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Over the past decade, under the influence of the Catholic charismatic movement, the Ambonwari people of East Sepik Province in Papua New Guinea have radically altered their relationships with bush spirits and, simultaneously, their attitudes towards their landscape. During the current process of abolishing prohibitions pertaining to taboo places, the Ambonwari have also abolished a set of cultural activities that were characteristic of ancestral placemaking and have weakened the effect these places and their spirits have on the Ambonwari's contemporary life world. By abandoning their relationships with bush spirits and embracing God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit and by moving their eyes, thoughts and feelings from earth to heaven, the Ambonwari want to transcend their familiar landscape and the life world that it sustains.  相似文献   

Scholars use the concept of 'political opportunity structure' to explain how the political context affects the differential development and influence of ostensibly similar movements. Although the concept promises to become an important analytical tool for comparative studies, to date it is underspecified and undertheorized. It also faces new challenges in this era of increased transnational activism and more extensive scholarly recognition of activist ties across borders. In this paper I argue that assessing opportunity by looking exclusively at national political structures neglects the important role that international factors, such as alliances and transnational movements, play in constraining both states and their challengers. I begin by reviewing the literature on opportunity and drawing a synthesis between it and the literature on domestic influences of international politics. I argue that political institutions are nested in a larger international context, and that the tightness or looseness of that nesting affects the range of possible alliances and policy options available within states. I examine this framework by looking at New Zealand's decision in 1984 to prohibit port visits by nuclear-powered ships or ships that might be carrying nuclear weapons. I conclude by calling for more research that recognizes the interplay of national opportunities and international structures.  相似文献   
Psychoanalysis has a long history of influence in the study of collective behaviour, and this paper argues that it has a great deal to contribute to the study of one vitally important and under-researched aspect of social movement activity; the fantasies activists have about life in the social worlds they would like to see in the future. The paper uses empirical research findings to show that, in the case of activists campaigning to further the human exploration, development and settlement of outer space, these fantasies can be fundamental to activists' motivation. Psychoanalysis helps us understand these fantasies as conscious manifestations of unconscious phantasies. However, the paper also addresses the criticisms social movement theory has made of reductionist psychoanalysis, arguing that the study of activists' fantasies must include accounts of the ways in which social forces influence unconscious processes, the discourses used by activists to understand their cause, and the organization of the movement.  相似文献   
从某种意义上说,阿拉伯“百年翻译运动”应当是人类历史上第一次大规模的科技翻译活动。其证据之一是当时的阿拉伯翻译家对希腊科学的兴趣要远大于对希腊文学的兴趣;证据之二是现代科学术语直接源自于阿拉伯语的例证不在少数。因此,在这场科技翻译运动中所形成的“阿拉伯科学”就具有了明显的国际性特点。  相似文献   
五四运动作为中国现代史上第一次大规模的爱国救亡运动,最初以学潮的形式出现,继之以工人市商的支持,从而取得了巨大成功。传统认为五四运动爆发的主要根源在于巴黎和会的外交失败和军阀政府的黑暗统治,但忽略了作为当时名义上共和政体的民意机构——国会的调节功能。作为立法和民意机构的国会的无所作为,正是汹涌的民意通过学潮这种非正常的途径得以爆发的重要原因之一。  相似文献   
安史之乱以后的中唐,文坛再度兴起复古主义思潮。古文运动、新乐府运动、韩孟诗派皆在复古的旗号下追求创新。中唐文坛的复古主义思潮与安史之乱以后的夷夏之辨有密切关系,胡汉关系的破坏导致汉民族本位文化的强化,传统儒家文化中的"夷夏大防"和"尊王攘夷"的观点得到推崇。文化上的夷夏之辨反映在文学上,带来了文坛的复古主义思潮。民族之间的冲突和融合最终使得文化趋同,少数民族的汉化也使得文化上的夷夏之辨变得更为复杂。  相似文献   
王润英 《北方论丛》2021,(2):96-111
20世纪著名的文学研究专家谭正璧的日记手稿,保留了他自1917年到1924年间的日记。在此期间,处于成长关键期的谭正璧数度去到"五四"、新文化运动正炽的上海。日记展露了他敏感多情、秉直尚侠和善改易变的鲜明个性,留下一张自绘的"青春写真";谭正璧酷爱读书,日记亦记录了他从适意泛读到专事研究的阅读变化,以及在阅读中如何摸索出一套伴随终生的治学方法;谭正璧通过日记标记生命刻度和留存著述资料,也将日记当作日课以磨砺心智和训练写作。他的经历展示了一个近代学人的自我养成,是当时中国知识分子在新旧文化碰撞下求学治学的缩影。《谭正璧日记》的发现,对于研究谭正璧和了解20世纪早期上海等具有多方面的重要价值。  相似文献   
众所周知,陈独秀、胡适是五四新文化运动中西化思想的代表人物。但是,他们不是全盘西化论者,在他们的西化思想中,带有浓重的中国传统文化元素。就此,本文将他们的西化观略作分析。  相似文献   
“言文一致”是晚清和“五四”两代知识分子共同关心的文化命题,但他们也显示出内在的差异与分歧。文学启蒙是“言文一致”的历史动因,前者借此表达的是民族国家意识,但后者更注重个性意识的释放;对汉语的全面反恩是“言文一致”的现实起点。前者还是在旧有的规范中创作,后者却创立了现代白话;“文学”观念的革新是“言文一致”的实际成果。前者推进了文学观念的转型,但后者才经由现代汉语建立起现代思想文化。  相似文献   
进入近代以后,由于西方列强的野蛮侵略,中华民族的生存面临严重威胁,各民族之间空前形成休戚相关、命运与共的关系,中华民族精神也在各民族共同的反帝反封建斗争中达到了升华.近代中华民族的觉醒大致经历了三个阶段:鸦片战争前后,是发轫阶段;戊戌维新时期,是大力提升阶段;辛亥革命时期,是进一步高涨并结出宝贵果实阶段.探索近代中华民族觉醒的内涵及其发展的阶段特点,不仅将推进中华民族精神这一重要课题的研究,而且对于深化近代历史进程的认识,尤其是对于正确评价近代史开端时期杰出思想家龚自珍、魏源的建树,正确评价戊戌维新运动、辛亥革命的历史地位,都具有重要的理论意义.  相似文献   
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