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The positive association between moderate alcohol consumption and wages is well documented in the economic literature. Positive health effects as well as networking mechanisms serve as explanations for the “alcohol–income puzzle.” Using individual-based microdata from the SOEP for 2006, we confirm that this relationship exists for Germany as well. More importantly, we shed light on the alcohol–income puzzle by analyzing, for the first time, the association between beverage-specific drinking behavior and wages. In our analysis, we disentangle the general wage effect of drinking into diverse effects for different types of drinkers. Mincerian estimates reveal significant and positive relationships between wine drinkers and wages as well as between multiple beverage drinkers and wages. When splitting the sample into age groups, the “drinking gain” disappears for employees under the age of 35 and increases in size and significance for higher age groups. We also find a “beer gain” for the oldest age group and male residents of rural areas as well as a “cocktail gain” for residents of urban areas. Several explanations for our empirical results are discussed in view of the likelihood that the alcohol–income puzzle is a multicausal phenomenon.
Markus M. GrabkaEmail:
Research on the social determinants of health in developing countries is increasingly focusing on the importance of gender. Cardiovascular conditions such as hypertension are a growing concern in developing countries, where they are now the leading cause of death. Researchers have documented differences in hypertension between men and women, but the importance of gendered practices in shaping these differences has been left unexamined. Using national data from the India Human Development Survey 2005 (N = 101,593), this study assesses the moderating role of two salient and widespread gendered practices—women’s seclusion and decision-making power—on hypertension disparities between women and men. Both seclusion and low decision-making power are associated with increased odds of hypertension for women, but in the case of seclusion reduced hypertension for men. Results also show the gender gap in hypertension is exacerbated with women’s seclusion and low decision-making power.  相似文献   
This article focuses on a youth participatory action research (YPAR) program called the Social Justice Education Project (SJEP) that fostered young people of color’s critical consciousness. Their critical consciousness emerged through praxis (reflection/action) while focusing on preserving ethnic studies in Tucson, Arizona. Because the SJEP home was in ethnic studies, the youth also struggled to keep their program alive. The Arizona Department of Education claimed the program bred ‘radicals’ who wanted to overthrow the government and therefore lobbied the state legislature to ban K-12 ethnic studies in public schools. In January 2012, the ban went into effect, shutting down ethnic studies classes as well as the SJEP. Young people’s qualitative research on their struggle led to action to save the education that gave them hope for a more equitable and just world. The article addresses the praxis of YPAR, which sparks a thought process leading to the drive to take action. Observing and documenting educational injustices inspire the need to seek radical change of Self and schools. Through the reflection and action facilitated by YPAR, young people of color construct a message about the importance of ethnic studies for individual as well as social transformation.  相似文献   
The expansion of the organic sector in Brazil is seen as a leverage for the social emancipation of the small family farmers. Next to the traditional alternatives circuits of organic food and farming, new powerful capitalistic actors, such as supermarket chains, are rapidly entering the Brazilian organic arena. Can family farming benefit from the development of these “conventional” commercialisation circuits in the organic sector? Research undertaken in 2007, in a green belt rural community of São Paulo, shows how family farmers may have benefited from the implication of large retail chains in the organic sector and how an economically and ecologically outstanding agriculture may arise from these circumstances. However, we highlight the crucial role played by social regulation: only strong solidarity between farmers and the implication of technicians, militants and researchers in the process made it possible to counter the negative effects of the liberal logic governing the development of organic farming via the major retailers. Still, as tougher competition is expected on the regional organic market, the development of short supply chains involving “committed” consumers and the broader integration of the local farmers in networks of organic militancy appear crucial. It would guarantee a continuous enhancement of the local human and social capital, reinforce an emerging process of internal conversion and allow for a stronger social regulation of the future local development pattern.  相似文献   
辽代籍没法考述   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
籍没法是辽代法律中的一项重要制度,在司法实践中占有重要地位。它的适用范围虽然较广,但主要则是谋反、谋叛、谋害重臣等所谓“反逆”之罪。籍没对象不但包括家产奴婢,也包括家属亲属。被籍没者多成为帝王、群臣、将校的私人奴婢,其中斡鲁朵及皇室近侍杂役使用的籍没奴隶最多。为加强管理,籍没奴隶中也设官分职,其管理机构为著帐郎君院和著帐户司。辽代籍没法的上述内容,均表现出了契丹民族所建王朝的民族特色。  相似文献   
渔洋老人为《聊斋志异》的《题词》,揭示了作品的"总体特征"。百年之后,余秋室之佳《序》,有如《题词》之注脚,全面而深刻的阐释、发挥了《题词》的思想,指出了《聊斋志异》何以"厌作人间语"爱听鬼唱时"。而这一点,作为《聊斋志异》的思想与艺术的"总体特征",正体现着文学的"独创性原则"。  相似文献   
自"五四"以降,德性内涵就一直变动不居,传统理性、现代理性、后现代理性交互影响、彼此渗透,直接带来了德性内涵的多种指向与流变。德性内涵渗透到作家主体意识,与其生命体验、审美感悟交相影响、碰撞与呼应,使20世纪中国文学呈现出多种样态,进而制约甚至决定着其发展流变的走向,在婚恋文学中表现尤其如此。  相似文献   
高等农业院校服务社会主义新农村建设的探索与实践   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
建设社会主义新农村是国家提出解决"三农"问题的战略决策。加强社会主义新农村建设,高等农业院校承担着重要的历史任务。高等农业院校该如何在建设社会主义新农村中发挥作用,怎样发挥作用,华南农业大学在这方面做了有益探索。作者详细论述了华南农业大学为社会主义新农村建设服务取得的成效。主要做法包括积极开展各类教育与培训,为"三农"和社会主义新农村建设培养高素质人才;加强科学研究,通过新产品研发和成果转化,为社会主义新农村建设服务提供科技支撑;加强与政府、科研和技术推广机构的合作,加大成果转化与推广力度,全方位服务社会;开创新的推广转化模式,创办《绿色家园》农业科普电视栏目,大力开展科技下乡活动;鼓励毕业生到基层、到西部、到祖国最需要的地方建功立业。  相似文献   
虚拟交易和消费文化——评德莱塞《欲望三部曲》的主题   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
中国学界对美国现代著名作家德莱塞的《美国悲剧》和《嘉莉妹妹》评介甚丰,但对他在长达半个世纪创作的、代表他一生创作思想和哲学思考转变的《欲望三部曲》———《金融家》、《巨人》和《禁欲者》却着墨不多。本文探讨三部曲中表现出来的消费主义主题,剖析作者在这个问题上的矛盾态度,指出他这种态度背后与主流意识形态间的协调和颠覆关系。  相似文献   
民生问题是构建和谐社会的关键,也是政府工作的基本着力点。在前期研究构建的指标体系的基础上,运用拉开档次评价法和逐层序关系分析法对我国31个省市自2006-2012年的民生工程建设状况进行了动态综合评价,并用时序几何平均算子(TOWGA)进行了二次加权得到综合评价的总排名,最后对各地区的排序变化进行归纳、分析。  相似文献   
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