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论团结抗日民族政策的历史作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了抗日图存,中国共产党制定了团结抗日的民族政策———建立抗日民族统一战线,主张民族平等和民族团结,各少数民族有自治之权,帮助少数民族发展经济文化,尊重其语言文字和宗教习惯的自由。陕甘宁边区和其他抗日根据地认真贯彻执行了党的民族政策,从而有力地推动了各少数民族的英勇抗战,赢得了抗日战争的最后胜利。  相似文献   
为确保对华中占领区的统治,消灭该地区内的新四军,1941年7月至1944年底,日汪在江苏大部分地区掀起了罪恶的“清乡”活动。针对日汪掀起的“清乡”活动,活跃在江苏抗日根据地的新四军在中共中央及华中局的领导下,坚持党的一元化领导,把武装斗争、统一战线与群众动员紧密结合在一起,积极展开反“清乡”运动,最终赢得了反“清乡”斗争的胜利。  相似文献   
有学者对诸葛亮《后出师表》提出置疑。笔者提出几点意见:一、《后表》虽不载于《诸葛亮传》,但见于《诸葛恪传》;二、《后表》不是张俨、诸葛恪伪造;三、《后表》用语与诸葛亮习惯用语符合;四、《后表》立意与诸葛亮行为一致。由此可知,《后表》是诸葛亮的作品。  相似文献   
1894年甲午海战后,丁汝昌关于这场战争的战报与实际战况存在很大差距。除了客观因素外,丁汝昌的主观谎报是最主要的原因。表面上看,丁汝昌的谎报是他为了保住职位的虚夸,而在本质上却反映了当时“轻日”思想和“保船制敌”路线的矛盾和北洋舰队高级将领集体对清政府的欺骗。  相似文献   
抗战时期,四川征用大量民工进行国防工程建设.民工的待遇主要包括工资、伙食费、病伤死亡抚恤费、工具费、工棚费.抗战时期民工的待遇主要以《修正四川省非常时期征工服役暂行办法》为纲办理.对于民工的待遇,政府当局制定了发放细则,在发放中存在实际问题,民工只得到了有限的实惠.  相似文献   
北平辅仁大学作为一所私立天主教大学,在北平沦陷之后弦歌不辍,讲诵如恒,并得以发展。学校师生与日伪周旋,抗敌不屈,延续民族文化生命,抵制日伪奴化教育,因此赢得了"抗日大本营"的赞誉。  相似文献   
The article focuses on the autobiographical memories of people born in Germany after the Second World War, whose mothers were local women and whose fathers were members of the allied forces. Based on the analysis of narrative interviews, we ask how these people experienced their growing up and their sociocultural environment in the post‐war era, and what kind of coping strategies they developed to deal with adverse living conditions.  相似文献   

An estimated 230,000 Polish Jews escaped Nazi persecution during World War II by flight or deportation to the interior of the Soviet Union. This article examines early postwar Yiddish and Polish sources on their survival in Soviet exile such as poems, newspaper articles, and witness testimonies. Two sets of sources are analyzed in-depth, testimonies written by young people in Jewish Displaced Persons (DP) camps in occupied Germany and Yiddish poetry from Poland and the DP camps. The author argues that many former exiles were eager to write down their experiences. In doing so, they were aware of the complex nature of deportation and flight that characterized the experiences of Polish Jews in the Soviet Union. In their testimonies many young witnesses express their understanding that they too were “marked by the khurbn.” Whereas Yiddish poetry from the same period helps us understand how writers dealt with their own story of wartime survival outside the realm of German persecution. In their poetry they seek meaning in their own suffering and express their desire to establish a dialogue with other survivors.  相似文献   
抗日战争进入到相持阶段后,刘少奇赴华中任华中局书记、华中部队总指挥部政治委员、新四军政治委员,对建立巩固的华中根据地和发展壮大华中军事力量卓有建树。他建立巩固的华中根据地和发展壮大新四军的韬略思想与湖湘文化的集大成者王船山的战争战略指导艺术有明显的学脉相承之处。  相似文献   
第二次世界大战期间,巴西加入到世界反法西斯阵营,源源不断地供应盟军战略物资,派兵作战,积极配合盟军的军事行动,从政治、经济和军事各方面贡献出自己的人力、物力和财力,为世界反法西斯战争取得最终胜利铺平了道路。  相似文献   
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