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根据电影叙事是否依据一个形式惯例传统,电影理论把电影分为类型电影和非类型电影。事实上,来自于既有惯例的类型经验影响着我们从日常生活到艺术欣赏很多行为中所具有的心理模式,我们的相关态度在很大程度上也以此建立。本文讨论的是在观看类型电影的时候观众的欣赏态度,并将这个态度分为"作为基础的惯例经验"、"欣赏时建构的心理时空"和"态度的娱乐指向"三个部分,从中可以看到三个部分的相互关系和观众欣赏类型电影的心理特征。  相似文献   
本文解释了五个汉译佛经《大藏经》中的词语:消息、宁可、巨细、障石疑、缭戾,并一一加以溯源。  相似文献   
分析了全球定位系统接收机可获取的观测量。给出了载波相位平滑伪码伪距的一个递归算法结构。讨论了平滑算法初值的设定和构造伪距前向预测值,并对各种情况进行了统计分析。文中还给出了平滑算法的性能评估,结论表明载波相位平滑技术可大大改善伪距观测精度。改善程度与该算法中的权重因子和递归时间密切相关  相似文献   
The paper surveys the currently available axiomatizations of common belief (CB) and common knowledge (CK) by means of modal propositional logics. (Throughout, knowledge — whether individual or common — is defined as true belief.) Section 1 introduces the formal method of axiomatization followed by epistemic logicians, especially the syntax-semantics distinction, and the notion of a soundness and completeness theorem. Section 2 explains the syntactical concepts, while briefly discussing their motivations. Two standard semantic constructions, Kripke structures and neighbourhood structures, are introduced in Sections 3 and 4, respectively. It is recalled that Aumann's partitional model of CK is a particular case of a definition in terms of Kripke structures. The paper also restates the well-known fact that Kripke structures can be regarded as particular cases of neighbourhood structures. Section 3 reviews the soundness and completeness theorems proved w.r.t. the former structures by Fagin, Halpern, Moses and Vardi, as well as related results by Lismont. Section 4 reviews the corresponding theorems derived w.r.t. the latter structures by Lismont and Mongin. A general conclusion of the paper is that the axiomatization of CB does not require as strong systems of individual belief as was originally thought — onlymonotonicity has thusfar proved indispensable. Section 5 explains another consequence of general relevance: despite the infinitary nature of CB, the axiom systems of this paper admit of effective decision procedures, i.e., they aredecidable in the logician's sense.  相似文献   
空间关系及其语言表达的认知语言学阐释   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用认知语言学中的空间参照框架理论和图形-背景关系理论探讨空间关系及其语言表达,具有十分重要的意义.空间关系是人对客观事物在空间中的方位、存现或运动状态的能动认知的结果.在空间关系所涉及的三要素中,目的物和参照物是基本的,是人观察和认识的基础,而人则是赋予事物以空间关系的关键.空间关系并不是存在于客观世界的自然之物,而是人类的能动识解使然.人们在识解事物之间的空间关系时,总是以一事物为参照来确定另一事物的空间方位.不同的识解方式和参照点形成了三类空间参照框架:相对参照框架,内在参照框架和绝对参照框架.人们在运用语言表达空间关系时,总是把目的物看做图形,把参照物看做背景,并以后者为参照来确定前者的空间位置.看做图形的目的物具有未知性和凸显性,看做背景的参照物具有已知性和确定性.  相似文献   
四字格结构是最具汉语和汉文化特点的庄重典雅的形式,最符合汉文化中以偶为佳,以四言为正的审美要求。中国古典名著《红楼梦》中四字格俯拾即是,按照社会符号学翻译法,其英译应以语义相符,功能相似为客观依据,尽可能使译文贴切、自然、可读性强。  相似文献   
This experimental study investigated the effect of a leader's expression of happy versus nervous emotions on subsequent perceptions of leadership and ratings of traits associated with implicit leadership theories (ILTs). Being fast and universally understood, emotions are ideal stimuli for investigating the dynamic effects of ILTs, which were understood in this study in terms of the constraints that expressed emotions impose on the connectionist networks that activate ILTs. The experimental design contrasted videotaped and still frame presentations of a leadership event; however, this methodological factor had no significant effects and analyses were thus collapsed across this factor. Key findings were that the expression of a happy versus nervous emotion at the end of a problem-solving sequence had multiple effects: happy emotions resulted in higher leadership ratings, higher trait ratings, greater correlations among trait ratings, and greater dependence of trait ratings on leadership perceptions. An exploratory model suggested that leadership impressions mediated the effects of facial emotions on trait ratings. The discussion further links the study findings with interpretations in terms of ILTs and many types of constraints on these cognitive structures. It also suggests ways to integrate these ideas with advances in neuroscience research.  相似文献   
在胡塞尔的《逻辑研究》中,表述处于对指示的区别与对直观充实的准备这个中介地位上,而其中本质机遇性的表述更有着特殊的性质。为了解释这些特殊性,就需要规定其内在的含义结构与功能关系。而在德里达看来,这反映了胡塞尔的在场形而上学立场。  相似文献   
In this paper, we propose a robust estimation procedure for a class of non‐linear regression models when the covariates are contaminated with Laplace measurement error, aiming at constructing an estimation procedure for the regression parameters which are less affected by the possible outliers, and heavy‐tailed underlying distribution, as well as reducing the bias introduced by the measurement error. Starting with the modal regression procedure developed for the measurement error‐free case, a non‐trivial modification is made so that the modified version can effectively correct the potential bias caused by measurement error. Large sample properties of the proposed estimate, such as the convergence rate and the asymptotic normality, are thoroughly investigated. A simulation study and real data application are conducted to illustrate the satisfying finite sample performance of the proposed estimation procedure.  相似文献   
文章旨在探讨说话人在使用现代汉语语气词表达主观意义时的主体差异。研究表明:表达主观意义的语言手段多种多样,说话人为了实现交际目的需对其进行选择,这种语言选择会受到各种主客观因素和话语功能的影响。文章尝试以语言主观性为理论基础, 建立现代汉语语气词意义主观性的分析模式,然后对《雷雨》中语气词意义主观性的主体差异进行了个案分析。   相似文献   
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