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To effectively manage planned change and understand differences in leaders’ and recipients’ responses to it, it is essential to understand how change is cognitively represented by organization members. In this theory-development article, we draw upon construal-level theory (CLT) and conceptually explore the role of change construal level in explaining responses to organizational change. We discuss differences between change leaders’ and recipients’ change construals, and differences in the relationships between change construal level and the response to change as a function of the change activities taking place. Specifically, we argue that high-level (i.e., abstract) construals of change will facilitate the effective initiation of change when the focus is on equilibrium-breaking activities, and that low-level (i.e., concrete) construals will facilitate the effective implementation of change when the focus is on institutionalization of the change. We further propose that leaders’ engagement in visionary leadership increases the likelihood that their generally higher level construal of change will be integrated into recipients’ change construals, elaborating and elevating them, and that recipients’ engagement in upward prohibitive voice behaviors will increase the likelihood that their generally lower construal of change will be integrated into leaders’ change construals, elaborating and concretizing them. We discuss theoretical and practical implications of our framework.  相似文献   
本文主要基于信号博弈的卖方欺诈行为进行研究,假设拍卖中可能存在欺诈型和诚实型两种卖家,其中欺诈行为有概率发生在第二价格拍卖中:欺诈型卖方冒充竞拍者递交仅次于最高价的报价从而获得额外收益。两种卖家根据各自效用选择拍卖形式:第一价格或者第二价格。而竞买者将卖者的选择作为信号,更新对卖方类型的判断,然后制定报价策略。这是一个买卖方信号交叉影响的过程。考虑到拍卖过程中买方价值相关性,本文在建立模型中参考了关联价值原理。针对该模型进行分析,得出了不同情况下的买卖方策略,并且研究了买方报价、买方判断、卖方收益三者之间的关系。文中利用贝叶斯公式对双方的策略选择问题进行预测,与单纯的概率分布方法相比,更具实践价值。  相似文献   
随着我国生态文明建设的不断推进,促进供应链协同减排成为生产和消费领域落实绿色发展理念的重要举措。在绿色供应链的管理实践中,不同类型的供应链核心企业在进行减排决策时会有不同的侧重点,因此供应链权力的结构成为影响供应链减排水平的关键因素。本文在一个由两个制造商和一个零售商组成的两级供应链中研究了不同权力结构下的供应链最优减排和定价决策问题,分别给出了零售商主导和制造商主导的Stackelberg-Nash博弈均衡解,并分析了产品的单位生产成本、单位批发价格、碳税税率等参数对供应链最优决策的影响。本文的研究结果表明:(1)在两种供应链权力结构下,当产品的单位批发价格固定时,降低产品的生产成本都可以促使制造商提高减排水平;但是当产品的单位生产成本固定时,提高产品的批发价格却不一定总是能够激励制造商提高减排水平;(2)在两种供应链权力结构下,对于低排放行业的制造商来说,提高碳税税率可以增加产品的减排水平,但是对于高排放行业的制造商来说,提高碳税税率反而会降低产品的减排水平;(3)一般来说,零售商占主导地位的供应链中产品减排水平和供应链总利润相对较高,供应链碳排放总量相对较低。最后,与供应链集中决策模式相比,随着产品批发价格的增加,两种分散决策模式下的供应链双重边际效应逐渐增强。数值实验结果显示:在碳税税率的一定取值范围内,这种双重边际效应会使得两种分散决策模式下的产品最优减排水平和供应链碳排放总量均优于集中决策模式。本文的研究可为碳税政策下供应链的协同减排提供有益的管理启示。  相似文献   
构建由政府、企业和消费者组成的绿色技术创新系统演化博弈模型,分析了不同情形下参与主体策略选择对系统均衡策略影响的演化过程,并借助系统动力学实验方法进行了实验模拟论证。研究发现:(1)在绿色技术创新演化博弈系统所有可能的均衡策略中,只存在三个稳定的均衡策略,其中,绿色产品消费的经济收益和绿色技术创新品牌收益是驱动博弈系统向不同稳定均衡策略演进的重要动力。(2)企业绿色技术创新品牌收益和消费者绿色产品消费的经济收益是影响博弈演化系统最终向不同稳定均衡策略演进的主要因素。(3)在均衡状态(1,1,1)和均衡状态(1,0,0)下,通过促进消费者采取购买绿色产品策略对绿色技术创新系统的影响更为显著;在均衡状态(1,1,0)下,促进消费者采取购买绿色产品策略对绿色技术创新系统的影响更为显著,而提高市场规制强度和企业绿色技术创新意愿的影响效果较为微弱。  相似文献   
针对消费者对转换成本和价格属性具有显著性偏好的实际情况,基于显著性理论对垄断双边平台企业的转换成本和定价策略问题进行了研究。研究发现:1)在显著性偏好非对称型市场上,对价格敏感的一方收取的价格最低,对高转换成本的一方收取的价格最高,而在显著性偏好对称型市场上,平台的最优价格位于非对称型市场之间,但是对价格敏感型市场收取的价格低于转换成本敏感型市场的价格。2)在高转换成本的市场,平台利润最低;低转换成本市场平台利润最高,而混合型情况的最优利润位于这两者之间。该研究结论说明平台企业应该采取措施来降低用户加入平台的转换成本,从而增加利润,这与现实的案例研究结论相吻合。  相似文献   
