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编撰经济法典是指有关经济法部门的经济法律法规的汇合编纂和基本经济法的撰写创制。编撰经济法典缘起于经济法的萌芽,经济法萌芽首先表现为个别法学家经济法思想的产生,而经济法思想也对经济法律法规的制定起了一定的指导作用。随着东西方国家经济法律法规的大量出现,经济法成了一种新兴的世界历史性的法律现象。这引发了经济法典的编撰,促进着经济法的完善,满足着以社会化生产为基础和以资本要素为核心的市场经济的需要。我国在制定和实施经济法、保障社会主义市场经济更好运行上的实践比较深入,我国的经济法理论研究也走在世界前列,因而在编撰经济法典上也可以为天下先,这将对世界法制文明的发展做出更大的贡献。  相似文献   
从科学发展观的角度看,共同富裕作为最能体现社会主义优越性及其本质的世纪性的中心课题,与改革开放进入关键时期而提出的积极构建和谐社会的世纪性的深刻反思,二者的目标是一致的,是当下必须认真研究和着力解决的重大问题。其中解决好多方面利益矛盾是促进社会和谐与走向共同富裕的关键。  相似文献   
本文按照评价外贸企业微观经济效益指标体系,结合近年山西对外贸易企业发展的实际数据和对山西外贸企业微观经济效益的现状及存在问题进行了实证分析,并从优化我省外贸商品结构、实施技术创新机制、提升出口商品的附加值和竞争力、完善和推动外贸代理制以及加强外贸企业自身管理等方面提出了解决山西外贸企业微观经济效益存在的问题的对策.  相似文献   
建立科学的图书评价机制,即以图书在多大程度上代表了"先进文化"为核心内容,以两个效益为主要内容,并突出经济效益的评价标准.社会效益分内容和形式两部分;经济效益以平均销售额为基数,计量考核,综合记分;规范现有评奖并另行加分的考核方法;从而对图书生产和出版工作起到明确导向、规范考核的作用.  相似文献   
邓小平国家利益思想是邓小平理论的重要组成部分,它在国家政治利益、国家经济利益、国家安全利益和国家文化利益等方面,都形成了自己鲜明的特征,是我国制定对内对外政策的依据.  相似文献   
内部人控制和国有企业的所有权改革   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
改革以来,我国国有企业的改革经历了“放权让利”到股份制、公司制改造的过程。目前,国有企业的治理结构普遍呈现出“行政干预下的内部人控制”的特点,这是现实国有企业改革的起点。国企改革的下一步应是逐步消除“行政干预下的内部人控制”,在改革的过程中,不同的国有企业处在不同的发展阶段需要不同安排的所有权改革,而不能“一刀切”。  相似文献   
论高等教育产业化经营的理论内涵与实现机制   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
学会经营正在成为西方现代大学的一种理念。在我国以政府为主导的“依附型”的高等教育管理体制下,高等学校不需要经营,也不必学会经营。跨入21世纪,倡导和推进高等教育产业化经营,将有助于实现我国高等教育发展机制的根本性转变。基于高等教育的产业属性和高等教育发展需要的产业化经营有着深刻的理论内涵和独特的实现机制。  相似文献   
Three Principles for Managing Risk in the Public Interest   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
We propose three principles and a general framework of reasoning for managing risk in the public interest. Principle 1. Risks shall be managed to maximize the total expected net benefit to society— The principle that the net benefit is to be maximized across society as a whole is argued to be a sufficient and rational guide to assessing the effectiveness of efforts directed at reducing risk and thus improving health and safety. The net benefit of an activity is the excess of the totality of benefits over the totality of detriments. Principle 2. The safety benefit to be promoted is life-expectancy— The goal is to ensure that risk mitigation efforts maximize the net benefit to society in the specific terms of length of life for all individuals. The effect of an activity on life expectancy is proposed as the proper basic measure of its net safety impact. Life expectancy is a universal measure valid for comparisons both within and among countries and can be adjusted to include health expectancy and other factors such as income levels that affect the quality of life. The impact on life expectancy allows a dispassionate accounting of the good and the bad inherent in any proposal or activity that is in the public interest but has some impact on life and health. Principle 3. Decisions for the public in regard to health and safety must be open and apply across the complete range of hazards to life and health— Systematic efforts to evaluate all the important consequences, both direct and indirect, are required to improve the basis for risk management in society. Balancing of the detriments and the benefits of any given initiative is the key aspect of the undertaking. Safety may well be an important objective in society, but it is not the only one. Thus, allocation of society's resources devoted to safety must be openly and continually appraised in light of other competing social needs because there is a limit on the resources that can be expended to save lives. Maximization of healthful life for all is judged the proper basis for managing risk in the public interest, and that this is achieved when the net of the contribution to the total saving of life exceeds the loss of life.  相似文献   

This article analyses the influence of unemployed parents’ further vocational training on their children’s future apprenticeship and employment opportunities. We focus on households receiving means-tested benefits in Germany and investigate whether parents’ further vocational training helps avoid an intergenerational transmission of unemployment. Parents’ further vocational training can affect children’s future apprenticeship and employment opportunities directly, for instance by raising the value attributed to education and training within the family. Indirect effects via parents’ improved employment opportunities are possible as well. The sample consists of adolescents who were 14–17 years old when their parents participated in a further vocational training programme. We evaluate apprenticeship and employment outcomes for the young adults at ages 17–23 using entropy balancing methods on the basis of rich large-scale register data. Our findings indicate significantly positive effects of parents’ further vocational training on children’s apprenticeship enrolment but non-significant or negative effects on children’s regular employment at young ages. Moreover, mediation analysis gives evidence that these effects are partly mediated via an increase in parents’ own employment opportunities. Overall, our analyses indicate that parents’ further vocational training improves the qualifications of the next generation as well.  相似文献   
In many countries the regulations governing survivors' pensions were established in periods when female labour market participation was lower than at present. However, the current trend in many Latin American countries is for growing levels of female labour participation. In Brazil, where there are no restrictions on the concurrent receipt of retirement and survivors' pensions, and where until recently lifelong pensions could be obtained without any conditionality, not only has the accumulation of such benefits grown, but there are indications that these rules have had a negative impact on women's labour market participation. Analysis of the case of Brazil shows the need for social security regulations to adapt to labour market changes, and underlines the need to acknowledge that social security regulations can actually have an impact on the labour market.  相似文献   
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