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美国汉学名家华兹生教授英译的《史记》是20世纪西方汉学界的重大成果.西方汉学家从文本语义考证、英译本完整性和学术性以及文本互涉关联性视角对华兹生《史记》英译文进行了批评与分析.这些分析评论有助于更加全面系统地认识华兹生《史记》英译,促进美国汉学界对《史记》的进一步研究与译介.  相似文献   

The study focuses on the role of policy advice brokers – political advisors – pertaining to the issue of politicization in the European Commission (EC). The study conceptualizes politicization as increased use of political advisors – known as “cabinets” in the EC context – by the Commissioners to ensure political direction over the work of the civil service. Commissioners’ private cabinets fulfil several functions, one of which is political steering of the policy work in the departments. The study argues that as a result of the NPM-style reform and strengthening of the civil service accountability to the political level, the political steering function of the cabinet advisors grew in importance. To examine whether the political steering function of cabinets became more important after the reform, the study analyzed the lists of cabinets’ responsibilities available online from the Prodi to the Junker Commissions. The content of the lists of responsibilities was first coded and then statistically analyzed testing for the effect of the reform on the structure of cabinets’ responsibilities.  相似文献   
美国对鸦片的政策及其禁烟的努力经历了一个演化的过程,即首先由美国国内的禁烟开始,然后将目光转向了远东的属地菲律宾,并在菲律宾开展禁烟运动。1906年,晚清中国的禁烟运动给美国提供了一个得天独厚的机会来倡议国际联合禁烟,将禁烟运动国际化,即由一国的国内事务成为世界各国共同担负的责任和义务。中国日益高涨的民族主义浪潮拉开了禁烟运动的序幕,由民族主义浪潮所激发的清政府维护国家主权的努力也迫使美国作出了让步,支持中国第一次以平等国家的身份参加国际禁烟会议。  相似文献   
法律授权的组织的经济法地位——兼评中国证监会的地位   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
主体理论是法学理论的重点,大多数法学主体理论不能满足整体社会和混合社会的法律实践的需要。主体理论的革命带来对经济法主体的重新认识。维护整体经济利益的主体享有经济监督权,是经济法主体的核心。以中国证监会为代表的享有经济监督权的法律授权的主体需要变革隶属于行政机关的地位。  相似文献   
The Imperial (subsequently the Commonwealth) War Graves Commission (IWGC) was established in 1917 comprising member countries of the former British Empire. The organisation was charged with providing appropriate memorials to commemorate the Empire’s war dead, individually and equally, without regard for military rank, class or nationality. This was no easy task given the numbers of dead from multiple theatres of war, the variety and oftentimes competing demands of imperial and national war offices, and the uncertain aesthetics arising from individually attuned and publically oriented commemorative intentions. Equally caught up in the mix of agencies and design practices were hordes of war trophies, captured artillery and military relics retrieved from battlefields across Europe, items carefully catalogued and preserved by the British War Office (BWO) and offspring agencies to provide artefacts for building memorials in Commonwealth states. This paper describes the work of the IWGC during and immediately following the years of the First World War. It relates the Commission’s activities building war cemeteries in view of changing geopolitical circumstances and commemorative conventions. The paper highlights tensions that appeared in the near routine collection of trophies for memorials and war cemeteries between British imperial offices and those of dominions and former colonies, specifically the Australian War Records Section which gained independence from the BWO in May 1917. The paper examines the mutual engagement of war’s material culture with patterns of sentiment shaped by mass conflict, an engagement mediated by administrative practices of war and remembrance.  相似文献   
华兹生、候格睿、杜润德是美国汉学界史记学研究领域最负盛名的学者。他们分别撰写的三部史记研究论著堪称该领域奠基之作,具有十分重要的学术价值,然而国内学术界目前鲜有文章论述这些著作。本文将对这三部著作进行一番介绍和评述,以唤起国内史记研究专家对此的关注。  相似文献   
This paper argues that the realist approach typically adopted in South African film studies reduces films to message‐bearing narratives in a way that ignores the specificity of the medium. Conversely, melodrama both as cinematic genre and as expressive register explicitly draws our attention away from issues of right representation to other neglected but essential dimensions of cinema. We argue that, far from being morally reductive or politically quietist, melodrama is a representational mode wholly appropriate to understanding the South African context including the painful stories of its apartheid past. To illustrate this broader critical point we offer an analysis of two films (of 2004) about the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) – In My Country and Forgiveness – which, we argue, can only be adequately understood if their uses of the visual and affective strategies of melodrama, which are consonant with aspects of the TRC itself, are acknowledged.  相似文献   
食品法典委员会是国际上影响最大的食品标准化组织,自1993年开始讨论转基因食品标识的议题,直到2012年初仍未形成得到普遍认同的国际标准。通过对其食品标识分委员会形成的7个文本草案进行比较,发现在强制标识上存在致敏性和实质不等同的相同,存在是否强制标识、阀值、豁免和执行的不同;食品法典委员会不能形成国际标准的内部原因是在转基因食品上科学无定论、利益集团分歧严重,外部原因是食品法典委员会与WTO过于紧密的联系。提出食品法典标准关于转基因食品标识国际标准的发展方向:转基因食品标识标准应是原则性的和宽松的。  相似文献   
论抗战初期的"新运妇指会"   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
抗战爆发后,为了联合各界妇女团体,团结和动员广大妇女积极投身抗战,新生活运动促进总会妇女指导委员会(简称新运妇指会)进行改组.改组后的新运妇指会,设立了慰劳、儿童保育、战地服务等小组,成为全国性的领导和动员妇女参加抗战的总机构.各小组在新运妇指会的领导下,积极宣传抗战、抢救难童、慰劳伤兵、训练妇女,为支援抗战做出了重要贡献.  相似文献   
全国范围内高校职务犯罪大面积发生,承担着加强监督、遏制腐败职责的高校纪委面临着更为艰巨的任务。高校纪检工作存在着廉政教育效果不佳、监管制度存在漏洞和缺陷、监督机制缺乏操作规程、监督力量薄弱和监督效能不高等问题。要使纪检工作在新时期高校科学发展中发挥良好作用,就应当从加强党纪教育宣传、建立健全监督制度、完善监督工作机制、加强自身队伍建设等方面对纪检工作进行完善。  相似文献   
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