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The Women Scientists' High-level Forum, organized by the Women Scientific and Technological Workers Committee, under the China Association for Science and Technology (CAST), the China Women Scientific and Technological Workers Association, and the Yunnan Women's Federation, was held on May 23, 2014, in Kunming, capital of Southwest China's Yunnan Province. The forum was part of CAST's 16th annual meeting. 相似文献
骆睿莉 《中国妇女(英文版)》2014,(8):60-60
Mentorship is crucial to career growth; in addition to benefiting both those who mentor and those who are mentored (mentees), mentorship helps organizations retain talent, maintain employee engagement and improve business acumen. Given the importance of this topic, I'd like to use my next few columns to share some critical information. In this edition, I will focus on being a mentee, and how one can best take advantage of mentorship opportunities to foster his/her growth and development. 相似文献
张媛 《中国妇女(英文版)》2014,(8):72-73
太平街不长,全长还不到四百米,但却是长沙现存保留原有街巷格局最为完整的一条老街。在这里,你能感受到历史沉淀下来的古老韵味,也能捕捉到新时代的文艺气息。 相似文献
周马 《中国妇女(英文版)》2014,(8):82-83
Twenty years after her horrific public breakdown, during which she left her understudy's face permanently disfigured, actress Xiao Yanqiu returned to the stage to reprise her renowned role as Chang'e, the legendary woman who drank the elixir of immortality, which transformed her into the beautiful, yet eternally lonely, Moon Goddess. Determined not to let anything, or anyone (including herself) stand in the way, Xiao proved that she would do whatever it would take to once again shine as the brightest star in Peking Opera. 相似文献
The “special group” for protecting women and children's rights and interests, and for building peaceful families, in North China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region held, in Hohhot (capital of the region) on July 7, a working conference on promoting the group's member units' roles in protecting women and children's rights and interests, and in building peaceful families. 相似文献
10月是万物成熟的金色收获季,也是女性养生的关键季节。女人秋无燥,来年更美丽。当你发现自己皮肤干燥、暗哑无光时,不要简单认为这是皮肤缺乏保养的缘故,事实上恢复美丽皮肤的关键在于秋季养肺润燥。 相似文献
Employees of the Shaanxi (in Northwest China) Women's Federation and lawyers with Yongjiaxin Law Firm on September 1 established the Shaanxi Women and Children's Rights-protection Center. It is based in the law firm's offices. The federation entrusted women volunteers from the law firm to receive calls from ACWF's hotline, 010-12338, and to provide advice to women on how they can protect their legalrights and interests. 相似文献
在昆明王家桥社区的3万人口中,流动人口对本地人口的本例高达8:1。2005年12月,旨在服务社区流动儿童、妇女和他们的家庭,帮助特困老人、残疾人等其它社会弱势群体的连心社区,正式注册为非营利性民间社会服务机构。连心社区的创始人、理事长向荣说:“最初成立连心社区时,我和几位大学老师曾探讨要为什么样的人群提供社会关爱服务。我想,最重要的还是从儿童开始,特别是流动儿童和妇女,他们需要更多的社会力量支持。” 相似文献
叶珊 《中国妇女(英文版)》2014,(11):50-51
迷人的金发,高挑的身材,已是四个孩子母亲的她是位马术爱好者,更拥有一个美丽的中国名字——柯黛兰。2013年9月,丈夫柯慕贤出任德国驻华大使,柯黛兰也因此第一次以外交官家属的身份定居中国。回想过去的一年多,柯黛兰感慨地说:“恰恰是因为带着一颗好奇心而来,在中国的经历才变得格外有意义。” 相似文献
A team from the Committee for Internal and Judicial Affairs (CIJA), under the Gansu Provincial People's Congress, visited Dingxi and Baiyin (cities in Gansu Province) on September 16, to monitor the cities' implementation of the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Women's Rights and Interests. The team was headed by Wang Lan, Deputy Director of the Office of C1JA. Officials fiom Gansu Women's Federation accompanied the team. 相似文献