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周竞红 《民族研究》2006,8(4):11-19
学界对中国国民党边疆民族观的研究已经取得了丰富的成果,一些近代民族主义的研究也常常涉及这一问题,但是专门以国民党前身组织和其执掌全国政权之前的边疆民族观为考察对象,并梳理其边疆民族观演变过程的成果尚不多见。本文试图在前人研究的基础上,探讨这一问题。清末资产阶级革命组织及其政党边疆民族观的走向,深刻地影响了传统中国国家的转型,特别是其最终抛弃汉族主义,提出民族团结、平等思想,坚持大中华民族新主义,对唤醒各民族意识和各民族共同推动国家转型有着重要的历史作用。  相似文献   
Gender equality (GE) is something ‘we cannot not want’. Indeed, the pursuit of equal rights, responsibilities and opportunities for all women and men throughout a society freed from gendered oppression is widely visible in recent organizational GE initiatives. In practice, however, GE initiatives often fail in challenging gendered norms and at effecting deep‐seated change. In fact, GE measures tend to encounter resistance, with a gap between saying and doing. Using a GE project at a Swedish university, we examined the changing nature of reactions to GE objectives seeking to understand why gender inequality persists in academia. We used ‘resistance’ to identify multiple, complex reactions to the project, focusing on the discursive practices of GE. Focusing our contextual analysis on change and changes in reactions enabled a process‐oriented analysis that revealed gaps where change is possible. Thus, we argue that studying change makes it possible to identify points in time where gendered discriminatory norms are more likely to occur. However, analysing discursive practices does not itself lead to change nor to action. Rather, demands for change must start with answering, in a collaborative way, what problem we are trying to solve when we start a new GE project, in order to be relevant to the specific context. Otherwise, GE risks being the captive of consensus politics and gender inequality will persist.  相似文献   

Two recent contributions to this section have drawn attention to the barriers which academics with disabilities have to navigate in academia where ableism “is endemic” (Brown and Leigh, 2018 Brown, N & Leigh, J (2018) Abelism in academia? Where are the disabled and ill academics. Disability & Society, 33 (6): 985989.[Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]: 4). Hannam-Swain (2018 Hannam-Swain, S (2018) The additional labour of a disabled PhD student. Disability & Society, 33 (1): 138142.[Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) highlighted the additional intellectual, emotional and physical labour required of her as a disabled PhD student, and Brown and Leigh (2018 Brown, N & Leigh, J (2018) Abelism in academia? Where are the disabled and ill academics. Disability & Society, 33 (6): 985989.[Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) queried “where are all the disabled and ill academics?” However, Brown and Leigh primarily focus on those with invisible “conditions” and the dilemmas raised by disclosure in a context where such conditions negate academic status and credibility. In contrast, since my “disability” is visible, I do not share the dilemma/“luxury” of secrecy. My presence announces my status before me, and this negates my personhood altogether in academic settings. It also places a burden of additional unpaid labour upon me which has significant mental health and career impacts as well as violating principles of equality.  相似文献   
正是由于人类社会男人与女人两大主体的相辅而行,才有了人类社会的文明进步,但女性在参与社会多种活动中遇到的阻力远远超过男性。影响农村女性地位提高的不仅是经济因素,还有社会心理因素,即文化素质偏低、心理素质较差、政治素质偏低、身体素质欠佳及各种偏见和阻力的存在。国家应从实行倾斜性保护政策、为农村女性创造参与社会的条件和机会、提高农村女性的心理素质等方面,积极营造良好的社会心理氛围,以提高我国农村女性的地位。  相似文献   
公平、公正、正义和平等的意义相近,它们有着一定的内在联系和相通性,在特定的境况下,甚至可以互换或者交替使用。但从学术研究的角度来看,它们之间在不同的语境、不同的领域中,其适用对象和含义又是有区别的,或者说是各有所侧重。在很多情况下,它们之间更是一个相互缠绕的关系。  相似文献   
逯改 《兰州学刊》2008,(4):99-101
社会性别是相对于生理性别而产生的,是近年来国际上分析男女平等的重要概念。从社会性别的视角来看,影响两性别平等的因素,主要有理论、经济、政治和文化等方面。实现两性平等对于弘扬先进文化,建设和谐社会具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   
傅强 《学术探索》2008,(4):25-29
凯·尼尔森从政治哲学的角度对《哥达纲领批判》进行了较为本真的解读,认为马克思葆有一种正义观,马克思对资本主义的批判是被理论渗透的经验论述和道德评价。马克思的正义观要求我们应当根据具体的历史背景和特定的生产方式判断社会现象的正义性。共产主义两个阶段有着与其生产力发展水平相适应的正义原则,无产阶级的正义诉求绝不是追求所谓的“消除一切社会的和政治的不平等”,而是消灭阶级。  相似文献   
妇女文化教育权利的法律保护目前受到各界的广泛关注,妇女受教育的权利是我国宪法规定的公民的基本权利,任何人不允许周任何手段剥夺妇女的受教育权利。但是,现实当中妇女受教育的权利并没有得到真正的保护,有很多偏远山区,重男轻女现象非常严重,女孩子的义务教育都很难保证,因此,我们呼吁社会保护妇女的文化教育权利。  相似文献   
张国强 《晋阳学刊》2008,3(1):50-53
社会公平、社会平等和社会公正概念相近而又各有侧重,共同构成社会公正观的核心内容。古今中外许多思想家、革命家都对社会公正进行过理论探讨或革命实践。社会公正观是一个历史的概念,具有历史性和相对性。科学的社会公正观是我国构建和谐社会的首要条件、保障经济繁荣的迫切需要、建设政治文明的必要前提和影响教育发展的伦理要素。  相似文献   
吴忠民 《河北学刊》2008,28(2):6-10
社会公正有着两个相辅相成的基本价值取向,一是让全体社会成员共享经济社会发展的成果;二是使每一个社会成员都拥有充分的自由发展空间。社会公正的基本立足点应当是客观和中立。在中国现阶段,社会贫富差距状况的主要指标呈现出一种恶化的态势,这反映了中国社会结构层面出现了比较明显的问题:一是在社会大的环境层面上,自由相对有余而平等相对不足;二是在基础阶层或是民众层面上,社会主要群体呈弱势化趋向;三是在较高位置的阶层层面上,精英群体之间出现了利益结盟的苗头;四是在国家层面上,颠倒了公共投入优先的顺序。解决这些问题的关键在于:在全社会范围内确立起共享社会发展成果的基本理念,在大力推进经济社会发展的同时,建立起初级的社会公正保障体系,进而形成两头小、中间大的橄榄型社会分配结构。  相似文献   
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