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Researchers recommend the use of pictographs in medical risk communication to improve people's risk comprehension and decision making. However, it is not yet clear whether the iconicity used in pictographs to convey risk information influences individuals’ information processing and comprehension. In an eye‐tracking experiment with participants from the general population (N = 188), we examined whether specific types of pictograph icons influence the processing strategy viewers use to extract numerical information. In addition, we examined the effect of iconicity and numeracy on probability estimation, recall, and icon liking. This experiment used a 2 (iconicity: blocks vs. restroom icons) × 2 (scenario: medical vs. nonmedical) between‐subject design. Numeracy had a significant effect on information processing strategy, but we found no effect of iconicity or scenario. Results indicated that both icon types enabled high and low numerates to use their default way of processing and extracting the gist of the message from the pictorial risk communication format: high numerates counted icons, whereas low numerates used large‐area processing. There was no effect of iconicity in the probability estimation. However, people who saw restroom icons had a higher probability of correctly recalling the exact risk level. Iconicity had no effect on icon liking. Although the effects are small, our findings suggest that person‐like restroom icons in pictographs seem to have some advantages for risk communication. Specifically, in nonpersonalized prevention brochures, person‐like restroom icons may maintain reader motivation for processing the risk information.  相似文献   
强势文化冲击下的黑人文化流失是莫里森的小说《最蓝的眼睛》所表达的一个重要的主题。小说边缘化的叙述方式即百纳被的创作手段得到了充分的演绎,让读者在参与拼接的阅读中得到这样的启示:以白人文化和生活方式作为价值取向,只会给黑人带来困惑和错乱;如果放弃黑人文化,迷失在白人文化的冲击中,只能造成人生的悲剧。  相似文献   
段军霞 《殷都学刊》2011,32(1):97-102
新批评认为反讽是语境对一个陈述的明显歪曲,反讽的描写包含着与字面相反或相背离的含义,蕴涵了比直接话语言说更为有力的悖论和无奈。莫里森在其处女作《最蓝的眼睛》中创造性地运用了反讽这一现代艺术特征来塑造人物,突出了黑人在白人文化语境中所遭遇的生存困惑和心理戕害。借助小说中的人物刻画,莫里森意在指出族人的出路与未来不是心理漂白,而是植根于本民族的文化,坚持与传承本族文化的优秀传统和其独特性。  相似文献   
佩科拉悲剧探源--评托尼·莫里森《最蓝的眼睛》   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文论述托尼·莫里森的第一部小说《最蓝的眼睛》所反映的种族歧视问题,阐明白人的主流文化是如何压抑、摧残黑人女孩的,揭示小说作者向自己同胞传达的信息对压迫要反抗、要斗争.  相似文献   
彭见明长篇小说《天眼》的叙事颇具特色。首先,《天眼》吸纳了中国传统章回体小说的叙事方式,这不仅体现在分章回目上,也彰显在故事框架的建构和预述上。其次,《天眼》驻足于民间化叙事立场,叙事呈现出"乡中人"的叙述姿态和散漫性、原发性的思维特征。然而,《天眼》又并不属于回归传统的写作或民间化创作,其叙事是对传统叙事和民间叙事的双重超越和创造性重构。  相似文献   
采用失言任务和眼测验、人际关系问卷等方法对太原科技大学的195名学生进行抽样调查,在此基础上简要描述了大学生心理理论特点及人际困扰状况,并重点分析二者关系。得出如下结论:当前大学生的心理理论处于中上等水平,并且在随着年级上升逐渐完善;大学生人际关系存在不同程度的困扰,有近一半人存在一般程度或严重程度的困扰;大学生失言任务、眼测验及心理理论与总体人际困扰及其三个因子存在不同程度的显著负相关,表明心理理论与人际困扰在某种意义上存在复杂关系。  相似文献   
The purpose of this paper is to describe and illustrate with case examples a brief intervention termed Radical Exposure Tapping (RET). RET can be integrated with family therapy to address stuck points where the therapy is hindered by a family member's affective block, an intense and unchangeable emotional reactivity to a specific trigger. RET draws from the methodology of Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) and combines it with the tapping sequence of the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) to produce an intervention that is more flexible than EMDR, provides greater rigor than using the EFT technique alone and can be effective in a single session within the context of family therapy. The paper puts this work into context by first over viewing definitions of trauma and Post‐Traumatic Stress Disorder, arguing that family members' emotional reactivity may be a symptom of PTSD even when they would not qualify for the diagnosis because they had not experienced a life threatening event.  相似文献   

This 18-month follow-up study builds on the findings of a randomized experimental evaluation that found qualified support for the short-term effectiveness of Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) in reducing trauma symptoms among adult female survivors of childhood sexual abuse (CSA). The current study provides preliminary evidence that the therapeutic benefits of EMDR for adult female survivors of CSA can be maintained over an 18-month period. Furthermore, there is some support for the suggestion that EMDR did so more efficiently and provided a greater sense of trauma resolution than did routine individual therapy.  相似文献   
试析《最蓝的眼睛》中的神话运用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当代非裔美国女作家托尼.莫里森在其处女作《最蓝的眼睛》中运用神话构建小说人物、事件及主题,揭示美国白人强势文化对黑人弱势文化的侵蚀所造成的黑人心灵文化的迷失——对白人价值标准的内化和对黑人身份的放弃,引发对美国黑人文化生存和发展的思考。  相似文献   
在托尼·莫里森的第一部小说《最蓝的眼睛》中,黑人心灵在白人主流文化冲击下异化扭曲,发生了审美危机。同时,小说揭示了黑人民族只有保留住黑人文化,才能在两种文化的对撞中生存下来。  相似文献   
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