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本文讨论西方诗歌、特别是拉丁文和德文诗歌汉译中所涉及的句法问题和翻译理论问题。其中对句法的讨论涉及汉语和拉丁语、德语的句法结构差异以及相关的修辞格式;对翻译哲学的讨论涉及便雅悯著名的翻译论文。论文所讨论的诗歌主要包括贺拉修和荷尔德林的作品。  相似文献   
在《译者的任务》一文中,本雅明对完成翻译任务的论述交织着科学和神学两种不同的视角。科学的视角是:译者必须有能力把源语中的象征变成被象征,然后用目标语把被象征还原为象征。神学的视角是:译者必须有能力从源语进入"纯语言"的境界,然后用自己的语言去释放被另一种语言的咒符困住的"纯语言",从而让"纯语言"通过译作折射出原作。由于中西文化裂差,他的神学表述令许多中国学者感到神秘而晦涩,然而其科学表述使我们有可能揭开罩在"纯语言"上的那层神学面纱。  相似文献   
In this paper we consider the constant rank unconstrained quadratic 0-1 optimization problem, CR-QP01 for short. This problem consists in minimizing the quadratic function 〈x, Ax〉 + 〈c, x〉 over the set {0,1} n where c is a vector in ℝ n and A is a symmetric real n × n matrix of constant rank r. We first present a pseudo-polynomial algorithm for solving the problem CR-QP01, which is known to be NP-hard already for r = 1. We then derive two new classes of special cases of the CR-QP01 which can be solved in polynomial time. These classes result from further restrictions on the matrix A. Finally we compare our algorithm with the algorithm of Allemand et al. (2001) for the CR-QP01 with negative semidefinite A and extend the range of applicability of the latter algorithm. It turns out that neither of the two algorithms dominates the other with respect to the class of instances which can be solved in polynomial time.  相似文献   
贡斯当与卢梭关于人民主权学说的相似点在于都把"自由"作为其逻辑起点和归宿,他们人民主权学说的不同点在于"人民主权是有限的还是无限的"、"人民主权是否可以分割"、"人民主权的实现形式是间接民主还是直接民主"这三个方面。贡斯当通过对卢梭人民主权学说的批判,把"抽象的人民主权学说"演化成"具体的人民主权学说"。抽象的人民主权必须落实为具体的制度安排,否则其极有可能成为"暴政"的口实。  相似文献   
美国中国学界向来重视对中国思想史的研究,尤其是处于转型阶段的清代学术思想史,更是颇受青睐,著作甚丰。本杰明·艾尔曼(Benjamin Elman)就是专攻这一块的著名学者。他的《从理学到朴学:中华帝国晚期思想与社会变化面面观》和《经学、政治和宗族:中华帝国晚期常州今文学派研究》从新的视角出发,为我们展现了清代思想史不同于传统研究的另一面。他既反对只从内在理路出发看思想的变迁,又不赞同把思想史局限在政治史的框架内。为此,他倡导“语境化”研究,强调思想史的社会根源和本土背景。此外,艾尔曼反对“现代化叙事模式”,认为要从开端出发探寻历史,并要注意知识的地方性生产机制。所以,我们在今后的思想史研究中,要积极吸取美国中国学家的有益成果,把我们的清代思想史研究推向新的高度。  相似文献   
本文对比研究了鸡人工孵化中变温给温和恒温给温的孵化效果。表明恒温孵化的孵化率为 87 12 % ,变温孵化的孵化率为 89 57%。变温孵化的孵化率比恒温孵化的孵化率高 2 4%。  相似文献   
The problem of whether stock returns can be predicted from dividend yields is discussed. I apply a new statistical method for finding reliable confidence intervals for regression parameters in the context of dependent and possibly heteroscedastic data, called subsampling. The method works under very weak conditions and avoids the pitfalls of having to choose a structural model to fit to observed data. Appropriate simulation studies suggest that it has better small-sample properties than the generalized method of moments, which is also model free and works under weak conditions. Applying the subsampling method to three datasets, I do not find convincing evidence for the predictability of stock returns.  相似文献   
The maximum likelihood procedure to estimate paraneters of a model has scveral attractive properties including the existence of the covariance matrix which yield asymptotic covariances: for a sample size N the asymptotics are in general of order 1/N. Here we give an asymptotic for the skewness of the distribution of the maximum likelihood estimator of a parameter; this is of order 1/ n2 and this expression is new. Applications relate to the parameters of (i) the Poisson, binomial, and normal density. (ii) the gamna density and (iii) the Beta debsity. Other application are being considered. The expression for the asymptotic skowness at one phase of the study tured out to be unusually complicated involving the asymptotic expressions for variance and bias. When these were identified a much simpler compact expression appeared which we now describe. The work is a much improved treatment of the subject described in Shenton and Bowman (Mariunm likelihood estimation in small samples, Griffin. 1977).  相似文献   
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