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It is of essential importance that researchers have access to linked employer–employee data, but such data sets are rarely available for researchers or the public. Even in case that survey data have been made available, the evaluation of estimation methods is usually done by complex design-based simulation studies. For this aim, data on population level are needed to know the true parameters that are compared with the estimations derived from complex samples. These samples are usually drawn from the population under various sampling designs, missing values and outlier scenarios. The structural earnings statistics sample survey proposes accurate and harmonized data on the level and structure of remuneration of employees, their individual characteristics and the enterprise or place of employment to which they belong in EU member states and candidate countries. At the basis of this data set, we show how to simulate a synthetic close-to-reality population representing the employer and employee structure of Austria. The proposed simulation is based on work of A. Alfons, S. Kraft, M. Templ, and P. Filzmoser [{\em On the simulation of complex universes in the case of applying the German microcensus}, DACSEIS research paper series No. 4, University of Tübingen, 2003] and R. Münnich and J. Schürle [{\em Simulation of close-to-reality population data for household surveys with application to EU-SILC}, Statistical Methods & Applications 20(3) (2011c), pp. 383–407]. However, new challenges are related to consider the special structure of employer–employee data and the complexity induced with the underlying two-stage design of the survey. By using quality measures in form of simple summary statistics, benchmarking indicators and visualizations, the simulated population is analysed and evaluated. An accompanying study on literature has been made to select the most important benchmarking indicators.  相似文献   
以数学建模竞赛活动为平台培养大学生的科研能力   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
提出了如何利用数学建模竞赛活动培养大学生四个方面的科研能力,即搜索和整理资料的能力、运用计算机解决问题的能力、创新能力和论文撰写能力。通过对学生这四个方面的科研能力的培养,提高学生的科学素质。  相似文献   
We examine the challenges of governance facing organizations that pursue a social mission through the use of market mechanisms. These hybrid organizations, often referred to as social enterprises, combine aspects of both charity and business at their core. In this paper we distinguish between two ideal types of such hybrids, differentiated and integrated, and we conceptualize two key challenges of governance they face: accountability for dual performance objectives and accountability to multiple principal stakeholders. We revisit the potential and limitations of recently introduced legal forms to address these challenges. We then theorize about the importance of organizational governance and the role of governing boards in particular, in prioritizing and aligning potentially conflicting objectives and interests in order to avoid mission drift and to maintain organizational hybridity in social enterprises. Finally, we discuss future research directions and the implications of this work for rethinking traditional categories of organizations, namely business and charity.  相似文献   
The use of thimerosal preservative in childhood vaccines has been largely eliminated over the past decade in the United States because vaccines have been reformulated in single‐dose vials that do not require preservative. An exception is the inactivated influenza vaccines, which are formulated in both multidose vials requiring preservative and preservative‐free single‐dose vials. As part of an ongoing evaluation by USFDA of the safety of biologics throughout their lifecycle, the infant body burden of mercury following scheduled exposures to thimerosal preservative in inactivated influenza vaccines in the United States was estimated and compared to the infant body burden of mercury following daily exposures to dietary methylmercury at the reference dose established by the USEPA. Body burdens were estimated using kinetic parameters derived from experiments conducted in infant monkeys that were exposed episodically to thimerosal or MeHg at identical doses. We found that the body burden of mercury (AUC) in infants (including low birth weight) over the first 4.5 years of life following yearly exposures to thimerosal was two orders of magnitude lower than that estimated for exposures to the lowest regulatory threshold for MeHg over the same time period. In addition, peak body burdens of mercury following episodic exposures to thimerosal in this worst‐case analysis did not exceed the corresponding safe body burden of mercury from methylmercury at any time, even for low‐birth‐weight infants. Our pharmacokinetic analysis supports the acknowledged safety of thimerosal when used as a preservative at current levels in certain multidose infant vaccines in the United States.  相似文献   
