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自传长期以来地位难定,它属历史还是文学?是写实还是可以虚构?对这些问题理论界争论不休,莫衷一是。对后现代派理论家来说,自传不是一个分割的体裁,自传与虚构、历史与文学之间的界线变得模糊不清了。德国文学巨匠、诺贝尔文学奖获得者君特·格拉斯的自传作品《剥洋葱》是后现代派语境中一个典型例子。这部自传是文学还是历史?是虚构还是事实?文本具有哪些后现代自传的特征?论文通过剖析文本试图对这些问题予以解答。  相似文献   
本文在分析移动多媒体市场发展现状和特征以及归纳总结国内外移动多媒体业务种类,移动多媒体业务的关键技术及标准的基础上,介绍了AVS-M标准的主要内容和特点。AVS-M是我国拥有自主知识产权、面向新一代移动通信的音视频编码推荐标准。最后,作者对AVS-M标准的制订提出了几点建议。  相似文献   
美国学者菲利普·G·阿特巴赫(Philip· G·Altbach)基于依附理论体系创建形成的教育依附理论,以“中心”与“边缘”作为逻辑基点,研究了当今世界高等教育格局中西方工业国家与第三世界国家之间“控制”和“被控制”关系及成因。在这一理论视域下审视和反思中国特色世界一流大学建设,不但要求我们在建设过程中警惕学术殖民主义的侵蚀、学术自我殖民倾向的泛滥以及民族文化认同感的丧失,更需要我们冲破依附发展的桎梏,努力实现从“文化趋附”到“文化自立”的转变、从“模式效仿”到“模式立新”的转变、从“学术依随”到“学术引领”的转变、从“西方标准”到“中国标准”的转变,由此推进中国高等教育由依附发展迈向自主发展、创新发展和引领发展,实现建设高等教育强国的战略目标。  相似文献   
基于互联网连接的媒体平台,正在成为各类原生数据的源发地和汇聚中心,对大数据进行整合及应用的能力,将成为未来媒体平台运营的核心能力。建构在互联网平台之上的主流媒体必然要经历从信息总汇向数据总汇的转变,在这一过程中,媒体的业态、社会功能都将发生重大变化。伴随全媒体时代信息技术的快速发展,新闻传播呈现出新的特点和规律:传播主体大众化;传播容量海量化;传播方式交互化;传播手段多维化;传播时效全时化。在这样的背景下,主流媒体应不断进行数据化的探索和创新,基于5G网络,通过大数据技术运用,强化数据库建设,以此为基础,运用基于大数据的人工智能技术改变内容生产和分发方式,并以之作为内容监管的有力武器。未来基于大数据分析的综合业务推动自身产业结构优化。  相似文献   
理解是社会科学特有的一种方法;它强调自然实在与社会实在之间的本质区别。这种方法向传统的科学观所崇尚的感觉至高地位、认知必须从感觉出发、用自然科学的理想模式建构社会科学等观点提出了严重挑战。社会心理学大师米德与现象学社会学创始人舒茨都曾对理解的方法做过精辟独到的论述。文章的主要内容就是要从理解的不同方面:理解的对象——行动、理解的内容——意义以及理解的方式——主体间性等对米德与舒茨进行一次简要的比较;也试图就此理清米德的思想是如何、以及在何种程度上影响了舒茨的。  相似文献   
移动互联网商业模式探讨   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
随着互联网技术与移动通信技术的不断发展和融合,以及人们手持移动终端设备(如手机、PDA、MID等)的大量普及,移动互联网的应用已经是大势所趋。移动互联网给电信业带来新的发展机会,也为移动增值业务创造了全新的商业运作模式,即“终端+服务”一体化商业模式、“软件服务化”商业模式、广告商业模式、电信与广电双网运营商业模式、FON类商业模式、传统移动增值商业模式等六类。  相似文献   
We investigate how to combine marginal assessments about the values that random variables assume separately into a model for the values that they assume jointly, when (i) these marginal assessments are modelled by means of coherent lower previsions and (ii) we have the additional assumption that the random variables are forward epistemically irrelevant to each other. We consider and provide arguments for two possible combinations, namely the forward irrelevant natural extension and the forward irrelevant product, and we study the relationships between them. Our treatment also uncovers an interesting connection between the behavioural theory of coherent lower previsions, and Shafer and Vovk's game-theoretic approach to probability theory.  相似文献   
In this paper, we consider finite populations and investigate their characterizations by regressions of order statistics under sampling without replacement. We also investigate some asymptotic results when the size of the population goes to infinity.  相似文献   
We consider here a generalization of the skew-normal distribution, GSN(λ1,λ2,ρ), defined through a standard bivariate normal distribution with correlation ρ, which is a special case of the unified multivariate skew-normal distribution studied recently by Arellano-Valle and Azzalini [2006. On the unification of families of skew-normal distributions. Scand. J. Statist. 33, 561–574]. We then present some simple and useful properties of this distribution and also derive its moment generating function in an explicit form. Next, we show that distributions of order statistics from the trivariate normal distribution are mixtures of these generalized skew-normal distributions; thence, using the established properties of the generalized skew-normal distribution, we derive the moment generating functions of order statistics, and also present expressions for means and variances of these order statistics.Next, we introduce a generalized skew-tν distribution, which is a special case of the unified multivariate skew-elliptical distribution presented by Arellano-Valle and Azzalini [2006. On the unification of families of skew-normal distributions. Scand. J. Statist. 33, 561–574] and is in fact a three-parameter generalization of Azzalini and Capitanio's [2003. Distributions generated by perturbation of symmetry with emphasis on a multivariate skew t distribution. J. Roy. Statist. Soc. Ser. B 65, 367–389] univariate skew-tν form. We then use the relationship between the generalized skew-normal and skew-tν distributions to discuss some properties of generalized skew-tν as well as distributions of order statistics from bivariate and trivariate tν distributions. We show that these distributions of order statistics are indeed mixtures of generalized skew-tν distributions, and then use this property to derive explicit expressions for means and variances of these order statistics.  相似文献   
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