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In the last few years, adoption of cloud computing has shown a marked increase across the world. Moreover, the smaller markets, viz., Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle-East, etc., are expected to grow at more than the average rate for the next few years. While this is good news for cloud service providers, significant obstacles to cloud adoption still remain a major cause of concern, for example, the quality of broadband services. As the quality of broadband services is not uniform across the different geographies, pricing of cloud services must take this non-uniformity into account. This paper provides managerial guidelines for cloud service providers on pricing their offerings. We develop optimal pricing strategies for a typical cloud service provider by modeling the utility of a customer of cloud services as a function of two vectors. The first vector is a set of parameters which contribute positively to the utility of a customer, and the second vector is a set of parameters which have a negative effect on the utility. We explore two pricing plans: usage based and fixed fee plan; determine the conditions under which customers would select one plan over another, and discuss the significance of these conditions for cloud service providers.  相似文献   
从空间批评视角解读乔伊斯的《小云朵》   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
空间批评关注空间的社会文化等属性,文本中的空间是一种蕴含多维意义的指涉系统。乔伊斯的短篇小说《小云朵》分别从景观空间、社会空间和个体空间3个角度呈现精神瘫痪的都柏林:景观空间反映都柏林社会的沉闷压抑、毫无生气、令人窒息;社会空间为情节提供发展的广度;个人空间则折射出主人公压抑的心情。这3种空间成为小说中的一种指涉系统,成功展现都柏林这座瘫痪中心的全景。  相似文献   
邱树伟 《琼州学院学报》2010,17(2):47-50,53
讨论了云计算技术的基本原理和体系结构;分析了云计算的几种形式和技术架构;重点剖析了典型的MapReduce分布式处理技术和Hadoop技术框架;最后,针对云计算技术可能面临的问题提出相应的解决策略.  相似文献   
《九云记》发现的20多年来,在韩国和中国陆续有几位学者进行研究,最后的焦点集中在《九云记》的国籍问题上。国内学者刘世德教授主要从外部材料出发,结合内证,根据《九云记》和《九云楼》的关系,推测《九云记》就是《九云楼》。《九云楼》是根据《九云梦》改写的中国小说,《九云记》也是中国小说。法国学者陈庆浩教授单纯从"文本"出发,抛开外部资料,列举了不符合中国语言习惯的几种现象,得出《九云记》是朝鲜小说的结论。我在认真研究内证的基础上,再结合外部材料,得出的结论是:《九云记》可能是中国小说,但它在传抄过程中,又留下了朝鲜人少量改写的痕迹。  相似文献   
戏剧《九重天》是英国当代剧作家凯萝·邱吉尔成名力作,因其独特的社会性别观,在当代英国剧场里十分具有代表性。分析了《九重天》第一幕中出现的4个典型人物的多元化性别特征,对殖民主义男权社会中男女性别的自然属性和社会性属进行了解构。  相似文献   
Akamai案中,美国联邦巡回上诉法院在无单一方直接侵权的情况下做出了引诱侵权成立的全席判决,实施了对专利权的强保护;而联邦最高法院重审认为这动摇了专利侵权的全要件基石,需由立法规定.考虑到通过安排多方参与来逃避侵权责任的情形确实存在,云计算领域中撰写也不能完全回避多方参与,从美国判例看,解决云计算多方参与方法专利侵权认定难题的可能路径是放宽这种情形下直接侵权的判定标准.我国的应对措施可以是建立无意思联络的共同侵权责任规则,这样既阻塞了多方参与实施专利以规避侵权责任的漏洞,又满足了直接侵权的全要件原则,免除了无过错方的责任.  相似文献   
茶叶生产流通信息服务模式的构建能够有效解决信息不对称问题和提升生产流通各环节效率,按照信息服务主体、客体、环节、内容的不同将茶叶生产流通信息服务模式分为农技站、茶叶合作社、龙头企业、批发市场以及“互联网+”平台模式五种。茶叶生产流通信息服务能力评价体系从信息服务设施、内容、队伍、效益、保障机制5个方面选取17个二级指标组成,采用层次分析法和模糊综合评价法对五种模式进行比较分析发现,“互联网+”平台模式综合能力更高,茶叶云平台是未来发展的重要趋势。  相似文献   
客户企业在实施SaaS(软件即服务,Software as a Service)云外包时,面临因效率参数不可观测所引发的云服务提供商(Cloud Service Provider,CSP)道德风险问题。针对该问题,以激励机制设计方法为基础,以客户企业期望收益最大化为目标,在服务产出为公共信息,而效率参数信息为CSP私人信息下研究如何通过外包合约的设计诱使CSP显示出真实的信息,并付出最优的努力水平。研究表明,最优努力水平、服务报酬支付是效率参数的减函数;客户企业向CSP提供的最优合约可以用线性合约表示;在由固定服务报酬及收益共享构成的线性合约中,效率参数与固定服务报酬支付正相关,与收益共享系数负相关。  相似文献   
海德格尔的存在主义是20世纪西方最重要的哲学思想之一,当他的本真生存哲学碰到了19世纪浪漫主义诗人华兹华斯的《水仙》,毫无疑问会燃起剧烈的火花。华兹华斯的《水仙》用清新、质朴的语言道出了浪漫主义诗性生存最深刻的情感,在存在哲学的关照下将本真生存的分裂性和救赎性昭示出来。  相似文献   
Empowered by virtualization technology, service requests from cloud users can be honored through creating and running virtual machines. Virtual machines established for different users may be allocated to the same physical server, making the cloud vulnerable to co‐residence attacks where a malicious attacker can steal a user's data through co‐residing their virtual machines on the same server. For protecting data against the theft, the data partition technique is applied to divide the user's data into multiple blocks with each being handled by a separate virtual machine. Moreover, early warning agents (EWAs) are deployed to possibly detect and prevent co‐residence attacks at a nascent stage. This article models and analyzes the attack success probability (complement of data security) in cloud systems subject to competing attack detection process (by EWAs) and data theft process (by co‐residence attackers). Based on the suggested probabilistic model, the optimal data partition and protection policy is determined with the objective of minimizing the user's cost subject to providing a desired level of data security. Examples are presented to illustrate effects of different model parameters (attack rate, number of cloud servers, number of data blocks, attack detection time, and data theft time distribution parameters) on the attack success probability and optimization solutions.  相似文献   
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