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晁丽华 《学术探索》2009,(4):103-108
云南处于援越抗美和对越自卫反击战的国防一线,同时又是我国地缘国防战略的大后方。既是“一线”又是“三线”的特殊地缘政治环境,赋予了云南三线建设独特的面貌和经验。在1964年至1980年的云南三线建设历程中,经历了两个建设高潮。文章试图真实再现各个阶段的规划部署、实施过程,分析出现的问题,以弥补相关研究的不足。这场特殊的“备战经济”建设,为保卫边疆安全、巩固国防发挥了应有的作用,同时也为云南的经济社会发展做出了重大的贡献。  相似文献   
社会主义核心价值体系大众化的理论内涵与实践路径   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
社会主义核心价值体系大众化的精神实质在于充分发挥意识形态的辩护功能、价值导向功能、整合功能,努力在全社会形成统一的指导思想、共同的理想信念、强大的精神支柱和基本的道德规范,牢牢把握意识形态工作的主动权,积极主动维护我国意识形态安全.作为政治社会化的核心内容,社会主义核心价值体系大众化拥有政治社会化的四大要素,是价值体系的传播和内化两大运动过程的辩证统一;其实现需要在形式要件、重点对象、方式方法、舆论引导、体制机制等层面努力.  相似文献   
中国城市史研究具有悠久的历史文化传统,得到了现代诸多学科发展的推动和新兴的城市史学的影响。当今的中国城市史研究呈现出加速发展的趋势,并形成了城市历史地理和古都研究、城市社会史研究、城市文化史研究、城市经济史研究、比较城市史研究以及城市史学理论研究等热点专题领域。中国城市史研究的未来发展可从城市史学的学科建设、城市史研究视野的拓宽与领域的开拓、城市史的整体研究与跨学科研究等三个方面寻求突破。  相似文献   
实现区域均衡协调发展是中国共产党不懈追求的奋斗目标.毛泽东作为党的第一代领导集体的核心,从新中国建立到党的十一届三中全会的30年时间里,根据当时的中国国情和国际形势制定并实施了区域经济均衡发展战略,主张重点发展内地工业,通过均衡布局,实现共同富裕..这一战略既取得了一定的成就,但也付出了一定的代价.它是历史、时代和制度的产物,我们要辩证看待,它对今天仍具有重要启示和借鉴意义.  相似文献   
在中国革命建设发展的不同阶段,中国共产党人不断深化对中国基本国情的认识,成为把马克思主义基本原理同中国革命建设实践相结合,创造性发展马克思主义,不断推进中国革命与建设实践的出发点。  相似文献   
论毛泽东思想对当代中国发展的指导意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
毛泽东思想是马克思主义基本原理与中国革命、建设过程中的具体实际相结合的第一个理论成果,虽然该理论产生于民主革命时期,但对如今的改革开放和社会主义现代化建设仍具有重要的指导借鉴意义。毛泽东思想的精髓“实事求是”要求一切从实际出发,建设中国特色社会主义;毛泽东思想的“群众路线”要求“以人为本”,推进民生工程新发展,实现各族人民过上更好生活的新期待;毛泽东思想的“党的建设”理论要求加强党的思想、组织、作风、制度、反腐倡廉建设,开创马克思主义政党建设的新局面。  相似文献   
牛润珍 《晋阳学刊》2011,(6):111-115
自齐桓公筑邺,邺址未变,其地即今古邺三台遗址。秦汉时期,邺在地理上对于历史的发展起了重要影响。秦军据此攻赵,汉高于此置魏郡,东汉灵帝时为冀州治,曹操于此建魏都,邺成为北方中心城市。袁绍初治州城,讲究规整,奠定了邺内城外郭的基本格局。曹操在此基础上进一步完善,形成了主要建筑沿中轴线左右对称、街区呈棋盘状的邺城城制。  相似文献   
共青团是党领导的先进青年的群众组织,是党的助手和后备军。高校团组织承担着围绕学校党政工作大局,促进青年学生健康成长发展的任务。加强基层团组织规范化建设是从严治团最关键的一个环节,本文在充分调研的基础上,总结目前高校基层团组织规范建设实施过程中存在的问题,并提出相应的对策,为全面贯彻落实从严治团提供参考依据。  相似文献   
By building on a genetic‐inspired attribute‐based conceptual framework for safety risk analysis, we propose a novel approach to define, model, and simulate univariate and bivariate construction safety risk at the situational level. Our fully data‐driven techniques provide construction practitioners and academicians with an easy and automated way of getting valuable empirical insights from attribute‐based data extracted from unstructured textual injury reports. By applying our methodology on a data set of 814 injury reports, we first show the frequency‐magnitude distribution of construction safety risk to be very similar to that of many natural phenomena such as precipitation or earthquakes. Motivated by this observation, and drawing on state‐of‐the‐art techniques in hydroclimatology and insurance, we then introduce univariate and bivariate nonparametric stochastic safety risk generators based on kernel density estimators and copulas. These generators enable the user to produce large numbers of synthetic safety risk values faithful to the original data, allowing safety‐related decision making under uncertainty to be grounded on extensive empirical evidence. One of the implications of our study is that like natural phenomena, construction safety may benefit from being studied quantitatively by leveraging empirical data rather than strictly being approached through a managerial perspective using subjective data, which is the current industry standard. Finally, a side but interesting finding is that in our data set, attributes related to high energy levels (e.g., machinery, hazardous substance) and to human error (e.g., improper security of tools) emerge as strong risk shapers.  相似文献   
Penny Dick 《Work and stress》2000,14(3):226-244
The police profession is one in which acute stressors are encountered more frequently than in other occupations. Using the personal accounts of 35 police officers attending an in-house stress counselling clinic, the aim of the present study was to provide a qualitative examination of how the institutional context of policing influenced the ways in which acute stressors signified to individual police officers experiencing felt distress. Using the framework of Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy as an analytical tool, it is argued that beliefs contributing to the experience of felt distress are related to the way in which policing as both an identity and an activity is constructed through the police organizational culture. Not only do these constructions influence the ways in which officers perceive themselves and their environments, but they also operate at the collective level to 'normalize' some emotional responses and to 'pathologize' others which, it is argued, could impact upon the outcomes of interventions such as stress counselling.  相似文献   
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