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建设有中国特色的社会主义理论是对毛泽东思想的坚持和发展,既要看到它们的联系,又要看到邓小平的独特理论创造.建设有中国特色的祉会主义理论是当代中国的马克思主义。  相似文献   
French mothers are still more often economically active than their German counterparts and birth rates in France remain higher than in West Germany. By comparing two countries with many similarities in their family policies, I try to demonstrate that the differences between state policies per se should not be overestimated in explaining the persistent gap in their fertility level. As far as women's attitudes towards child care outside of the home are concerned, there is a strong divide between France and West Germany. In the Old Länder in Germany there is some congruence between attitudes and beliefs towards child care and the shortage of child care provision, especially for toddlers. As a product of the interaction between shortage of child care provision, women's attitudes regarding child care and mothers' low labour force participation rate, German family policy reinforces these attitudes. Conversely, there is slow impetus for policy makers to really develop a comprehensive public child care system. Against this cultural and institutional background, an increasing number of women give priority to their job or to their career. In France, by contrast, norms in respect of education of toddlers and young children have evolved in tandem with the change in attitudes of women towards employment. A majority of French women feel legitimised to be in employment on a full-time basis and to have their children cared for outside the home. Their attitudes are in tune with the premises of family policy which has integrated the model of 'the employed mother'. Les Francaises continuent àavoir plus d'enfants que les Allemandes de l'Ouest alors que les différences entre les taux d'activité des mères se sont progressivement atténuées. La proportion de femmes qui n'ont pas d'enfants, en particulier, est beaucoup plus importante en Allemagne de l'Ouest. En comparant deux pays dont les politiques sociales et familiales présentent des similarités, on se propose d'aller au delà des explications les plus couramment admises. En France, contrairement à l'Allemagne de l'Ouest, les normes régissant l'éducation des jeunes enfants ont évolué en phase avec les changements qui ont affectéles comportements des femmes sur le marché du travail. Il est devenu légitime socialement pour les Francaises de travailler à plein temps tout en faisant garder son enfant à l'extérieur du domicile. Les Allemandes de l'Ouest, par contre, intériorisent toujours fortement la norme selon laquelle l'éducation d'un jeune enfant nécessite la présence permanente de sa mère. Mais de plus en plus éduquées, elles sont amenées à accorder la priorité à leur maintien dans l'emploi et à renoncer à la maternité. Pour mieux comprendre les différences de fácondité entre les deux pays, il semble donc fructueux de se focaliser sur les interactions à l'aeuvre entre leurs politiques familiales, les valeurs auxquelles adhèrent la majorité des couples concernant l'éducation des jeunes enfants et les attitudes des femmes face au travail rémunéré.  相似文献   
Annual concentrations of toxic air contaminants are of primary concern from the perspective of chronic human exposure assessment and risk analysis. Despite recent advances in air quality monitoring technology, resource and technical constraints often impose limitations on the availability of a sufficient number of ambient concentration measurements for performing environmental risk analysis. Therefore, sample size limitations, representativeness of data, and uncertainties in the estimated annual mean concentration must be examined before performing quantitative risk analysis. In this paper, we discuss several factors that need to be considered in designing field-sampling programs for toxic air contaminants and in verifying compliance with environmental regulations. Specifically, we examine the behavior of SO2, TSP, and CO data as surrogates for toxic air contaminants and as examples of point source, area source, and line source-dominated pollutants, respectively, from the standpoint of sampling design. We demonstrate the use of bootstrap resampling method and normal theory in estimating the annual mean concentration and its 95% confidence bounds from limited sampling data, and illustrate the application of operating characteristic (OC) curves to determine optimum sample size and other sampling strategies. We also outline a statistical procedure, based on a one-sided t-test, that utilizes the sampled concentration data for evaluating whether a sampling site is compliance with relevant ambient guideline concentrations for toxic air contaminants.  相似文献   
在师范教育转型的过程中,师范院校应转变传统的人才培养观念。针对基础教育课程改革,积极进行教师教育职前培养模式创新探索,培养具有综合的学科知识和专业化教育水平的新型教师,适应基础教育课程改革的需要。  相似文献   
试论清代两湖地区书院的刻书业及其兴盛原因   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
历代书院刻印的图书,在版本学上称为"书院本"。其版本价值较高,历来倍受文士学者重视。清代两湖地区的书院兴盛且日益官学化,书院刻书业比较发达,留下大量作品。究其原因,主要包括社会、政治、经济、文化和学术五个方面。  相似文献   
The primary purpose of this study is to typify the respondent strategies of the OECD countries based on the interconnected structure of income and employment guarantees. More specifically, this article seeks to typify welfare policies into four types (welfare-to-work, welfare emphasis, labour emphasis, market emphasis) based on the leniency of the pension system and active state intervention in employment security. With the resultant four types, this article then places them as the dependent variable while incorporating per capita GDP, aged dependency ratio, pension maturity level, union density, constitutional structure index and degree of decommodification as causal variables. Through this process, this article aims to derive the decisive variable for each type through qualitative comparative analysis.  相似文献   
民族自治地方农村养老工作与构建社会主义和谐社会、社会主义新农村建设、“三农”问题等紧密相关,养老工作能否解决好直接影响到农村的社会稳定、社会的和谐发展和“三农”问题的解决。民族自治地方农村经济相对落后、经济发展不平衡、人口分布不均衡、农村老年人口日益增多、农民工大量外出等现实,给传统养老方式带来了历史性的冲击。这要求建立具有时代特色和地方特色的养老方式。本文在进行充分的实地调查、分析黔东南苗族侗族自治州锦屏县农村现行的养老方式现状、养老方式存在问题的基础上,结合当地实际情况和借鉴其他地方的成功养老方式,提出具体可行的对策。  相似文献   
长三角近海海洋环境管理立法研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
崔凤  赵晶晶 《东方论坛》2008,(1):106-111
长江三角洲经济区海洋经济发展势头强劲,但同时其近海也饱受海水水质恶化、赤潮灾害频发、海洋生态非健康等环境问题的困扰。长三角近海环境问题的解决需要一种特殊的环境管理方式,即区域海洋环境管理,这是海洋环境管理理论不断发展创新的成果,可以起到解决自然区域与行政区划之间的矛盾、协调多方利益和中观管理的有益补充作用。本文拟探讨通过贯彻区域海洋环境管理理念,创设适用于长三角毗邻海域的、针对海洋环境管理的区域性法律文件,来治理与维护这一海洋区域的环境,从而为其海洋经济发展创造有利条件,提供良好的环境依托,使发展走上可持续的道路。  相似文献   
为了创造性地贯彻《马克思主义基本原理概论》新教材的精神,课程组制定了“共性中创个性”的教学战略,在坚持共性、弘扬共性的基础上创造个性化教学特色,创造出了“坚持集体备课,鼓励多样化教学”的教学模式。  相似文献   
约翰·福尔斯的小说《魔法师》和《法国中尉的女人》在结构上模仿了莎士比亚《暴风雨》的“剧中剧”设置。这种设置给小说中的人物提供了一个“寻找自我”的舞台,福尔斯借此探索了人的自我本质以及个体自由,表达了存在主义人文关怀的创作思想。  相似文献   
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