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论英国乡绅的形成   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
乡绅是英国封建社会中晚期出现的新兴资本主义生产关系的代表。乡绅就其构成成份虽然复杂 ,社会地位和财富的多寡有所不同 ,但是在以资本主义雇佣方式经营农牧业方面却是一致的。乡绅的形成历时三个多世纪 ,其形成过程也是封建社会的解体过程 ,它的形成表明英国封建社会内部已经孕育出了自我否定因素。乡绅的成长、壮大直接推动了英国社会变革的进程  相似文献   
近代《泰晤士报》对辛亥革命进行了全景式的报道。在辛亥革命期间,《泰晤士报》相关报道的舆论导向经历了由中立到支持袁世凯窃取革命果实的转变。《泰晤士报》以西方经验和价值观审视辛亥革命,其相关新闻文本带有显著的政治倾向性、选择性和主观色彩。《泰晤士报》关于辛亥革命的报道在国际舆论界引起强烈反响的同时,对革命进程本身以及此间英国对华政策也产生了不容忽视的影响。  相似文献   
20世纪英国离婚法变迁及其发展趋势探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
20世纪后半期以来人类社会的婚姻制度和家庭模式遭遇了前所未有的危机,全球掀起离婚浪潮,在欧洲以英国最为典型。20世纪英国离婚法实现了从有限离婚主义到离婚自由主义的转变。然而日益增长的离婚率,离婚后时代单亲家庭队伍的不断壮大,已经成为严重困扰英国社会健康发展的社会问题。面对离婚自由主义带来的汹涌的离婚风潮,英国立法机关也在不断调整和完善离婚法为重建婚姻和家庭做出新的努力。站在婚姻家庭法的视角,对一个世纪以来的英国离婚法变革进行梳理,从中深层剖析离婚法改革对婚姻制度带来的冲击及其发展趋势,以期为我国婚姻和离婚现状的研究提供有益借鉴。  相似文献   
郭嵩焘禁烟思想述论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郭嵩焘禁烟思想产生于他生活的时代和社会实践,并随着他身与中英交涉及乡居办教育等经历而不断深化的。国内朝野官绅的禁烟要求和英国一些正义之士的禁烟宣传是促其禁烟思想形成的重要内外因。郭氏认为,清政府应严禁鸦片,于内先禁鸦片种食,于外积极交涉洋药税厘并征;他力主中英联合禁止鸦片贸易;乡居期间主张禁烟馆以整顿人心风俗。郭氏的思想与现实存在着难以调和的矛盾,但对清廷禁烟政策及对英国对华鸦片贸易都有一定的影响,在近代禁烟史上也有重要的地位。  相似文献   
论英美特殊关系时期的矛盾   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
二战后 ,英美在“反共”的共同目标下结成了“特殊关系” ,但英国梦想充当西欧“领头羊”和保持庞大殖民帝国的企图同美国战后的全球称霸战略计划充满矛盾和冲突。其主要表现在争夺对西欧的控制、对待亚非拉民族解放运动和对社会主义阵营的态度等问题上 ,其实质都是最大限度地维护本国利益  相似文献   
Muslims live in a ‘modern’ world where subjects such as the English language, mathematics, sciences, and information and communication technology (ICT) are highly valued and enthusiastically transmitted in schools. How some Islamic schools attempt to equip their students with ‘modern knowledge’ while remaining faithful to their religious traditions is the focus of this exploratory study. Using two Islamic schools in Singapore and Britain as illustrative case studies, this paper examines their history, aims, curriculum and pedagogy in their aspiration to acquire ‘modern’ knowledge within their Islamic world views. It further explores some common challenges faced by students and teachers in both schools in their quest for a balanced curriculum. By highlighting the Islamic schools in two Muslim minority countries, this paper aims to contribute towards the international literature on how religious schools assert their cultural heritage and negotiate their learning in the modern age.  相似文献   
Most literature on racial prejudice deals with the racial attitudes of the ethnic majority and ethnic minorities separately. This paper breaks this tradition. We examine the social distance attitudes of white and non‐white British residents to test if these attitudes follow the same trends over time, whether they are driven by the same social processes and whether they are inter‐related. We have three main findings. Firstly, social distance from other ethnic groups has declined over time for both white and ethnic minority Britons. For the white majority there are both period and cohort elements to this decline. Secondly, we see some evidence that social distance between the majority and minority groups is reciprocal. Specifically, minorities who experience rejection by the white British feel a greater sense of distance from them. Thirdly, we find that all groups share the perception of the same ethnic hierarchy. We see evidence of particularly widespread hostility towards Muslim Britons from all ethnic groups suggesting that Muslims are singled out for negative attention from many British residents of all other backgrounds, including a large number who do not express hostility to other groups.  相似文献   
Susan Boyle’s audition for the television talent competition Britain’s Got Talent attracted global attention and widespread media discourse. In this article, I would like to examine this discourse to consider how Boyle’s success troubles conventional constructions of both learning disability and celebrity.

I extend Ciara Evans’s recognition that learning disability is invisible to reflect on the media responses to Boyle’s impairment. This reflection notes that even within Boyle’s own discourse, she is loosely positioned as having ‘some sort of learning disability’.

Detailed attention is given to the aetiological account of the ‘brain damage’ Boyle ‘suffered’ at birth. The analysis will consider the correlation with scientific discourse, trauma theory and the imposed biography to suggest that the construction of Boyle as both contained and unpredictable is already implicit in the aetiological narrative.  相似文献   

民族国家形成时期,英国社会具有如下特点:王权强大,成为建立民族国家的领导者;阶级结构发生变化,民族经济得到发展;民族意识和国家观念增强。这推动了英国最早实现工业化,步入近代民族国家。  相似文献   
鸦片战争以前 ,英国便企图以国内立法并采取各种手段获取在华治外法权 ,但均未成功。鸦片战争后 ,英国迫使清政府签订《南京条约》 ,最终通过其附件《五口通商章程》 ,以解决所谓的通商善后问题的方式攫夺了此项非法特权 ,首开了外人在华享有治外法权的恶例。  相似文献   
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