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浅论海南旅游文学作品研究的意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海南旅游文学在海南旅游业的发展中,还远远没有发挥其应有的作用。重视海南旅游文学作品的研究,对传承海南传统历史文化,丰富海南旅游文化内涵,服务海南经济发展,推进国际旅游岛建设有十分重要的现实意义。  相似文献   
海南乡村旅游发展的用地保障研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用地保障对海南乡村旅游发展具有十分重要的意义。结合国际旅游岛背景下的乡村旅游发展的用地困境,分析海南乡村旅游发展与土地利用的关系以及发展中的用地需求,提出了实现海南乡村旅游发展的用地保障的具体措施,以期对海南乡村旅游发展中用地政策和管理工作提供参考。  相似文献   
张炜在小说创作中使用了一定数量的龙口方言词语,使其小说在语言上更具特色。其中部分方言词语在词汇和语法两个方面与普通话有所区别,方言词语的运用在刻画人物形象、反映地域文化及激发读者情感等方面都有突出的作用。  相似文献   

This study asks, What are the material conditions under which queer studies is done in the academy? It finds a longstanding association of queer studies with the well-resourced, selective colleges and flagship campuses that are the drivers of class and race stratification in higher education in the U.S. That is, the field of queer studies, as a recognizable academic formation, has been structured by the material and intellectual resources of precisely those institutions that most steadfastly refuse to adequately serve poor and minority students, including poor and minority queer students. In response, “poor queer studies” calls for a critical reorientation of queer studies toward working-poor schools, students, theories, and pedagogies. Taking the College of Staten Island, CUNY as a case study, it argues for structural crossing over or “queer-class ferrying” between high-status institutions that have so brilliantly dominated queer studies’ history and low-status worksites of poor queer studies.  相似文献   
方言不仅仅是人和人之间交流的语言,还是独具特色的民俗文化,是具有地域特征的非物质性历史文化,是城市文化的有机组成部分.在文化城市的建设中,方言不应该成为被遗忘的角落,它是地域文化的载体,是独特的文化民俗和情感心态的反映.方言民俗的保护和开发是文化城市建设的需要.  相似文献   
在考察潮人郑昌时所著《韩江闻见录》的大体年代基础上,笔者从中发掘出一些研究潮州古音的材料,并据此对二百年前潮州音的许多特点与声类系统、韵类演变的时间、层次等问题,作些实事求是的探讨。  相似文献   
社会变迁是在不断创新、继承与发展的过程中逐步地发生演变的,而且涉及到社会发展的各个方面。从现代海南的社会人口、经济和政治三大方面,研究了海南社会各个时期的演变过程,同时对海南社会变迁的主要特征进行了分析。  相似文献   
Is there evidence for the enactment of treaties between Aborigines (Yolngu) in north-east Arnhem Land and Macassan trepang fishermen in the days preceding British settlement in northern Australia? In this paper, I examine David Burrumarra's claim that ceremonies linked to a Dreaming Macassan (Birrinydji) united Yolngu and the very earliest ‘Macassan’ visitors, the Bayini and Wurrumala. Could these partnerships be considered treaties? To answer this question, I examine the societal collapse and dispersal of Burrumarra's Warramiri clan at Dholtji in the 1800s as a consequence of the Macassan encounter. For Burrumarra, the memory of a former ‘golden age’ of partnership was instrumental in facilitating clan resurgence at a new locale, Elcho Island, in the mid- to late nineteenth century. The Yolngu vision of intercultural diplomacy is based on the notion of these original ‘treaties’. It mirrors the fundamental principle of intermarrying moieties, bringing together the very best from both Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal worlds, and is as relevant today as during the heyday of the trepangers.  相似文献   
This article examines the music of Rapanui singer-songwriter Mito Manutomatoma and his band Fusión Rapa Nui, and investigates the contribution that this music makes to the understanding of Rapanui cultural identity in the context of Chilean popular culture. Mito Manutomatoma has been particularly successful in promoting his music to Chilean audiences, and this has consequences for the way in which Rapanui music and performance culture is viewed in Chile. Mobilising a theoretical framework drawn from the discourse of cultural hybridity, the present article focuses particularly on influential songs from Mito Manutomatoma's 2003 recording Mito y Fusión Rapa Nui in order to explain the capacity for this music to foster intercultural communication and understanding between Chile and Rapanui.  相似文献   
Anthropologists face fresh challenges as they endeavour to conduct research in an increasingly securitised and secretive world. Those who wield asymmetrical power in society often seek to guard information and knowledge. Therefore, it is imperative that anthropologists seek new ways of navigating the politics of secrecy if they are to reveal anything of its inner workings. In pursuit of this imperative, this paper examines practices of whistleblowing and posits secrecy as a dialectic that is characterised by processes and practices that work towards concealment, as well as revelation. In shifting the analytical focus from that which is concealed to what is revealed in acts such as whistleblowing, we contend that anthropologists may elucidate something about secrecy that is revealing of context-specific forms of agency and power. In doing so, analysis draws upon Australia’s secretive immigration and border protection regime and in particular a recent government inquiry that enabled whistleblowers to reveal details of secrets that had previously been closely held.  相似文献   
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