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墨家与稷下学宫有较多的联系,不仅是主要持有墨家思想、行为的人跻身于稷下学宫,而且墨家思想对稷下学派之中的有关思想家亦有较大的影响。也可以说,稷下学术思想中包客了较多的墨家思想,并占有重要的地位。  相似文献   
科学社会学视域下的院士年龄结构——以中国工程院为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国工程院院士群体的当选年龄以51-70岁为最多,平均值为64岁。偏高的院士当选年龄和偏高的院士平均年龄不利于国家的科技创新与科技进步。只有综合运用以科技政策为主的包括科学哲学、科学社会学等在内的多种理论和知识,把握科学家群体的特殊属性及要求,完善院士选拔制度,调整院士的年龄结构,使大多数当选院士处在科学创造力和生产力的最佳年龄阶段,才能激励更多适龄科学家胜出,找到有助于科技人才成长的正确路径,提高我国的科技竞争力和整个社会的科学能力。  相似文献   
Ten years ago, the National Academy of Science released its risk assessment/risk management (RA/RM) “paradigm” that served to crystallize much of the early thinking about these concepts. By defining RA as a four-step process, operationally independent from RM, the paradigm has presented society with a scheme, or a conceptually common framework, for addressing many risky situations (e.g., carcinogens, noncarcinogens, and chemical mixtures). The procedure has facilitated decision-making in a wide variety of situations and has identified the most important research needs. The past decade, however, has revealed that additional progress is needed. These areas include addressing the appropriate interaction (not isolation) between RA and RM, improving the methods for assessing risks from mixtures, dealing with “adversity of effect,” deciding whether “hazard” should imply an exposure to environmental conditions or to laboratory conditions, and evolving the concept to include both health and ecological risk. Interest in and expectations of risk assessment are increasing rapidly. The emerging concept of “comparative risk” (i.e., distinguishing between large risks and smaller risks that may be qualitatively different) is at a level comparable to that held by the concept of “risk” just 10 years ago. Comparative risk stands in need of a paradigm of its own, especially given the current economic limitations. “Times are tough; Brother, can you paradigm?”  相似文献   
鸿都门学之争与汉末文人群体的文学观念   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
灵帝设立鸿都门学的意义 ,关键不在“文士社会地位的提高” ,而在承认文学与政治的分离。士大夫对鸿都门学的抨击以及贬低辞赋的言论 ,同样包含着这一积极的文艺观念。他们共同反映了文学独立的到来  相似文献   
“比喻”是修辞学中运用最灵活的一种方式 ,对它的研究历来受到人们的重视。小说《白鹿原》中的 2 0 0多个比喻句对人们进一步认识“比喻”的结构特质 ,具有理论意义和实践意义  相似文献   
岳麓秦简《为狱等状四种》新见的一枚漏简解析了案例六《暨过误失坐官案》的结构。这个案例中的“八劾”含有对其的两遍描述:第一遍比较具体的;第二遍比较简略的。新见简J15位于案例六的开头,包含对第一、二劾的具体描述。因此,整理者原来所建议的简序应当稍微修正为:J15-缺简-096-097-095-098-099-100。  相似文献   
关于韩愈名篇《进学解》的创作年代,当代学者几乎都将其定为元和七年到八年之间韩愈因柳涧事遭贬,由职方员外郎左迁国子博士期间。这一判断的根源来自《旧唐书-韩愈传》中关于韩愈左迁博士后写《进学解》,获执政赏识并提拔为比部郎中、史官修撰的叙述。本文从韩愈《进学解》与其他作品的文本自身出发,结合宋代学者朱熹、洪兴祖等对《进学解》系年的讨论,对《旧唐书》这一说法提出若干质疑,并进一步提出《进学解》作于元和三、四年间的新说。  相似文献   
岳麓书院藏秦简《质日》的四枚漏简的归属原来不清,现在透过分析简背划线等物质因素,可以确定它们应附于《廿七年质日》的末尾,是一位名叫"爽"的小吏的履历。综合履历和三卷《质日》的内容,可知"爽"极有可能是《质日》拥有者的下属;另外,《质日》的拥有者很可能曾任江陵县丞。又因岳麓秦简很有可能出自墓葬,所以拥有者应该就是墓主。  相似文献   
南宋时期,理学家与书院深度相契,开创出书院与学术的一体化传统。位列天下“三书院”、“四书院”、“五书院”中的岳麓与石鼓,更是湖湘之学与书院一体化的典型代表。乾淳之际,朱子所作《石鼓书院记》意在为天下书院建设提供范式,实为湖湘文化自立自强的重要标志。石鼓书院在纠正科举俗学之余,倡导传道济民,开湖湘实学之风。山长讲学兼采诸家,辑成《石鼓论语问答》,刊刻《尚书全解》,扩大湖湘之学谱系。宋末石鼓于战火中重建,习武备战,扩充田产,担起乱世中传承文脉的重任,成为湖湘学派的重要基地。  相似文献   
This article was written for a keynote speech to present a few highlights of my life as a statistician. It has seven sections beginning with an introduction in Section 17 some prospects of biostatistics in Section 2, and a tribute to J. Neyman in Section 3. In Section 4 is a sample of my work including motivation for my studies on the life table and competing risks, contributions and comments in survival analyses, a solution for Kolmogorov differential equations, and an explicit formula for the n-step transition probability in discrete time Markov chains.  相似文献   
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