态。或许能给当代文学批评注入新的活力和生机。  相似文献   
The present study is part of a series of qualitative studies focusing on dialogic practice in southern Norway. In this article, we present a qualitative study of a network meeting focusing on the interplay between the participants' inner and outer dialogues. The network meeting is between an adolescent boy, his mother and two network therapists, the same adolescent case discussed previously in this journal by Bøe et al. ( 2013 ). The aim of this study is to explore how the interplay between inner and outer dialogues contributes to significant and meaningful moments for the interlocutors. A multiperspective methodology is used that combines video recordings of a network meeting and participant interviews with text analysis. Our research found the interplay has an important role in understanding the emergence of significant and meaningful moments in therapy. A one‐sided focus on participants' utterances or inner dialogues was insufficient to explain their significance and meaning to the interlocutors. A dialogical approach provides a theoretical frame and concepts that are useful in investigations of therapeutic conversations.  相似文献   
“以病人为中心”的深层次思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“以病人为中心”是医院管理道德和医患关系道德的核心话语,其基本理念是“以人为本”。在医患关系道德建设过程中贯彻“以人为本”理念,一是要“以病人为中心”,这是医患关系道德“以人为本”的核心,二是要“以医务人员为主体”,这是实现“以病人为中心”的关键,而且要将这两者结合起来,共同指导医患关系道德建设。“以人为本”理念的贯彻,对于我们建立良好的医患关系,促进医疗卫生事业的健康发展具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   
在医疗改革出现的诸多问题中,最突出的无疑是医患关系紧张甚至干冲突问题,这种冲突主要表现为专业服务的缺失和错位。由于传统的法律调解、行政仲裁以及医患双方直接协商等方式存在限制,同时一些其他原因也导致了医患关系的紧张与失衡。西方国家和港台地区医疗社工制度与专业发展不失为一种解决和应对医疗问题的良方。以本土的个案实践为例,分析社会工作专业在现有医疗体制中构建和谐医患关系的嵌入与推进。  相似文献   
本研究运用言语行为理论作为解释框架,对医生和患者会话中的言语行为进行分类比较与分析,进而揭示医院门诊医患会话中的权势关系。研究表明,在门诊医患会话交际中会呈现出一种权势关系,这种权势关系往往是不对等的。医生常用发问、阐述、指令类言语行为来询问患者或诊断病情,通过履行自己的职责来体现权势的优越性,而处于权力弱势地位的患者却以应答、陈述、表达类言语行为来回应医生,以表示顺从与尊敬。  相似文献   
In the past 15 years, the authors and their students have frequently used the treasure hunt in activity treatment groups. Experience confirms that the planned use of the treasure hunt's activity structure has powerful treatment effects. Repeated student testimonials about the efficacy of the treasure hunt and the usefulness of this paper as an example of programming prompts us to share it with other practitioners. This paper is a case illustration of the planning and use of treasure hunt as a means of influencing behavioral change in a group of emotionally troubled boys, specifically how to prevent or eliminate destructive conflict and initiate cooperation. The practitioners intended change operations, the responses desired in the members, and a synopsis of outcomes are presented (c.f., Churchill, 1959).  相似文献   
This paper begins by reviewing the current situation in social work practice. It is contended that much of the literature around social work consists of diverse models of practice that urge social workers to take up various theoretical positions. Equally, social workers are often encouraged to listen to the views of service users. In this complexity, it is often difficult for social workers to know which approach to take. This paper goes on to propose a narrative-based approach to social work practice. Narrative social work is defined as a conversation between theory and practice, which can lead to development in both social workers and service users. An example from the lead author's practice is used to outline the model in action. The paper concludes with some comments about the values inherent in narrative based social work.  相似文献   
新形势下的高校辅导员,在大学生中间开展谈心谈话工作时必须注重谈话的有效性。心理咨询技能以它独有的特点与优势,为辅导员谈心谈话工作开辟了一条全新的工作思路。适度引入心理咨询的理念、技能,并与传统的谈心谈话方式相结合,有助于引导学生健康成长、开创大学生思想道德教育工作的新局面。  相似文献   
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