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This paper is concerned with semiparametric discrete kernel estimators when the unknown count distribution can be considered to have a general weighted Poisson form. The estimator is constructed by multiplying the Poisson estimate with a nonparametric discrete kernel-type estimate of the Poisson weight function. Comparisons are then carried out with the ordinary discrete kernel probability mass function estimators. The Poisson weight function is thus a local multiplicative correction factor, and is considered as the uniform measure to detect departures from the equidispersed Poisson distribution. In this way, the effects of dispersion and zero-proportion with respect to the standard Poisson distribution are also minimized. This method of estimation is also applied to the weighted binomial form for the count distribution having a finite support. The proposed estimators, in addition to being simple, easy-to-implement and effective, also outperform the competing nonparametric and parametric estimators in finite-sample situations. Two examples illustrate this new semiparametric estimation. 相似文献
A broad spectrum of flexible univariate and multivariate models can be constructed by using a hidden truncation paradigm. Such models can be viewed as being characterized by a basic marginal density, a family of conditional densities and a specified hidden truncation point, or points. The resulting class of distributions includes the basic marginal density as a special case (or as a limiting case), but also includes an array of models that may unexpectedly include many well known densities. Most of the well known skew-normal models (developed from the seed distribution popularized by Azzalini [(1985). A class of distributions which includes the normal ones. Scand. J. Statist. 12(2), 171–178]) can be viewed as being products of such a hidden truncation construction. However, the many hidden truncation models with non-normal component densities undoubtedly deserve further attention. 相似文献
Xiao Wang 《Revue canadienne de statistique》2009,37(1):102-118
The author considers estimation under a Gamma process model for degradation data. The setting for degradation data is one in which n independent units, each with a Gamma process with a common shape function and scale parameter, are observed at several possibly different times. Covariates can be incorporated into the model by taking the scale parameter as a function of the covariates. The author proposes using the maximum pseudo‐likelihood method to estimate the unknown parameters. The method requires usage of the Pool Adjacent Violators Algorithm. Asymptotic properties, including consistency, convergence rate and asymptotic distribution, are established. Simulation studies are conducted to validate the method and its application is illustrated by using bridge beams data and carbon‐film resistors data. The Canadian Journal of Statistics 37: 102‐118; 2009 © 2009 Statistical Society of Canada 相似文献
Vittorio Addona Masoud Asgharian David B. Wolfson 《Revue canadienne de statistique》2009,37(2):206-218
For many diseases, logistic constraints render large incidence studies difficult to carry out. This becomes a drawback, particularly when a new study is needed each time the incidence rate is investigated in a new population. By carrying out a prevalent cohort study with follow‐up it is possible to estimate the incidence rate if it is constant. The authors derive the maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) of the overall incidence rate, λ, as well as age‐specific incidence rates, by exploiting the epidemiologic relationship, (prevalence odds) = (incidence rate) × (mean duration) (P/[1 ? P] = λ × µ). The authors establish the asymptotic distributions of the MLEs and provide approximate confidence intervals for the parameters. Moreover, the MLE of λ is asymptotically most efficient and is the natural estimator obtained by substituting the marginal maximum likelihood estimators for P and µ into P/[1 ? P] = λ × µ. Following‐up the subjects allows the authors to develop these widely applicable procedures. The authors apply their methods to data collected as part of the Canadian Study of Health and Ageing to estimate the incidence rate of dementia amongst elderly Canadians. The Canadian Journal of Statistics © 2009 Statistical Society of Canada 相似文献
To enhance modeling flexibility, the authors propose a nonparametric hazard regression model, for which the ordinary and weighted least squares estimation and inference procedures are studied. The proposed model does not assume any parametric specifications on the covariate effects, which is suitable for exploring the nonlinear interactions between covariates, time and some exposure variable. The authors propose the local ordinary and weighted least squares estimators for the varying‐coefficient functions and establish the corresponding asymptotic normality properties. Simulation studies are conducted to empirically examine the finite‐sample performance of the new methods, and a real data example from a recent breast cancer study is used as an illustration. The Canadian Journal of Statistics 37: 659–674; 2009 © 2009 Statistical Society of Canada 相似文献
Most of the long memory estimators for stationary fractionally integrated time series models are known to experience non‐negligible bias in small and finite samples. Simple moment estimators are also vulnerable to such bias, but can easily be corrected. In this article, the authors propose bias reduction methods for a lag‐one sample autocorrelation‐based moment estimator. In order to reduce the bias of the moment estimator, the authors explicitly obtain the exact bias of lag‐one sample autocorrelation up to the order n−1. An example where the exact first‐order bias can be noticeably more accurate than its asymptotic counterpart, even for large samples, is presented. The authors show via a simulation study that the proposed methods are promising and effective in reducing the bias of the moment estimator with minimal variance inflation. The proposed methods are applied to the northern hemisphere data. The Canadian Journal of Statistics 37: 476–493; 2009 © 2009 Statistical Society of Canada 相似文献
普通高校体育选项课程改革研究 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
针对广大学生对体育项目的爱好的差别,普通高校开设体育选项课已经势在必行.体育选项课中项目该如何设置,教师知识应如何更新,教学主管部门又该如何配合?这些都是实际工作中应切实解决的问题. 相似文献
张利香 《山西农业大学学报(社会科学版)》2011,10(12):1252-1254
山西晋祠是我国历史悠久的集建筑、园林为一体的宗祠园林,具有较高的历史和文化价值。在介绍晋祠概况的基础上,从山水格局的保护、祠内建筑的保护、植物的保护等方面,对该历史园林的保护和利用进行了分析,探讨了历史园林的保护利用措施,旨在探索宗祠园林如何有效地保护其历史原真性、文化性和完整性,协调好保护与利用的关系,更好地将历史园林与现代景观融合,提升其文化价值。 相似文献
卢国琪 《华中师范大学研究生学报》2007,(4)
在中国共产党成立之前,从"五四"运动到一九二O年夏天是毛泽东同志思想飞跃发展的关键时期。在这个时期,他完成了思想的根本转变,从一个具有初步共产主义思想的知识分子发展为坚定的马克思主义者。作者从客观影响和主观努力两个视角分析了毛泽东同志在建党前完成思想根本转变的双重原因。 相似文献
通过新型网络接口芯片PS2000A实现MCU监控系统网络化,实现了真正意义上的远距离监控。 使MCU监控系统网络化技术的实施取材方便,电路简捷。 相似文献