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作为爱尔兰最伟大的诗人之一,叶芝将爱尔兰民俗和神话作为自己的诗歌创造题材,致力于恢复凯尔特文化传统。与此同时,他在创造中采用了基督教文化元素,将爱尔兰凯尔特文化与西方基督教文化融合在一起。叶芝诗歌中兼具凯尔特传统与基督教元素,此外,他坚持用英语写作,体现了他诗歌中凯尔特文化与英国传统文化之间的依赖与对抗。他在保持与本民族的联系同时,借鉴了其他文化尤其是基督教的精髓,使其诗歌具有了不朽的生命力。  相似文献   
本文从一名犹太基督徒的视角出发,阐述了在作者身上所发生的犹太教与基督教身份之间的张力,并从耶稣、保罗以及早期犹太基督徒身上寻找解决方案,进而消解基督教与犹太教之间历史上的误会与冲突,以及如何从基督教的角度去协同与犹太教的关系。最后,作者陈述了现代以色列国内巴勒斯坦人的现状,并提出作为一个基督徒的正当立场。  相似文献   
西方传统的基督教信仰秩序被破坏后,人们寻求非宗教的世界解释方式。无论是理性主义还是浪漫主义,都要求将超验者从人类的知识结构和道德地形图中驱逐出去,而将知识的基础和道德的根源设定在人类的理性或本性之内。现代世俗思潮对基督教信仰的冲击,使得人们重新重视自然神学的重要性。而从自然神学衍生出来的自然神论,则是传统基督教信仰与现代人本主义之间的过渡。追问世界与上帝同一性的泛神论,和自然神论有一个共同的倾向,那就是无神论。在当今这个多元化时代,面对众多世俗思潮的冲击,基督教信仰应当如何自处,是一个必须面对的难题。  相似文献   
叔本华通过重新理解康德和柏拉图的哲学 ,批评其两个世界的划分而转向印度教的“梵我合一” ,从而从基督教转向东方宗教和直觉主义。其意义在于打破了东西方宗教的隔离 ,推动了西方哲学和宗教向东方宗教的交汇。东西方哲学和宗教都应该克服各自的局限 ,为全球时代的哲学重建作出贡献。  相似文献   
福建是近代基督教传教士较早进入的地区之一。在其传教中,面对福建方言繁多的问题,他们以罗马字母来模拟地方腔发音,编创了数十种闽方言罗马字母字,通过编印出版书报、组织罗马字运动等,使闽方言罗马字普及为地方教会识字运动的主要文字。但是罗马字本身所蕴涵的西方文化背景以及地方腔等特点,在该文字的普及过程中对各地教会和福建社会产生了不同的影响,既有接受者与汉文字隔绝的消极作用,也有启蒙文字改革、社会教育的积极作用。  相似文献   
以弥尔顿本人的“反三位一体”神学观为切入点,以史诗《复乐园》中不为学界关注的第二重诱惑为主要文本分析对象,从两方面解读史诗英雄耶稣。首先,弥尔顿为全面展现耶稣的“内在精神”之品质,基于认知层面的第一重诱惑而设计了第二重诱惑,具体针对耶稣在物质、知识和意志另三个层面的需求;正是恶魔撒旦的持续诱惑使耶稣展示为“特选的完人,去拯救世人”。其次,弥尔顿设置耶稣抵御撒旦时的回应始终“简短”,而这是对抗邪恶最有效的回击策略。这两点共同构成弥尔顿将耶稣塑造为“基督式英雄之原型”的匠心。  相似文献   
The parties contributing to the Freedom of Religion and Belief in Australia Inquiry had a strong interest in the role of religion in society. Those making submissions were parochial about the status and importance of their own faith, less positive about religious diversity, more likely to be culturally supremacist, and more likely to independently express anti‐Islamic sentiment than the general population. A large proportion of submissions (40 per cent) included the religio‐centric assertion that Australia is a Christian nation. Alternative voices – that Australia is a multi‐faith country or those that saw Australia as secular – were much less ‘present’ in the submissions. Most submissions argued for the retention of religious exemptions from anti‐discrimination laws and against anti‐religious‐vilification legislation that would protect religious minorities. Christian‐centric voices purposefully undermined movement towards more inclusive social policy and protection of rights. The Christian majority insisted that their position of dominance be affirmed in Australia. The failure of the inquiry to advocate for policy and legislative change to expand religious freedoms (especially to minorities) was a performance of professed ‘state neutrality’ that reproduced substantive inequality. The public submission process was an effective mechanism for reinforcing a privileged relation between the state and Christian organisations, and fails the tests of both fairness and more substantively equality.  相似文献   
哈弗罗斯是当代美国著名的基督教伦理学家,他提出了"激进的和平主义"的思想,其特点主要有三个方面:(1)他的非暴力思想具有纯粹性、彻底性.和平主义被定位为基督教伦理立场的核心所在.(2)其和平立场具有批判性、复杂性.既要超越一般的人道的和平主义,也提醒人们不要轻视战争对人的吸引力.(3)他坚持的是特殊的"末世论"的和平主义.这种坚定的反战立场对依旧随时受到暴力、战争威胁的现代社会很有启发意义.  相似文献   
Religion and attitudes towards nature in Britain   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Religious institutions have been identified as important conduits in shaping social attitudes toward nature and the environment. Using Lynn White's historical thesis that Judeo-Christianity has cherished the domination of nature ('dominion' belief) by humans as our frame of reference, this article examines the impact of religion, specifically Abrahamic and Judeo-Christian beliefs, on environmental attitudes in Britain. Based on the 1993 British Social Attitudes Survey, a nationally representative sample of the adult population in Britain, the multivariate results of this paper suggest that: (a) there is no significant difference between Christians and non-Christians concerning environmental attitudes; (b) Roman Catholics are the most sceptic toward nature among Christian denominations; and (c) irrespective of religious identification, the two most notable and consistent factors in determining pro-dominion attitudes in Britain are educational attainment and particularly levels of scientific knowledge about the natural environment.  相似文献   
“宜昌教案”是中国近代史上产生过重大影响的涉外事件 ,然而各种史籍对该案的记述不一 ,甚至自相矛盾。对“宜昌教案”的诸多疑点进行考证清理 ,还历史本来面目很有必要  相似文献   
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