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赵长治 《民族学刊》2019,10(4):92-98, 128
姚莹《康輶纪行》是一部主要记今西藏及川西高原藏区史地及文化、民俗的著作。康藏之行及撰《康輶纪行》时,姚莹参考了《卫藏图识》等几部清代早期西藏地方志,从《卫藏图识》之《图考》上、下,《识略》上、下及《藏语》等卷中摘引了大量资料。姚莹重视《卫藏图识》的资料有迫切希望较深入地多方面了解西藏的原因。《康輶纪行》对《卫藏图识》资料的利用不仅量大,并具有利用其资料十分全面但又有重点等四个特点。姚莹对《卫藏图识》及资料价值的重视,说明《卫藏图识》修纂有特点,内容也显丰富,已是清代西藏地方志的代表性著作之一。  相似文献   
从瑶族石牌律看法律的起源   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
世界既是统一的,又是多样的.瑶族石牌律的产生与人们论述法律和国家的产生有不少共同之处,但又有其独特性.本文研究的目的,就是给人们提供一个距今仅五六百年,既有典型性、系统性,又有清晰发展逻辑的少数民族法律的起源形式,为世人研究法律和国家的起源提供一个去古不远的参考标本.  相似文献   
This article investigates the adoption of Daoist ritual among the Yao peoples in South China and mainland Southeast Asia. The Song Dynasty imperial court patronized new Daoist ritual traditions that harnessed martial deities such as the Thunder Gods. Although these traditions were mostly southern in origin, it is not until the Qing dynasty that we find evidence for their circulation among the Yao. After discussing historical representations of Yao religion from the Song to the Qing dynasty and the specific historical contexts that gave rise to each representation, I conclude by examining how beliefs and practices derived from these same Daoist ritual traditions were active among the Iu Mien in Laos during the Second Indochina War. What is needed is an analysis that links a specific ethnographic or historiographic representation with a broader understanding of local, regional, and even transnational ritual practices in the borderlands of China and Southeast Asia.  相似文献   
The article provides a critical reflection on the practice of photographic salon exhibitions in the 1950s. In South Africa and abroad, there was a resurgence of photographic societies from the early 1950s that encouraged amateur photographers to create images based on a distinct visual grammar, thereby offering them not only an opportunity to display their work but to compete amongst each other. Subsequently, salon exhibitions produced work that would be judged on its pictorial rather than strict representational value thereby depoliticising the exhibition space. On the other hand, this article seeks to place this practice in the realm of racial segregation under apartheid by considering the deployment of the “black subject” in the native rural reserve in Joseph Denfield’s (1911–1967) work. Through a study of his ethnographic photographs which were exhibited internationally in this period as pictorial work, as well as his intellectualisation of his practice as native photography, it argues that the space of the salon allowed him to pose the “native question” pictorially, that is, provided a discourse through which the “native” could be “known” and ordered.  相似文献   
孔育新 《学术界》2012,(1):118-126,285,286
在新世纪,商金林、吴永平、解志熙等人在胡风研究方面做出了很大的成绩,得到了学界的关注.商金林对胡风1927年到1928年胡风编辑《武汉评论》和《策进》史料进行了详细论证,为学界贡献了新的材料,但其认为现代作家日记、书信中的胡风的负面形象更真实,这个观点似有商榷之处;吴永平在《隔膜与猜忌——胡风与姚雪垠的世纪纷争》中挖掘了大量史料,但其关于胡风文艺思想是“党的文学”的观点并不全然合理,且论述过程也有诸多不尽人意之处;解志熙认为胡风主张启蒙优先甚至启蒙优胜论的观点也与事实有一定的出入.总之,上述诸人在为胡风研究做出重要贡献的同时,也存在着诸般可供商榷的地方.  相似文献   
中共三代领导人——毛泽东、邓小平、江泽民面对经济文化如此落后、发展又不平衡的东方大国如何建设先进的有中国特色的社会主义文化这一历史课题 ,在中国民主革命和社会主义建设的不同历史时期 ,把马克思主义文化观与中国国情和不断变化的时代特征相结合 ,创造性地提出了民族的科学的大众的新文化、社会主义精神文明、有中国特色的社会主义文化 ,形成了一脉相承、各具特色的文化思想 ,丰富和发展了马克思主义的文化观 ,促进和繁荣了我国的文化事业  相似文献   
作为一名执著于书写官场生态的作家,肖仁福从剖析官场深层文化结构着笔,聚焦人性深处奴役与反奴役、人性与反人性的纠缠,对官场中人的希望与绝望、高洁与卑劣进行了逼真的描摹和深刻的揭示。与此同时,肖仁福小说通过对官场的权力崇拜意识、圈子意识以及权力异化现象的审视和反思,敏锐地体察到了中国社会发展的精神脉象,呈现出官场文化生态的某种制度性缺失及其实现现代化转型的艰难与可能。  相似文献   
以人文精神为切入视角,从思想观念、价值标准和道德情操三方面剖析毕淑敏都市小说创作中人的价值观念变化,从而解读毕淑敏关注个体生命价值、开拓人性文化中人文关怀新局面的责任感和使命感。  相似文献   
本文从汉字字体演变的四个阶段说、假借的转声托事与转注、汉字发展的三个阶段说、汉字是指义标音文字说四个方面评述肖甫春的《汉字学论稿》,认为该书以转声托事为津粱,成功地解决了转注问题,把造字法与汉字历史发展统一在一起,得出对汉字性质新的认识,这是一种汉字学基础理论的创新与突破。  相似文献   
李新宇 《晋阳学刊》2008,(1):119-122
元代祝尧的《古赋辨体》是赋学研究中值得关注的一个重点,祝尧有感于前代辞赋创作“情感缺失”的弊端,提出了“以情为主”的赋学思想。在此基础上,他并不偏废“理”的作用,而是强调“以理辅情”并达到“情理兼胜”。而且,他也顾及到辞赋作品的文学性,系统辨析“情”、“理”、“辞”三者的关系。可以说,这是对辞赋“情感”理论的一次总结,并成为元、明、清三代讨论最多的赋学理论问题之一。  相似文献   
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