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Despite advances in decision analysis and decision support systems, few formulaic procedures exist for undertaking problem formulation, particularly in group settings. This leaves managers with little procedural support for the important task of carefully structuring problems. In a laboratory experiment of 29 intact student teams, we contrasted two problem formulation methodologies: a structured argument approach (based on application of formal reasoning) and a group process approach (based on private idea generation prior to public sharing and evaluation of ideas). The structured argument approach took more time to use and failed to bring about more information search and equivocality reduction in group discussions. On the positive side, however, the structured argument approach led to a greater combination of both coverage of critical issues and consensus on those issues. Use of the structured argument approach also resulted in higher satisfaction with the problem definition and commitment to implementing results of the group meeting. Overall, the results reveal cost/benefit tradeoffs associated with developing argumentation-based procedures for problem formulation.  相似文献   
Practitioners and researchers have long been interested in achieving the highest response rate within resource constraints on their mailed surveys. Achieving this high response rate typically has required the selection of the right mix of response-facilitating techniques. The selection decisions were generally made under the assumption that the response-facilitating techniques act independently of one another. The authors have examined the validity of this independence assumption by identifying the major response facilitators in use and then analyzing the results of 531 independent mail survey studies. The authors conclude that major facilitators do not function independently. In fact, it was found that significant joint action interactive effects on response rates do exist. Practitioners and researchers who are faced with the survey design decisions of choosing response facilitators can receive assistance by reviewing the results of this diverse collection of reported experiences.  相似文献   
The relative error in the usual estimator of a brand's market share is reformulated in terms of marketing parameters. Such error is shown to be influenced in an important way by market penetration, as well as by variation in brand and product category volume. Of particular interest is the result that the relative error does not depend on the actual share level. Using data from a marketing research firm that supplies share estimates to the health products industry, we find that the relative error may be substantial even when a large sample is available. An upper bound on this relative error is obtained using marketing parameters that can frequently be measured using industry data and a company's internal records, thus reducing the level of judgmental input required in the planning of sample surveys.  相似文献   
我国民营企业一直在积极探索适合自身发展的自主创新模式。中天科技的产学研一体化网络式创新模式,为我国民营企业在资源整合、平台构建、内部机制建设等方面的网络式创新提供了实践样本。  相似文献   
论我国网络文学创作特点   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
网络文学在我国近年来蓬勃兴起并呈现出强劲的发展势头。作为一种新的文学形态,网络文学在创作上有着与传统纸质媒介文学不同的特点。本文从以下几方面具体论述其特点:创作理念上极度追求娱乐消遣和个人情感的宣泄.创作过程上努力追求交互性、高效率和自由化,创作内容上主要表现网民生活和抒写个人情愫,创作形式上注重文本的超级链接和多媒体技术化,创作语言上大量采用简约、灵活而又独特的网络语言符号,创作主体构成上呈现非职业化、年轻化、匿名化。网络文学创作现象和特点值得文艺理论界关注和深入研究。  相似文献   
吉林方言属于东北方言范畴。吉林方言的语音已形成系统,在此基础上进行吉林方言词汇的调查研究是必要的,也是可行的。通过吉林方言词汇的调查与研究,可进行吉林方言与普通话在词汇方面的比较,并采取相应的纠正方法,从而推动吉林人推广普及普通话的进程;同时也探究吉林方言与地方文化等方面的关系,进而对吉林的地方历史和地方文化等方面进行探讨和研究。  相似文献   
政党政治是西方民主政治的重要组成部分,是政治民主化的发展成果。政党的社会整合能力削弱,导致了西方政治过程中利益集团作为一支强大的力量强势崛起,并通过政治献金、游说向执政党施加压力,以期将集团的利益诉求通过执政党和政府的公共政策制定合法化。政党与利益集团的媾和促成了权力与利益的互换,政党腐败滋生,腐蚀和瓦解着当前政治体制,耗竭政党的社会基础与执政资源,威胁政党政治的生命。为此,只有完善政党与利益集团自身的组织规范,实现对政党权力的约束;改变单一的政党经费筹集方式,增强竞选经费使用的透明度;建立开放与多元竞争的公共政策制定机制,实现公共政策的利益均衡,构筑明确的权力与利益边界,才能重构政党与利益集团的关系,消减政党与利益集团的不正当交易,遏制腐败的发生。  相似文献   
美国竞选财政制度初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国竞选财政制度是美国政治制度中争议最多的问题之一。由于利益集团政策参与的需求和竞选人竞选的需要 ,美国的竞选捐赠日益加剧 ,捐赠规模日趋膨胀 ,并在一定程度上导致了决策过程中利益代表性的偏差。由此 ,美国早期的法律就对利益集团的竞选捐赠进行限制 ,2 0世纪 4 0年代以来 ,美国关于竞选财政制度改革的立法不断。但改革遇到利益需求和关于合宪性问题等种种障碍 ,步履维艰。美国政治中的这一两难状况是其政治体制所使然 ,有关竞选财政制度改革的争论仍将继续下去。  相似文献   
培养创新型人才不仅是知识经济时代全面推进素质教育的必然要求,也是高校自我发展的内在要求。信息素养作为创新型人才应具备的重要素质,有助于促进学生的创新意识、创新思维和创新能力培养。针对国内高校在学生信息素养教育方面存在的问题,应多措并举加以提高完善。  相似文献   
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