Soldiers operate under conditions of extreme uncertainty and danger, in which sensemaking is both crucial and challenging. A grounded theory analysis of four epic war novels by veterans (Tolstoy, Remarque, Heller, O’Brien) provides insights into soldiers' sensemaking in combat. The findings are of theoretical and methodological relevance. Theoretically, this article contributes to sensemaking theory by identifying alternative sensemaking pathways besides the traditional enactment-selection-retention model. Additionally, while existing literature suggests that sensemaking failures result in organizational breakdown, this study shows that personnel may continue to do their work in the (fictional) belief that other organizational members can still make sense of the situation. Finally, methodologically, this article introduces grounded theory as a systematic approach to analyzing novels in contrast to current heterogeneous uses of literary fiction in organization and management studies.  相似文献   
本文通过构建“一对多”和“多对多”讨价还价博弈模型,研究了售电侧改革前后,发电商和售电公司之间关于消费者剩余分配的博弈过程。具体来说,文章从售电侧改革带来的博弈主体与博弈机制变化角度,揭示了售电侧改革对用户电价红利的影响。研究发现:售电侧放开后,电力市场交易机制由“一对多”竞价上网变为“多对多”讨价还价匹配,造成了售电侧博弈主体的议价能力下降,发电侧博弈主体相对议价能力上升。发电商群体将索取更多的消费者剩余,从而推动发电侧整体报价的上涨,挤压了售电侧的利润空间,导致售电公司被迫抬高市场电价,最终剥夺了用户的电价红利。研究揭示了售电侧改革未能带来电价下降的根本原因。  相似文献   
The presence of strategic attackers has become an important factor in the security and protection of systems, especially since the 9/11/2001 attacks, and considerable efforts have been dedicated to its study. When defending against the strategic attacker, many existing studies assume that the attacker would seek to minimize the defender's utility, which implies that the defender and attacker have symmetric utilities. However, the attacker's objective is determined by its own valuation of the system and target of the attack, which is not necessarily consistent with the defender's utility. If the attacker unexpectedly targets a different utility, then the defense strategy might no longer be optimal. In particular, the defense strategy could be inferior if the attacker's utility is not known to the defender. This study considers a situation where the defender's utility is the system survivability and the attacker's utility is the expected number of destroyed elements in the system. We investigate possible attack strategies under these two different utilities and compare (a) the conservative defense strategy when the attack utility is unknown to the defender with (b) the optimal defense strategy when the attack utility is known to the defender. We show that the conservative protection strategy is still optimal under asymmetric utilities when the contest intensity is smaller than one.  相似文献   
We study interdependent risks in security, and shed light on the economic and policy implications of increasing security interdependence in presence of reactive attackers. We investigate the impact of potential public policy arrangements on the security of a group of interdependent organizations, namely, airports. Focusing on security expenditures and costs to society, as assessed by a social planner, to individual airports and to attackers, we first develop a game-theoretic framework, and derive explicit Nash equilibrium and socially optimal solutions in the airports network. We then conduct numerical experiments mirroring real-world cyber scenarios, to assess how a change in interdependence impact the airports' security expenditures, the overall expected costs to society, and the fairness of security financing. Our study provides insights on the economic and policy implications for the United States, Europe, and Asia.  相似文献   
This article proves that all complete preference structures where the strict preference relation (P) has no circuit admit a representation by intervals of the real line; the rule for deciding whether an interval is indifferent or preferred to another is less straightforward than for interval orders: strict preference is indeed compatible with a certain degree of overlapping of intervals, the allowed degree being specified by means of a so-called tolerance function.  相似文献   
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