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1895年5月下旬,在甲午战争中完全失败的清政府被迫依照丧权辱国的《马关条约》规定,开始履行将宝岛台湾主权移交给日本侵略者的手续。在日军即将登陆,台岛面临沦陷,台湾人民将失去祖国护佑的生死存亡时刻,以抗法民族英雄刘永福为代表的一部分驻守在台湾的清朝地方官员和清军将领拒绝内渡大陆,率领台湾人民掀起了一场大规模的抗日保岛运动,他们用鲜血和生命在强敌面前展示了中华民族不甘屈服、英勇无畏的伟大民族精神,重挫了日军的侵略气焰,大大阻滞和延缓了日本在台湾的殖民化进程,为祖国最终在1945年收回台湾主权创造了重要的历史条件。  相似文献   
位于北仑港前沿的大榭岛具有得天独厚的地理优势,随着中信公司和宁波市政府对大榭岛作整体的成片开发,不但使大榭岛有可能率先实现小平同志"再造几个香港"的雄心壮志,而且随着它的开发对宁波的港口建设、海岛开发、项目引进、人才孵化和经济互补等的深刻影响,必将引发宁波超大规模开发建设的新热潮,为宁波和长江流域的经济腾飞带来新的契机。宁波应抓住这一大好机遇,上下一致,群策群力,为大榭岛的成功开发而努力奋斗。  相似文献   
"嚼酒"民俗初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"嚼酒"是人类利用唾液发酵的原理来做酒,是最原始的做酒法之一.在中国历史记载中,只有魏晋南北朝时的勿吉族和自明代始台湾岛的原住民使用这种独特的造酒术.本文在材料分析的基础上,探讨"嚼酒"民俗的产生、发展至湮灭的过程.  相似文献   
钓鱼岛问题是中日关系中最重要问题之一,日本主张依据国际法"无主之地、先行为主"原则,拥有钓鱼岛主权,实际上日本是通过甲午战争手段获得钓鱼岛。日本在发动甲午战争前就已经知道钓鱼岛属于中国领土,日本是在甲午战争期间实现对钓鱼岛所谓"所有权"。通过战争手段获得领土,在国际法上属于非法获得。日本窃取中国领土钓鱼岛,真实目的就是一方面限制中国发展,另一方面就是要窃取以钓鱼岛为核心的巨大经济利益。  相似文献   
南太平洋地区主义的发展已近70年,其中澳大利亚一直占据着重要地位。一方面,澳大利亚几乎是所有南太平洋地区中政府间合作组织的创始会员国,同时作为该地区发展最为强大的国家,其为地区主义的建制付出了巨大努力,并发挥着主导作用;另一方面,随着区域内外局势的变化,澳大利亚在南太平洋地区主义的构建和维护中遇到一些问题,其地位和作用受到一定的影响。本文认为,虽然澳大利亚的地区影响力受到削弱,但在未来几十年间,将依然是南太平洋地区主义发展的中坚力量。  相似文献   
以精益服务的理念作指导提出了一个精益旅游服务系统(LTSIS)的框架,对系统功能作了详细解析。本系统的建设可以实时沟通海南旅游所有环节(包括旅游者、旅游企业、政府及其他相关机构)的信息流,并带动服务流、客流和资金流的同步运转,实现全岛、实时、个性化服务与管理,最终实现旅游服务的精益化。  相似文献   
Traditional healers in many parts of the world have used family focused understandings and interventions well before the emergence of western family therapy theory and practice. This paper gives a detailed account of New Zealand Māori traditional healing work with a Cook Island Māori family in which the eldest daughter was in considerable distress as were her family, who believed that she had become maki tūpāpaku (possessed). This account is told from the perspectives of the child psychiatrist, the traditional healer and the mother of the family. While the intervention bears a superficial resemblance to western family therapy approaches, the theoretical foundation reflects the traditional healer's New Zealand Māori world views in which spiritual understandings are paramount, and concepts of mana, tapu and mauri 1 guide him in the family healing process. The single session described here can be viewed as an indigenous family therapy intervention involving six generations of family members, both living and deceased, in the one room. Conclusions: Indigenous communities have called for traditional healers to be employed alongside child mental health workers and family therapists who work with their communities. Close and sincere collaboration between an indigenous traditional healer and a health professional can offer a family in distress healing possibilities that may not be available to them in conventional child mental health or other family therapy settings.  相似文献   
There is a paucity of research investigating child gambling, particularly studies that do not use retrospective designs. The presented findings provide cross-sectional data of the gambling behaviours of 874 9-year old Pacific children from a birth cohort study (recruited from one hospital) investigating health, developmental and social outcomes for Pacific children and their families in New Zealand. Structured interviews were administered to participants (mothers and children), face to face, in their homes (mothers) or school (children). Child gambling behaviours and associations with some maternal behaviours were investigated; five gambling participation questions were included in the child interview. Almost all child respondents (96%) reported having played card games with family or friends and 60% reported participation in housie (bingo), although only 27% reported having bet with money. Associations were noted between child gambling and household deprivation, and effectiveness of parental monitoring. There was no association between children's gambling and mothers' gambling. This is the first research to examine gambling in Pacific children at 9 years of age within a familial context. It will allow exploration of links between parental gambling and child development of gambling behaviours, as well as risk and protective factors for problem gambling at future data collection phases of the study.  相似文献   
从海南国际旅游岛背景与品牌视觉设计的关系出发,遵循运用知识与锻炼能力并重原则,通过海南景区项目导入、学生主体需求关注、互动模式探讨交流和角色互扮身份体验等方式,探讨海南景区品牌形象设计课程的多元实践教学路径与方法。发现通过实践教学设计训练,学生创新能力、主观能动性、团队精神明显提高,品牌视觉设计的体系观念明显增强,海南国际旅游岛景区形象在课程实践中得到较好塑造与提升。  相似文献   
1929年苏联占领黑瞎子岛是因为黑瞎子岛与哈巴罗夫斯克(伯力)只一江之隔,苏联认为黑瞎子岛对哈巴罗夫斯克的“安全”至为重要。1938年苏联占领张鼓峰是因为苏联认为张鼓峰对符拉迪沃斯托克(海参崴)的“安全”至为重要。苏联占领黑瞎子岛和张鼓峰拒不归还中国是苏联“侵害中国的事情”的一部分。  相似文献   
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