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通过对关、英两国研究生教育及其外部质量保障的历史进行梳理发现,英、美两国研究生教育外部质量保障存在一些共同点,但由于两国经济、政治、文化的差异,二者的发展历程、保障目的、保障机构、质量标准、参加评估的意愿度、评估针对性和外部保障地位有所不同。通过分析比较英、美两国研究生教育外部质量保障的特点,从而为建立和完善我国研究生教育外部质量保障体系提供了一定保障和借鉴:要处理好研究生教育质量的个适性、内适性以及外适性的关系;终结性评估和过程性评估要相结合;政府管理职能从直接性、事务性的管理向间接性、宏观性的管理转变;积极支持和利用非政府性的民间评估机构和组织;建立与国际接轨的研究生教育认证制度;将全面质量管理理论应用到评估过程中。  相似文献   
19世纪初的前二十五年间是英国工业化的高潮阶段,同时也是劳资冲突加剧、社会动荡不安的时期。面对劳工阶层的不满和反抗,英国政府采取了镇压与安抚相结合的劳资政策,力图稳定社会秩序。但从总体上看,在自由主义思潮的影响下,英国政府在劳资关系领域逐步走上自由放任之路,国家不再成为劳资冲突的直接仲裁者,这对19世纪的英国劳资关系产生了深远影响。  相似文献   
英美两国是近代西方国家中,创设文官制度较旱的国家。其文官制度的基本特征主要表现在七个方面,即“公开考试与择优录用”,“严格考核与功绩制”,“职务常任与政府连续和稳定”,“官员分类与科学管理”,“定期培训与知识更新”,“官纪官风与道德建设”,“完善保障与稳定官员队伍”,等等。这些特征的历史成因是历史学、政治学和行政管理学相互作用的结果,也就是说追求政治的连续与稳定以及行政官员的高素质与行政工作的高效率,是上述英美两国文官制度基本特征形成的关键因素。  相似文献   
第一次世界大战结束后,至华盛顿会议召开前夕,英国局部调整了对日本和中国的政策,主要表现在英日同盟问题上,决定扩大同盟范围;在远东海军军备竞赛问题上,采取“一强标准”但遏制日本;在中国势力范围问题上,同意美国提出的“门户开放”政策,实行各国共管中国。英国政策的局部调整表面看侧重于遏制日本,但没有改变英、日在华的相对强权地位,英国寻求的仅仅是保持中日之间的均势,英国推行均势政策的目的是从绝对的国家利益出发的。   相似文献   

Four hundred fifty-six undergraduates at a Scottish university completed the Core Alcohol and Drug Survey, an instrument widely used in the United States to examine the nature, scope, and consequences of alcohol and other drug use on college campuses. The Scottish students were found to drink more frequently, consume more alcohol, and engage in binge drinking more often than their American counterparts. The Scottish students also demonstrated higher rates of hangovers, missed classes, and blackouts than the Americans, but the percentage of American students who had driven while intoxicated was greater than that of the Scots. Focus groups of students in Scotland and interviews with student affairs personnel and local officials indicated that student drinking is not generally viewed as a problem because extensive alcohol use appears to be part of Scottish culture and is readily accepted. Students reported that their drinking, other than in pubs, was spread out over time and was associated with eating and social activities. At student social events where alcohol was served, there was little evidence of loud, inappropriate, aggressive, or otherwise rowdy behavior; drinking appeared to be handled in a more controlled, safe, and responsible way than among US college students.  相似文献   
自亨利八世在英国开启宗教改革运动,宗教冲突就一直充斥于16、17世纪英国社会变迁的洪流之中。长期的宗教冲突给英国政治、经济、文化和社会发展都带来了深远的影响。英国宪政体制的形成也在宗教冲突的长期冲击下发生了巨大的变革:一方面是存在千年之久的教权与王权二元并立的政治格局在宗教改革完成后彻底终结;另一方面是宗教冲突直接推动了17世纪两场宪政革命的爆发。在此作用下,至17、18世纪之交,近代英国宪政体制初具雏形,议会主权原则、新教国王原则及人权原则等英国宪政的基本原则最终确立。  相似文献   
This article focuses on a key Gainsborough costume melodrama, Madonna of the Seven Moons (1944). Following the critical revaluation of the ‘woman's film’, feminist film scholars have celebrated Madonna's feminine aesthetics and extravagant Italian setting, seen as an alternative to the austerity of Britain's wartime self‐definition. Using this position as a point of debate, I explore some hitherto ignored implications of the film's representation of Italianness, arguing that Madonna actually reinforces national boundaries by relying on long‐established notions of ‘Britishness’ and ‘Italianness’, and owes its box‐office success to the validation of Italy's ambivalent place in British fantasy.  相似文献   
Conservative adherence to the sovereignty of the Crown-in-Parliament resulted in the merging of English with British consciousness. During the 1990s, England's political nationalism expressed itself as a defence of Britishness. This defence of Britishness prevented a political English nationalism cohering at a time when political nationalisms had matured in Scotland and Wales. This merging of England and Britain was particularly evident in conservative thinking, given the conservative adherence to the concept of Crown-in-Parliament sovereignty.  相似文献   
Feminist film criticism is widely thought to have started in the late 1960s and early 1970s when the “Images of Woman” debate associated with critics such as Marjorie Rosen provided the foundation for later developments in feminist film theory. Antonia Lant has recently claimed the immediate post-1950 period to be a barren time for female-authored publications on film and cinema. This article argues that, contrary to received wisdom, the post-war period (1945–1959) in Britain was a time when women's film criticism flourished, with writers such as Dilys Powell, C.A. Lejeune, Catherine de la Roche and E. Arnot Robertson enjoying high-profile careers. Moving beyond a simple recovery of women's “hidden histories,” this article highlights the points of connection between the post-war period and later film criticism informed by second wave feminism. Through a case study of de la Roche and Robertson this article explores how women critics in this period were similarly preoccupied with screen representations of women and women's roles within the film industry, anticipating the later concerns of Rosen and others. I argue that a cross-media focus is a productive method for generating insights into women's critical agency at this time, and conclude that women's film criticism demonstrates something of the wider shifts taking place in gender relations in British society.  相似文献   

This article offers a new perspective on what it meant to be a business proprietor in Victorian Britain. Based on individual census records, it provides an overview of the full population of female business proprietors in England and Wales between 1851 and 1911. These census data show that around 30% of the total business population was female, a considerably higher estimate than the current literature suggests. Female entrepreneurship was not a uniform experience. Certain demographics clustered in specific trades and within those sectors employers and own-account proprietors had strikingly different age, marital status and household profiles. A woman’s life cycle event such as marriage, motherhood and widowhood played an important role in her decision whether to work, the work available to her and the entrepreneurial choices she could make. While marriage and motherhood removed women from the labour force, they had less of an effect on their levels of entrepreneurship. Women who had young children were more entrepreneurial than those who had none, and entrepreneurship rates rose with the arrival of one child and continued to rise the more children were added to the family.  相似文献   
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