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Diaspora studies have grown in importance in the modern world as world travel and relocation have become more feasible; as the numbers of persecuted peoples and those seeking exile or new beginnings in new lands has increased; as globalization has created new classes of diaspora movement based on economic motivations; and as technology and modern communication has linked people worldwide and made virtual diasporas and identities readily possible. In the present time, the concept of the diaspora has become the most relevant and usefully adaptable way to view global cultural interaction and human situational practices. This paper examines change and development in Chinese diaspora populations in the US, which have encountered the entire range of diaspora experience, old and new, from 1850 to the present day. The aim is threefold: (1) comparatively to sketch new ideas in diaspora studies, add to them where possible, and employ them in an analysis of individual and community identity construction in the Chinese diaspora, while comparing and contrasting these experiences with those of the Jewish and black diasporas; (2) to present a four-stage model of diasporic literary production and attendant personal and community identity construction, through which varied examples of Chinese American writing will be examined; and (3) within this model, to give extended attention to Chinese American writer Maxine Hong Kingston's China Men (1980), a pivotal text defining and describing Chinese American diaspora identity and experience in the US. The paper concludes with a look forward, and thoughts about possible new conditions modifying ‘new diasporas’.  相似文献   
指出政治理论教员必须结合自身实际,树立正确的教学理念,做好充分的教学准备工作,在教学中切实有效、创造性地从教学内容、教学设计、教学手段等多方面贯彻落实十七大精神,并积极开辟形式多样的第二课堂,提高十七大精神"三进入"的实效性。  相似文献   
本文首先介绍田纳西•威廉姆斯的文坛地位 ,然后从文化背景的角度分析并指出《玻璃动物园》里的阿曼达与《欲望号街车》的白兰奇是在美国没落的南方种植园文化下长大的两位美国南方妇女。她们的思想、性格及价值观在已崩溃的南方文化中铸成。当面临北方工业资产阶级文化的冲击时 ,她们仍执着于自己童年及少年时代的南方没落文化铸就的人生观及价值观 ,而不愿意在新的文化中委曲求全。她们在不同程度上都是南方旧文化的牺牲品.  相似文献   
解放战争时期 ,民盟的对美政策是其外交政策中的核心内容 ,也是其国内政策的延伸。由于其自身的局限及国际国内形势的复杂多变 ,民盟的对美政策一直处于不断修正与调整之中 ,在不同的时期呈现不同的特点 ,民盟也因此经历了一个由亲美到疏美到反美的立场转变  相似文献   
19世纪的浪漫主义诗人认为自然界是关丽的、具有个性、可以与之交流,但弗洛斯特则以为自然界具有毁灭性且冷漠无情;后达尔文主义诗人认为宇宙是永恒的,人类与其的斗争是徒劳的,可弗洛斯特则常在人类与自然界之间设置屏障,赞美人类与后者争斗的勇气。  相似文献   
西方社会思潮对青年大学生思维方式和价值观念的影响和冲击,使得思想政治理论课介绍西方社会思潮成为必然,但教师将其切入课堂时存在随意性、简化性、教条性以及乏味性等不足,借鉴美国教师介绍政治思潮的做法,本文提出了增强其切入课堂有效性的对策和建议。  相似文献   
本文通过在美期间的学习考察,在对美国诸多高校的历史和现状、管理模式和运行机制、资金的筹措和管理、教师队伍的建设、招生和就业、课程设置和教学方法、未来发展趋势等课题深入了解的基础之上,"他山之石,可以攻玉",力图通过客观的分析比较,既找出了我国高校的差距,更看到我们的优势,进一步坚定了办好具有中国特色的高等教育的信心和决心,更加明确了自己肩负的责任和使命。  相似文献   
Interest organizations are hypothesized to strongly affect public policy, but the evidence that they do so is mixed. This article argues that one reason for the disparity is a gap between theory and research: theory suggests that information provided by interest organizations should strongly influence elected officials, but there is no systematic research on its impact. We examine a potentially important source of information for members of the U.S. Congress—testimony at committee hearings—to ascertain if it affects the enactment of policy proposals. The data, based on content analysis of almost 1,000 testimonies on a stratified random sample of policy proposals, describe who testifies, their arguments, and the evidence they provide. Supporters of a proposal emphasize the importance of the problem being addressed, while opponents claim the proposed policy will be ineffective and try to reframe the debate. Information—particularly information regarding policy effectiveness—does affect the likelihood that a policy proposal will be enacted.  相似文献   
伍惠明(Fae Myenne Ng)是继汤亭亭、谭恩美之后的又一位优秀华裔作家。其作品《骨》自问世以来,被多数美国评论家和读者认为仅是一部个人自传,而鲜有人会注意深藏于这个文学文本内的全新的华人移民的文化认同观。  相似文献   
《临时约法》变总统制为内阁制,但对内阁制特有的不信任投票权却没有具体规定。《临时约法》设计者将不信任投票权和弹劾权混同,目的是以国会制约政府权力,自身又不被解散。可在国会真正需要行使不信任投票权时,或因弹劾手续烦琐不能奏效,或因没有法律依据而无所适从,不仅不能制约政府,反而因无法可依而相当被动。  相似文献   
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