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学界对于中国古代法是否具有确定性一直争论颇多。一般书本中往往将儒家和法家的论争归结为人治与法治或曰礼治与法治之争。然而礼法之争中,儒家之"礼",与法家之"法",都非现代语意上的礼制与法制,更不可能等同于现代意义上的法治。此文旨在从儒家经典中对儒家代表人物孔子的思想的阐述为出发点,讨论孔子对法律的确定性的认知及由此产生的影响。  相似文献   
非法证据排除规则发源于美国法制,我国非法证据排除规则之立法亦深受美国法制的影响。从比较法视角,对中美两国有关排除非法证据的适用阶段、启动程序、证明责任与证明标准以及救济程序等程序性内容进行对比与评析,以期对我国非法证据排除程序的相关内容进行解读和反思,并探求我国语境下应然的非法证据排除规则,进而谋求对其改进与完善之道。  相似文献   
陈兵 《太平洋学报》2010,18(5):49-64
合理规则作为美国反托拉斯法适用的一种基本方法,其产生问题一直是我国学界争论的议题。本文从帕克规则在英国法上贸易限制合同案件的最早适用情况入手分析,比较了帕克规则与合理规则之间的关系,认为帕克规则为合理规则在美国法上的生成奠定了基础。在美国法上,合理规则作为一种规制限制贸易与竞争案件的基本方法,是通过其在19世纪下半叶州法院处理部分性贸易限制合同案件活动而得以确立的,并发展为美国反托拉斯法适用的基本规则。这一演进过程中,充分体现了合理规则生成的时代性与自创性特征,启示了我国《反垄断法》法律方法设计的现实主义进路。  相似文献   
清朝政府在调节新疆婚姻规范方面,虽然规定禁止汉、蒙、维等之间互相通婚,但却认可了“回疆”少数民族婚姻习俗,并赋予其法律效力。民国政府建立后,加快了对现代婚姻的立法,客观上促进了新疆婚俗的改良。集中体现在对婚龄的限制方面。清至民国,新疆婚姻立法的重大变迁,以及对“回疆”百姓婚姻的影响,客观上反应了时代的进步性与区域独特性。  相似文献   
文章通过一个理论模型分析了电子货币的产生对于泰勒规则的影响作用,进而以中国为例,使用1988至2007年的数据分别对电子货币产生前后两段时期的泰勒规则进行了拟合。研究发现,泰勒规则与我国货币政策具有较强的一致性,并且电子货币进入成熟阶段后泰勒规则的有效性比电子货币产生之前的阶段大为降低。结论认为,中国进入电子货币时代后的最优货币政策规则应当是以泰勒规则为基础,以多种中介目标为辅助性操作工具的政策规则。  相似文献   
权利观念是当前村民法治观念培育的核心,中国传统法律文化的弊端,现行法律规范与法律制度的不合理性,以及当前农村生产方式的分散性特征成为村民权利观念培育的障碍。因此,要通过加快农村生产方式变革,完善法律制度,进行法治宣传,加强法律实施监督等途径创造培育村民权利观念的环境和条件。  相似文献   
受国际金融危机与国际经济及海峡两岸经济形势大环境变化影响,海峡两岸贸易与台商对大陆投资呈现从大幅衰退到强劲反弹回升的发展态势,两岸经济关系发展格局尤其是台商对大陆投资策略与区域布局发生新的变化。海峡两岸经济交流与合作取得一系列新进展,大陆居民赴台旅游与两岸直航经济效果显著,大陆企业赴台投资正式启动,两岸经济关系正在迈向正常化与制度化合作的新阶段。  相似文献   
Diverging labor cost developments are often considered to be one of the most important factors that led to large current account imbalances in the euro area (EA) in the run-up to the global financial crisis. It has also been shown that wage growth differentials have significantly lowered the co-movement of EA countries’ business cycles – the most widely used meta-criterion for optimum currency areas. Against this background, this paper develops a wage-setting benchmark that aims to keep the economy in internal equilibrium and to maintain price stability, while it also exhibits the capacity to correct for external imbalances. The proposed wage benchmark is very simple and may serve as an anchor for the macroeconomic dialogue in Economic and Monetary Union. In order to demonstrate the potentially beneficial effects of such a wage benchmark we present some simulations showing how current account balances and labor costs would have developed across EA countries if the rule had served as a benchmark already in the run up to the crisis.  相似文献   

Does Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) promote development? And does it change social order? The attempt to answer these questions will always be controversial, because, first, the effects differ from context to context, and second, it is highly difficult to measure the (positive) spillovers of know-how and technology etc., as well as of contributions to enhancing social responsibility and improving the standards of living in the host country. The outcome will very much depend on how state governments, international bodies, the business world and non-governmental organizations collaborate. Likewise, interdisciplinary collaboration is required to research the issue, between well-trained economists, investment theory specialists, sociologists and ethicists. For this, our article combines a large number of arguments on market and investment theory, business ethics, John H. Dunning’s eclectic paradigm, etc. It examines whether there is practical evidence to support the assumption that doing business through FDI improves social conditions in less developed countries, and whether the logic for this to happen is rooted in ethical theory. The article contributes to insights from the appropriate sub-stream of the development, FDI and poverty/bottom of the pyramid literature, and to highlighting which trends should be followed in academic research. However, there are limitations to the article, which lie with the limitations of ethics frameworks, as these are often only constructed based on certain moral appeal, and only very few of them examine the incentive compatibility of such constructs.  相似文献   
《Marriage & Family Review》2013,49(3-4):73-95
No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   
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