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采用三维CAD/CAM技术探索毕业设计技术创新   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文分析了三维CAD和CAM技术的发展以及在企业和我校的应用现状,论述了用三维CAD取代二维CAD,实现CAD与CAM一体化的必然趋势。为使机械类专业本科教学满足和适应技术发展的要求,本文介绍了如何在专业模块课程和毕业设计中率先采用三维CAD和CAM技术,探索了毕业设计技术创新的认识,并展示了所取得的成效。  相似文献   
(CAD/CAM》课程的教学改革实践与探索   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
随着计算机技术的迅猛发展及其与设计、制造技术的相互结合与渗透.计算机辅助设计与制造作为先进制造手段之一在企业中得到普遍应用,很多工科大专院校已将该门课程列入专业基础课群中。通过对该课程进行的一系列教学改革措施,包括教学目标的修正、教学内容的整合、上机实验的调整以及教学方法的改进,可以在很大程度上调动学生积极性,并提升教学质量。  相似文献   
随着数字化技术的迅速发展及其与制造业的紧密融合,CAD/CAM技术已成为机械工程师不可或缺的一项专业技能。很多工科院校已将《CAD/CAM》课程纳入本科教学的专业主干课群中。在课堂教学中引入桌面式PPCNC,实时展示数控加工过程,并建设开放式CAD/CAM技术平台和组建CAD/CAM技术实践小组,对凸显CAD/CAM技术的实践性、适应应用型人才的培养目标、提升课程教学质量、调动学生积极性、激发学生的自主能动性都是有益的探索和尝试。  相似文献   

Aromatherapy is a complementary and alternative medicine practice with several distinct lineages and with some uncertainty about the most appropriate way to professionalize. The historical feminization of smell and perfumes means that aromatherapy is culturally marked as a “feminized” practice. This feminization is a mixed blessing in relation to aromatherapy's attempts to advance itself as a discipline. While for many practitioners and clients the traditionally feminized associations of smell, such as its connections to emotions, memory, and the unconscious, serve as a source of value, for others, feminized languages and practices stand in the way of aromatherapy's advancement as a scientifically validated discipline.  相似文献   
采用逆向方法进行模具设计与制造,是缩短产品开发周期,提高产品质量,进而建立自己的设计制造体系的重要手段.本文介绍逆向工程的概念,应用领域,并通过对125-GY摩托车前挡泥板逆向制造方法及过程,从而说明该技术是CAD/CAM重要组成部分,并对此项技术在工业领域的普及和应用进行推广.  相似文献   
In the last decade or so, complementary and alternative medicine generally, and therapeutic bodywork in particular, has been attempting to enhance its professional status and standing. By focusing upon the sex/gender dimensions of therapeutic massage and the wider historical, cultural and legal contexts in which such work is situated, this article explores and analyses the discursive formations and practices which women therapeutic massage practitioners deploy in the course of their attempts to achieve professional recognition. Drawing upon both primary and secondary data, it is argued that particular difficulties pertain in the case of the professionalization of therapeutic massage. Because of the widespread elisions between massage and sex work, women therapeutic massage practitioners have to mark out their professional distance from clients by deploying professional identifications and by using boundary‐setting devices or techniques which act to distinguish them from sex workers. This article explores these discursive formations and practices and argues that they act to create near‐intractable problems for women massage practitioners. The article concludes that, because these issues are not commonly acknowledged in much of the academic, policy or practitioner‐orientated literature, the neglect of sex/gender in the case of therapeutic massage has consequences not only for the professionaliza‐tion project of this particular therapeutic modality but for the ways in which various body work occupations in which women predominate tend to be seen as marginal and illegitimate ‘professions’.  相似文献   
结合摆动从动件圆柱凸轮机构在一次性卫生用品生产线上调向装置中的应用,针对圆柱凸轮设计和制造的技术难题,根据摆动从动件圆柱凸轮轮廓曲面的方程,基于两重包络法,推导出非等径加工摆动从动件圆柱凸轮的刀具轨迹方程。并根据布尔差运算原理和展成法加工原理,基于三维软件的二次开发接口,完成了圆柱凸轮的三维参数化精确建模和CAD/CAM系统开发。应用结果表明该系统能准确加工出调向装置中的圆柱凸轮,且成本低。该系统的开发能有效提高圆柱凸轮的设计和制造效率。  相似文献   
运用CAD方法,由控制顶点、权因子和节点矢量定义的旋转面的NURBS表示,可以达到人们所期望的旋转面的形状。据此提出了在现实生活中带有旋转面实体的计算机表示,很好地解决了旋转面实体在设计和加工过程中出现的形状不准确的问题。  相似文献   
通过ObjectARX技术对AutoCAD进行二次开发,实现凸轮的参数化设计.其中以圆弧代替直线逼近凸轮轮廓曲线,能自动生成相应的数控加工代码,以及实现仿真加工.  相似文献   
为专业的发展对《模具CAD/CAM》课程进行了改革,结合专业的特点将教学大纲、教学内容和教学模式进行了相应调整。以杯子的注塑模设计与制造为案例进行了技能融合理论知识的教学实践。初步实践充分证明了课程改革对人才的培养和专业的发展具有积极意义。  相似文献   
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