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This pa per de scribes the find ings from a pur pos ive sample of 152 male and fe male Rus sian-speak ing drug ad diets who im migrated to Is rael dur ing the last ten years. Ap prox i mately one-third of the co hort was not Jew ish, in clud ing 47 per cent of the women. Forty-one per cent of the subjects re ported be ing phys i cally abused and 25 per cent of the women, com pared to 5 per cent of the men, re ported be ing sex u ally abused as a child. Al co hoi abuse was found to be dif fer ent among the par ents of male and fe male ad diets: 46% of the women com pared to 31% of the men had fa thers who drank ex ces sively; 14% of the women compared to 5% of the men had moth ers who were heavy drink ers. Also, female ad diets were more likely than male ad diets to have a mother who used il licit drugs. Treat ment re lated is sues are dis cussed along with the need for specialized, culturally sen si tiveser vice pro vision.  相似文献   

Originally connected with the idea of Moscow as the Third Rome and the universal Christian idea of an Empire of Faith, Holy Rus (literally ‘Holy Russia’) has developed today into a transcendental concept of a unifying national force and inter-confessional dialogue based on common moral and spiritual values. The discourse of Russia’s civilizational identity has emerged with new vigor against a background of national and social disintegration. The idea promoted by the state and the Russian Orthodox Church is that Orthodoxy as a quintessence of fundamental moral values is destined to unite the peoples separated by state borders under the auspices of Holy Rus. The core of the civilizational perception is constituted by the supranational nature of Russkiy Mir (literally ‘Russian World’) based on the idea of sobornost. The research is based on the analysis of speeches delivered by President Putin and Patriarch Cyril dedicated to identity issues. The author argues that this official rhetoric is aimed at redefining the place of the Russian Orthodox Church vis-à-vis both Western modernity and domestic secularism within the context of its recovery as an institution after decades of oppression.  相似文献   
东斯拉夫人是斯拉夫人东部分支,公元6世纪时形成,居住在德涅斯特河和第聂泊河之间,北到维斯拉河。8─9世纪时,农业已成为其主要经济部门,但由于各群体之间发展不平衡,它们的生产力水平和社会发展阶段并不相同。9世纪中叶后,瓦兰吉亚人征服了东斯拉夫人,建立了以基辅为中心的国家──基辅罗斯。瓦兰吉亚人很快被东斯拉夫人同化,基辅罗斯仍不失为东斯拉夫人的国家。  相似文献   
左少兴 《云梦学刊》2010,31(5):28-33
俄国德·谢·利哈乔夫院士说:"俄罗斯从来不是东方"("Россияникогда не была Востоком")。古代罗斯,在其历史发展初期(公元9世纪中叶),位于东欧平原一隅;后来(从16-17世纪直到19世纪)她逐渐"东扩",以至"地跨欧亚两洲"。尽管如此,莫斯科公国和俄罗斯帝国在历史上不曾是也不可能是"沟通"东西方文化的"桥梁"。联系东西方文化("中西文化交流")的是欧亚大陆上的"丝绸之路"。因此,所谓俄罗斯人与"东方人"、"东方民族"在"民族性格"、"民族心理"、"思维方式",在"价值观、社会观、人生观等方面"彼此"接近"、"近似"、"相似",甚至"同出一辙"(代替"如出一辙")以及诸如此类说法,纯属牵强附会,不经之谈。  相似文献   
Б.Д格列科夫是苏联时期著名的历史学家,他从古罗斯国家“怎样”建立的问题入手,将“罗斯人”的族属问题暂时搁置,并提出其国家的建立基础源于古罗斯地区农业的发展及成熟,驳斥了以B.O克柳切夫斯基为代表的商业罗斯理论的种种观点。此理论研究上的变化,也为苏联时期历史学界对古罗斯国家起源问题的研究奠定了反诺曼理论的基调,并一直影响至今。  相似文献   
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