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《麦田里的守望者》与《钟形罩》同属成长小说,小说中的主人公都陷于"自我/他者"两极关系失衡的困境。尽管主题相同,两位作者却是从截然相反的方向逼近这一人格成长难题的。塞林格笔下的霍尔顿困于自我一极,普拉斯笔下的埃丝特困于他者一极。比较与探讨两部小说在同一主题上的不同处理方式,并联系两位作者各自极端的人生选择,对思考人在"自我与他者"二元性关系中发展自身这一命题具有启示意义。  相似文献   
The late Professor Derrick Bell is renowned as the intellectual architect who drafted the blueprints that guided the initial development of critical race theory (CRT). Prior to the advent of CRT, Professor Bell wrote extensively on initiatives designed to improve the lives of African Americans. Among his most influential scholarship, ‘Serving Two Masters’ from the 1976 Yale Law Review emerged as a seminal foundational piece for CRT. We found that Bell’s post-Brown litigation and frustrations were captured in several powerful law review journals from 1970–1976. During this time, he wrote extensively on minority admissions programs, school litigation strategies, racial remediation, equal employment, and of course the Brown decision and its aftermath. These early works attended to the details of how legal remediation for racism in various forms could be considered and approached, but more often were ignored and denied. These same works showed the contradictions built into legal strategies. By working through the details of specific racial remediation strategies, Derrick Bell realized the ubiquity of the negative influences of post-Brown integration goals in all aspects of African American life, including the law. His seminal 1976 Yale Law Review piece emerged not from theory, per se, but from very specific engagements with reasoning about post-Brown policies and practices that failed to serve the interests of most African American families. For Bell, hope seemed to wax and wane as clarity emerged. This article analyses Bell’s law review articles that were published between 1970 and 1976, when he began full-fledged writing that ultimately provided a blueprint for the CRT movement in the academy.  相似文献   
Derrick Bell’s pronouncement and challenge that racism is likely permanent has captured the imagination of Critical Race Theorists in education. Equally important are his ideas about living with the concrete conditions of racism. This article focuses on a tension within Bell’s work. On the one hand, his writings are characterized by a certain ‘racial realism.’ In this perspective, Bell encourages race scholars and activists to abandon notions of one day ending racism. On the other hand, Bell also retains a certain idealism, most evident in his appeal to the ethical dimensions of critical race work. He invites intellectuals to join him in fighting racism even if the prospects for change are sometimes bleak. In his life as well as his work, Bell willingly sacrificed prestige and financial security for his ideals, and seemed puzzled when his friends and colleagues were reluctant to do the same. Bell’s racial realism and ethical idealism comprise two – sometimes warring – moments that permeate his work.  相似文献   
韦森 《河北学刊》2007,27(1):82-88
本文对近代一些思想家对西方世界兴起的复杂社会原因的探索做了多学科的综合文献回顾。从而发现,依据亚当·斯密的分工和市场扩展理论,黑格尔与马克思等古典学者认为西方世界近代兴起的主要原因来源于分工和自由竞争所带来的劳动生产率的提高;桑巴特、韦伯和熊彼特则把近代西方世界的快速经济增长归结为企业家的追求和企业无限扩张的资本主义精神;经济史学家诺思认为近代西方世界兴起的根本原因在于私有产权制度和现代经济组织;政治学家保尔·肯尼迪则把这一历史现象归结为欧洲近代历史上的政治多元化和历史机缘;而华勒斯坦等历史学家则从非决定论的理论视角讨论了近代欧洲兴起的天时地利。综观西方学术诸家对西方世界兴起原因的解说可以发现,尽管在这个复杂的问题上存在诸多歧见,但保护产权的法律制度以及支撑法律制度工作的现代民族国家和宪政民主政治的生成是西方世界近代兴起的基本原因之一,这一点乃是诸家的理论共识。  相似文献   
艾丽丝·默多克的哲学体系赋予善对其他概念的统治权,使之代替上帝成为朝圣的方向和对象,小说《钟》里宗教团体的溃散即明示上帝无法解决其信徒的问题。爱是善之本,自由的个体拥有了正确的爱才会走向善。默多克认为伟大的艺术反映现实,唤醒人们对善的渴望。《钟》作为艺术作品,通过双重意象的建构、音乐绘画的情节使命等手段给予读者善的启发。  相似文献   
万永芳 《云梦学刊》2004,25(6):121-123
《钟罩》虽然是美国自白派著名女诗人西尔维亚·普拉斯的自传体小说,但相当充分地反映了社会生活的本质。从女性的成长过程中逐渐萌生的自我意识着手,分析诗人独特的女性价值观,反叛意识以及对女性独立的深刻理解,可揭示出现代社会的冷酷和虚伪对人性,尤其是对女性的人性的桎梏和扼杀。  相似文献   
An expression is provided for the expectation of sample central moments. It is practical and offers computational advantages over the original form due to Kong (The American Statistician, 65, 2011, 198–199).  相似文献   
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