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蒋介石为整训远征军、便利反攻缅甸起见,于1942年底决定由陈诚任远征军司令长官。陈诚对反攻缅甸的态度较为消极,但鉴于蒋介石的困难处境仍勉强受命。由于军队积弊深重、财政罗掘俱穷等原因,陈诚对反攻缅甸前景甚为悲观,多次向蒋介石请辞,但均未为其所允准。陈诚在任职近九个月之际离职,原因在于其胃病发作、难以视事,并非由于其与史迪威的合作关系引发蒋介石的戒心。  相似文献   
日本南进后,缅甸成为战略必争之地。1如年日本发动侵缅战争,对世界战争局势造成重大影响,其原因主要在于:从历史上看,一方面日本与英美等国在远东地区矛盾由来已久,另一方面它是日本军国主义发展的必然结果;从当时的国际形势看,它既是中日战争长期化的结果,也是欧洲战场上德军胜利的鼓舞。  相似文献   
非政府组织是当前缅甸社会发展中的一股新兴社会力量,它在缅甸被殖民时期、军人专政时期以及民主转型的新时期都发挥着作用。它以缅甸政府、民间社会为影响对象,推动缅甸政治社会的现代化。一方面通过民生项目援助弥补了缅甸政府公共治理的不足;另一方面培养了缅甸民众的权益意识,成为缅甸民众利益意识的培育者与权利的维护者,对于改变缅甸民众消极、被动的政治人格具有积极意义。  相似文献   
论中缅关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当代中缅两国建立了睦邻友好、和平合作的双边关系,这种关系在21世纪将得到进一步巩固和发展。巩固和发展这种关系对中缅双方既是可能的也是必要的。它有利于缅甸维护国内稳定,改善国际环境,提高国际地位,发展民族经济;它也有利于我国营造良好的周边国际环境,推行印度洋战略,保障经济安全。发展中缅关系有助于我国实施西部大开发战略,促进我国西部发展。  相似文献   
中国远征军入缅作战及其影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国政府出兵缅甸是由当时的历史条件所决定的,它是日本南进的必然结果。中国远征军入缅作战,取得重大胜利,有力支持了国内抗战,提高了中国军队在国际反法西斯统一战线中的地位;同时,它支援盟国在亚太地区军事行动,为东南亚人民的民族解放斗争做出贡献,并从侧翼牵制了太平洋地区,为盟军反攻日本创造条件。它的历史地位和作用应充分肯定。  相似文献   
This research was conducted in an informal school located in Thailand at the border with Myanmar (Burma) and supervised by the Karen National Union (KNU). The KNU has claimed and fought for political autonomy and independence from the Burmese government for more than a half century. The authors examine how, in their narratives about what it means to be Karen, future Karen leaders try to deal with challenges to a sense of Karen unity and “groupness,” and to the legitimacy of the Karen struggle. One important challenge is the substantial cultural, religious, linguistic, and geographical internal diversity. Establishing a coherent Karen identity among the different subgroups is a continuing struggle for Karen leaders. Another is the negative labeling of the KNU as stubborn people and violent terrorists. These labels endanger the political project, the international reputation, and the local attractiveness of the KNU.  相似文献   
缅甸的掸族与中国的傣族本为同一民族,今天我们所见到的缅甸掸族,是在中国西南边疆的变迁和缅甸封建王朝的北扩这一历史背景下,促使该民族群体中的一部分逐渐形成于缅甸境内。虽然他们在社会经济和文化的某些方面与中国的傣族有所不同,但还有许多方面依然很相似。而且直到今天,居住在缅甸的掸族依然还自称傣族。  相似文献   
1944年底,中美英印缅联军集中兵力于中缅印战区发动攻势,将日军全歼于滇西和缅甸战场,取得堪称“东方诺曼底”战役的伟大胜利,与欧洲盟军“诺曼底登陆”遥相呼应,具有重大的历史意义。  相似文献   
“二战”期间,中国政府应盟国要求,派遣远征军进入缅甸,援助英国对日作战.中国远征军第一次入缅作战,历经艰难险阻,付出巨大牺牲,虽以撤退告结束,却予日军以沉重打击,勘踏出一条收复缅甸的胜利之路,为世界反法西斯战争做出了重大贡献.  相似文献   
BackgroundAcross the globe, many women including economic and humanitarian migrants receive inadequate antenatal care. Understanding the difficulties that migrant women encounter when accessing maternity care, including the approach of health professionals, is necessary because inadequate care is associated with increasing rates of morbidity and mortality. There are very few studies of migrant women’s access to and experience of maternity services when they have migrated from a low- to a middle-income country.AimTo examine the perceptions and practices of Thai health professionals providing maternity care for migrant Burmese women, and to describe women’s experiences of their encounters with health professionals providing maternity care in Ranong Province in southern Thailand.MethodsEthnography informed the study design. Individual interviews were conducted with 13 healthcare professionals and 10 Burmese women before and after birth. Observations of interactions (130 h) between health care providers and Burmese women were also conducted. Data were analysed using thematic analysis.FindingsThe healthcare professionals’ practices differed between the antenatal clinics and the postnatal ward. Numerous barriers to accessing culturally appropriate antenatal care were evident. In contrast, the care provided in the postnatal ward was woman and family centered and culturally sensitive. One overarching theme, “The system is in control’ was identified, and comprised three sub-themes (1) ‘Being processed’ (2) ‘Insensitivity to cultural practices’ and, (3) ‘The space to care’.Discussion and conclusionsThe health system and healthcare professionals controlled the way antenatal care was provided to Burmese migrant women. This bureaucratic and culturally insensitive approach to antenatal care impacted on some women’s decision to engage in antenatal care. Conversely, the more positive examples of woman-centered care evident after birth in the postnatal ward, can inform service delivery.  相似文献   
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