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“Don't Ask, Don't Tell” was devised to combat the perceived costs associated with gays and lesbians openly serving in the military, including low unit cohesion, damage to the military's reputation, and the general population's lack of acceptance for homosexuals serving (Belkin, 2008). However, recent polls and policy reversal have shown growing public support for homosexuals being allowed to serve openly. Interestingly, the amount of support has varied as a function of question wording. Two polls conducted by CBS News found support for homosexuals serving in the military varied with greater support for “gays and lesbians” compared to “homosexuals.” Two studies were conducted to further examine the effect of terminology on reported support. Two samples reported opinions for homosexual civil rights issues. Sexual orientation was described using the terms gay men and lesbians, homosexuals, gay men, or lesbians. Percentage differences were found to be greater than those reported in the CBS polls, as wording choice had an effect on reported openness regarding homosexual civil rights. These differences indicate that it is important to consider precise terminology usage when measuring opinions. Levels of support, stereotypes activated, and the relationship between support for civil rights and general levels of prejudice were examined.  相似文献   
唐·德里罗小说《坠落的人》通过描写“9·11”恐怖袭击事件的幸存者及其家人的劫后生活折射美国全民族的创伤;并通过揭示恐怖的根源来提醒人们,人类正处于伦理和信仰的危机之中.人类应积极应对危机、回归善的本性、确立正确的信仰,才能从坠落之地走向自我救赎.  相似文献   
通过对已有技术理论的“悬置,”伊德直接从技术与人和世界的相关性研究技术,认为不存在纯粹的技术本身,技术是一种关系性存在;技术既改变了人对宏观世界的认识,也改变了人对微观世界的感知,使用技术的知觉与不使用技术的知觉具有本质的区别。  相似文献   
阿Q和堂.吉诃德都是世界文学画廊中著名的艺术形象,阿Q产生以来,研究者们就注意到了他们的相似性,主要在于两者行为表现上极端相似的滑稽可笑的“精神胜利法”。近年来,人们对他们的研究主要有两类观点:一类认为两者精神内质相同,除了行为表现、意识结构和悲喜剧性格相似,这一切产生的主客观原因也相近;一类认为两者有本质差异,差异则有着深厚的人性欲望与传统文化的根源,也有着作者构思意图的原因。  相似文献   
随着“身体性”理论的逐渐成熟,技术哲学家伊德提出“三个身体”理论建立起了他的身体性理论。在他看来,身体一是以胡塞尔、梅洛-庞蒂为代表的现象学派提出的作为肉身建构的身体,即物质身体;身体二是以批判现象学为主的福柯等提出的作为文化建构的身体,即文化身体;身体三则是考虑到技术的因素而作为技术建构的身体,即技术身体。技术的意义凸显而出。这一观点实质上是技术工具论批判的又一新的进展。  相似文献   
<堂吉诃德>是欧洲文学史上卓越的喜剧性文学作品.本文从"人物在内容与形式上的喜剧性错位、它的喜剧性中鲜明的反讽性质和狂欢化特点等三个方面揭示了这部作品的喜剧性特征.  相似文献   
莫泊桑《项链》的互文性形式分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《项链》是西方“女吉诃德小说”传统中的一个短篇,其主题在原文互文关系中的解读不同于中译本的解读。而中文社会文本的历史变化,又进一步导致了批评上的二项对立。这一差异变化与文化迁移过程中的拒斥与趋同、不同互文关系中文学文本意义结构的客观性等密切相关。  相似文献   
It is argued that political and military variables are so crucial in decision making that they ought to be included in world models. Three projects, including our own, are described in brief to give a sense of the theories and data that have been employed in some existing global modeling efforts based on this assumption. The project entitled Computer Simulations for Decision Making in International Affairs utilizes an adaptive macromodel of global political, military, and economic processes into which a host of empirically based minimodules are introduced. The Nations in Conflict studies have focused thus far on an econometric model comprised of three primary components: domestic growth and external expansions, competition for foreign resources, market, allies, and strategic advantage, and the dynamics of crisis behavior. The Alker simulation studies have utilized artificial intelligence techniques to study the structuring and restructuring of international systems of social interaction.The theoretical and empirical materials developed in these projects are highly relevant to the enterprise of integrated global modeling. The earliest efforts were begun to build models of the political and military components of international processes. Subsequent world modelers of the Forrester-Meadows inspired genre focused on the economic aspects of the globe, including its demography. It is argued that the convergence of these two traditions be accomplished in a synthetic fashion in ongoing as well as future work.  相似文献   
规避技术价值的异化是技术哲学兴起的根本初衷。伊德的现象学在国际上已具广泛影响,他的“相对论的”本体论思想虽然是从胡塞尔的现象学出发的,但是由于借鉴了爱因斯坦的相对论等科学,所以能够较好地为其主体性风格进行客观性辩护。也正因如此,伊德的“相对论的”本体论“调和”了物质论和观念论的内在矛盾,不仅为更多的人所接受,而且为更好地理解人—技术—世界的关系提供了新的平台,并进而对弱化技术价值异化这个至今悬而未决的大问题不无启示。  相似文献   
席勒著名历史悲剧《唐·卡洛斯》在作者剧作中起承前启后的作用,既具有席勒青年时期三大名剧反对封建专政的昂扬激情,又开后来古典时期深邃宏伟的历史名剧的先河。本文试图从写作意图,和时代背景、人物刻画和关于"时代传声筒"的分歧意见等方面,对该剧做一初探。《唐·卡洛斯》这出发生在16世纪的宫廷爱情悲剧,如何在法国大革命的前夜,随着形势的发展,剧作家思想的转变,变成了一出政治悲剧,呼唤革命的风暴,在革命的关键时刻鼓舞人民去反抗专制暴政,为争取自由解放而战。  相似文献   
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