Several colorectal cancer (CRC) screening models have been developed describing the progression of adenomas to CRC. Currently, there is increasing evidence that serrated lesions can also develop into CRC. It is not clear whether screening tests have the same test characteristics for serrated lesions as for adenomas, but lower sensitivities have been suggested. Models that ignore this type of colorectal lesions may provide overly optimistic predictions of the screen‐induced reduction in CRC incidence. To address this issue, we have developed the Adenoma and Serrated pathway to Colorectal CAncer (ASCCA) model that includes the adenoma‐carcinoma pathway and the serrated pathway to CRC as well as characteristics of colorectal lesions. The model structure and the calibration procedure are described in detail. Calibration resulted in 19 parameter sets for the adenoma‐carcinoma pathway and 13 for the serrated pathway that match the age‐ and sex‐specific adenoma and serrated lesion prevalence in the COlonoscopy versus COlonography Screening (COCOS) trial, Dutch CRC incidence and mortality rates, and a number of other intermediate outcomes concerning characteristics of colorectal lesions. As an example, we simulated outcomes for a biennial fecal immunochemical test screening program and a hypothetical one‐time colonoscopy screening program. Inclusion of the serrated pathway influenced the predicted effectiveness of screening when serrated lesions are associated with lower screening test sensitivity or when they are not removed. To our knowledge, this is the first model that explicitly includes the serrated pathway and characteristics of colorectal lesions. It is suitable for the evaluation of the (cost)effectiveness of potential screening strategies for CRC.  相似文献   
This article presents a framework for economic consequence analysis of terrorism countermeasures. It specifies major categories of direct and indirect costs, benefits, spillover effects, and transfer payments that must be estimated in a comprehensive assessment. It develops a spreadsheet tool for data collection, storage, and refinement, as well as estimation of the various components of the necessary economic accounts. It also illustrates the usefulness of the framework in the first assessment of the tradeoffs between enhanced security and changes in commercial activity in an urban area, with explicit attention to the role of spillover effects. The article also contributes a practical user interface to the model for emergency managers.  相似文献   
Integrating retail decisions on such aspects as assortment, pricing, and inventory greatly improves profitability. We examine a multi-period selling horizon where a retailer jointly optimizes assortment planning, pricing, and inventory decisions for a product line of substitutable products, in a market with multiple customer segments. Focusing on fast-moving retail products, the problem is modeled as a mixed-integer nonlinear program where demand is driven by exogenous consumer reservation prices and endogenous assortment and pricing decisions. A mixed-integer linear reformulation is developed, which enables an exact solution to large problem instances (with up to a hundred products) in manageable times. Empirical evidence is provided in support of a classical deterministic maximum-surplus consumer choice model. Computational results and managerial insights are discussed. We find that the optimal assortment and pricing decisions do not exhibit a simple, intuitive structure that could be analytically characterized, which reflects the usefulness of optimization approaches to numerically identify attractive trade-offs for the decision-maker. We also observe that suboptimal inventory policies significantly decrease profitability, which highlights the importance of integrated decision-making. Finally, we find that the seasonality of consumer preferences and supply costs present an opportunity for boosting the profit via higher inventory levels and wider assortments.  相似文献   
The main goal of this study was to examine the direct and moderating effects of trustworthiness and modeling on adolescent siblings' adjustment. Data were collected from 438 families including a mother, a younger sibling in fifth, sixth, or seventh grade (M = 11.6 years), and an older sibling (M = 14.3 years). Respondents completed Web‐based surveys describing sibling conflict and warmth. Siblings reported on trustworthiness and modeling, and mothers described adjustment. Sibling conflict was directly associated with internalizing and externalizing behaviors for both siblings. The older siblings' reports of trustworthiness were directly associated with the outcome measures. The younger siblings' reports of trustworthiness were less directly associated, but a possible salutary effect was most evident under the highest levels of sibling conflict or warmth. Higher sibling modeling was a risk factor for adjustment problems in relations characterized by high conflict. Results support exploring trustworthiness as a key dimension of sibling relations.  相似文献   
Aggressive behavior has been well studied in terms of interindividual differences among aggressors and victims, but has been understudied, especially within naturalistic contexts, in terms of aggressor–victim relationships. The social relations model (SRM) is a powerful conceptual and analytic tool for studying dyadic phenomena, and we describe the use of multivariate SRM to study aggression. Boys and girls (N = 210) in middle schools (sixth and seventh grades) completed a newly created dyadic aggression and victimization inventory (DAVI). Results support the reliability and validity of the DAVI in assessing inter‐individual and inter‐dyadic differences in aggression and victimization. Occurrences of aggression were accounted for primarily by inter‐dyadic variability, indicating the importance of considering aggressor–victim relationships. We discuss the implications of this relationship focus for future research and intervention efforts.  相似文献   
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