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《钟形罩》中女主人公埃斯特的悲剧命运及其根源来源于男权文化的压制。在父权社会中,埃斯特经历了从自恋、自怨、自虐到自审的心路历程。她以自己独特的方式——颠覆传统的贞操观、解构母性神话——来抵抗男权文化对女性的抑制和剥夺。  相似文献   
埃丝特为寻找自己的身份定位,在事业和爱情方面做出了积极的努力。但是,由于榜样缺失,埃丝特在像钟形罩一样令人窒息的社会中迷失了自我,在绝望中只好用死亡来进行反抗。  相似文献   
路工先生关于《清夜钟》作者为陆云龙的判断存在多处疏漏,确凿的四条证据证明陆云龙并非《清夜钟》作者,从《型世言》、《清夜钟》、《魏忠贤小说斥奸书》三书中共同存在的吴语方言,只能推测出他是江浙文人。  相似文献   
With three candidates and an odd number n of voters, let Q(n, λ, p) be the probability that the winning candidate under the point-total rule that assigns 1, λ, and 0 points respectively to each first, second, and third-place vote is the same as the simple majority candidate, given that there exists a simple majority candidate, when each voter independently selects a linear preference order on the candidates by a common probability distribution p on the six linear orders on the candidates. With Q(n, λ) = Q(n, λ, p) when p assigns probability 16 to each order, the λ values that maximize Q(n, λ) for small n consist of open intervals in [0, 12]. Using quadrivariate normals, a computational form is developed for the limiting probability Q(λ) = limn→∞Q(n, λ). The function Q(λ) = Q(1 ? λ) for each λ ? [0, 1] and is differentiable with Q(λ) strictly increasing as λ goes from 0 to 12. The maximum value Q(12) is approximately. 901189. Effects of nonuniform p distributions on Q(n, λ, p) are also discussed.  相似文献   
Critical Race Theory (CRT) has become a centered conceptual framework to understand American education and reform (Ladson-Billings and Tate 1995; Solorzano and Yosso; 2001; Decuir and Dixon 2004). Indeed, educational leadership scholars have not been far behind in recognizing the explicative and powerful role of CRT studies in their work (Lopez 2003; Parker and Villalpando 2007). As we acknowledge the role of CRT, we cannot do so without reflecting on the life and works of the quintessential Critical Legal Studies (CLS) scholar Derrick Bell (1930–2011). In this article, we use Bell’s collective works to analyze current trends and research in educational leadership. We bring his works into conversation not only with conceptions of instructional and distributed leadership, but with the palpability that CRT has on the current state of educational reform. More specifically, we use Bell’s theories of interest convergence and conversations around ‘racial remedies’ to understand two recent trends in educational leadership: discourses of social justice leadership and the move toward data-driven leadership behaviors. We ask questions like: what has been the impact of research discourses social justice on the education of African American and Latino urban youth? And, how has the current social structures benefited from such discourses? We conclude with recommendations for educational leadership researchers and professors, and encourage them to consider race as an integral part of their works.  相似文献   
韦森 《河北学刊》2007,27(2):152-156
本文对近代一些思想家对西方世界兴起的复杂社会原因的探索做了多学科的综合文献回顾。从而发现,依据亚当.斯密的分工和市场扩展理论,黑格尔与马克思等古典学者认为西方世界近代兴起的主要原因来源于分工和自由竞争所带来的劳动生产率的提高;桑巴特、韦伯和熊彼特则把近代西方世界的快速经济增长归结为企业家的追求和企业无限扩张的资本主义精神;经济史学家诺思认为近代西方世界兴起的根本原因在于私有产权制度和现代经济组织;政治学家保尔.肯尼迪则把这一历史现象归结为欧洲近代历史上的政治多元化和历史机缘;而华勒斯坦等历史学家则从非决定论的理论视角讨论了近代欧洲兴起的天时地利。综观西方学术诸家对西方世界兴起原因的解说可以发现,尽管在这个复杂的问题上存在诸多歧见,但保护产权的法律制度以及支撑法律制度工作的现代民族国家和宪政民主政治的生成是西方世界近代兴起的基本原因之一,这一点乃是诸家的理论共识。  相似文献   
1928年,为了考证小泉八云的一个中国鬼故事《大钟的灵魂》,鲁迅与赵景深之间曾经发生过通信联系。但这次考证并没有成功,其真正的原因是小泉八云对故事法译本的误读。除此之外,小泉八云还以美国汉学家卫三畏的著作为依据,对《大钟的灵魂》进行了另一处改造。这个故事的翻译、传播与改造,再次印证了文化传递中"不正确的理解"的规律。  相似文献   
《钟形罩》是20世纪中期美国女诗人西尔维娅·普拉斯的一部自传体小说。长期以来,众多学者从疯癫、女性主义等角度分析文本中的女性榜样缺失、父权文化、理性疯癫等。然而,综合这些主题探讨该小说,会发现小说中构建的正是独裁、专制的权威帝国形象,帝国权力的扩张和支配无处不在。  相似文献   
《丧钟为谁而鸣》就其叙述结构和叙述节奏来说,不愧为海明威“最成功最伟大的小说”,充分展现了海明威“十八年来所了解的有关西班牙的一切”。表层时空结构横截生活一个片段,使其结构相当紧凑;意识流手法的运用,使其在纵向的空间与时间中塑造人物形象,探讨深刻、严肃的问题,为历史存照。这无疑增加了作品的厚重和张力。参差有致的形式,情境上的“忙闲”处理,文脉的延续、照应和变化,形成了张弛有致的节奏,显示了收放自如的纯熟艺术技巧。  相似文献   
We demonstrate how univariate discrete and multivariate discrete distributions can be generated using Taylor expansions. Some of the results involve use of Bell polynomials.  相似文献   
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