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以香港的身份政治为背景,探讨香港国际学校是如何在一种奇特的身份政治中运作,以摆脱民族国家认同焦虑。  相似文献   
This study investigates the associations between school principals’ job crafting and well-being. Drawing on the job demands-resources approach of the job crafting model and self-determination theory, we hypothesized that need satisfaction and need frustration act as likely mechanisms between the positive and negative effects of job crafting behaviors and work-related well-being (work engagement and burnout). Using cross-sectional data collected from a sample of Finnish school principals (n = 518), our structural equation model revealed that crafting structural job resources was positively associated with need satisfaction and negatively with need frustration. Increasing challenge job demands was positively associated with need satisfaction, which, in turn, was associated with higher work-related well-being. In addition, crafting structural job resources was directly positively linked to burnout as well as work engagement. Moreover, we found that decreasing hindrance demands was positively associated with burnout and negatively associated with work engagement via need frustration. No associations were found between crafting social resources, indicators of basic psychological needs, or work-related well-being. These findings provide insights into how principals determine their own basic psychological needs via job crafting, and how this is reflected in their work-related well-being. The study advances job crafting theory and self-determination theory, with important implications for practice and future research.  相似文献   
虎嵩山与马鸿逵的三次合作办学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
虎希柏 《回族研究》2002,(2):109-115
虎嵩山 (1 879- 1 956)是中国著名的伊斯兰教经学家 ,著名阿洪。在 2 0世纪 30— 40年代期间 ,他曾经在穆斯林聚居的宁夏省 ,与当时行政长官马鸿逵 (1 892 - 1 970 ,回族 )曾经 3次合作 ,筹办建立了“宁夏私立中阿学校”、“吴忠中阿师范学校”等中阿兼授的伊斯兰文化学校。这些学校的创办 ,为宁夏的回族教育、文化及出版业的发展 ,造就了一大批中阿兼通的回族人才 ,在宁夏和西北地区产生了深远的影响  相似文献   
论西方服务营销学派的形成及其贡献   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
20世纪初,营销学成为一门独立的学科以来,尽管学派纷呈,主流学派也经历了从职能学派到管理学派的变迁,但实体产品的营销一直作为主流学派主宰着理论界和实务界。在20世纪70年代末,服务营销以服务的特征为突破口,走出了产品营销的阴影,脱颖而出,为营销学的发展开拓了新视野,并不断地丰富和完善着现代营销理论。  相似文献   
In their recent paper (1977, Social Science Research, 6, 188–196), Kenny and Rubin offer an interpretation of “chance” in Guttman scaling. Their approach is based on the matrix of probabilities pij, giving the chance that the ith respondent passes the jth item. It is shown that their interpretation of chance in fact corresponds to a stochastic model of a perfect unidimensional scale. An alternative condition for chance based on the matrix of pij's is proposed. This is then proved to be equivalent to the usual interpretation.  相似文献   
米利都学派、毕达戈拉学派和赫拉克利特构成了希腊哲学最早的发展阶段,他们探讨的主要是宇宙的本原问题,在这种探讨中,他们分别从质(米利都学派)、量(毕达戈拉学派)和尺度(赫拉克利特)出发对本原进行规定,因而实际上正好相当于黑格尔《逻辑学》“存在论”的三个发展阶段,黑格尔提出的“历史和逻辑相一致”的原则,在希腊哲学发展的最早阶段得到了完美的体现。  相似文献   
Charles S. Johnson and E. Franklin Frazier were successful Black sociologists from the 1920s to 1960s, working in an age of scientific racism and eugenics, who battled racial oppression, racist discrimination, and surveillance under the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Both struggled within and against the assimilationist paradigm, yet their ethnographic and critical insights speak out today with continuing relevance in the fight against practical and institutional racial injustice. This study selectively examines Johnson and Frazier's academic careers as forgotten ethnographer activists who have been largely excluded from the dominant narrative of the Chicago School of Sociology. This article argues Robert Park offered opportunities to these Black scholars although the white university system exclusively directed their work towards race studies. Furthermore, the white discipline of sociology failed to recognize Johnson and Frazier's critical ethnographic studies as part of interactionism.  相似文献   
从身体社会学来看,女性的体型审美取向是男权文化的典型表征。通过中日韩三国高中生的对比分析发现,与男生相比,高中女生普遍接受以瘦为美的体型观,存在更为严重的体型认同问题:在主观体型认知上,倾向于向胖认同;在体型认同情绪上,表现为对胖不满:在体型认同策略上,以饮食减肥为主。这表明,身体焦虑已蔓延到了高中生群体,导致高中女生中存在着较为明显的体型认同偏差和盲目减肥现象。究其原因,传媒的渲染与强化起的是主导作用,家庭教养和同辈交往也有间接影响。  相似文献   
Measuring school effectiveness using student test scores is controversial and some methods used for this can be inaccurate in some situations. The validity of two statistical models – the Student Growth Percentile (SGP) model and a multilevel gain score model – are evaluated. The SGP model conditions on previous test scores thereby unblocking a backdoor path between true school/teacher effectiveness and student test scores. When the product of the coefficients that make up this unblocked backdoor path is positive, the SGP estimates can be inaccurate. The accuracy of the multilevel gain score model was not associated with the product of this backdoor path. The gain score model appears promising in these situations where the SGP and other covariate adjusted models perform poorly.  相似文献   
今日,国际化的定义非常多样化,也逐渐在学校教育中扎根、发展。教育部门和学校一方面要不断推进英语教育的推广与改进,另一方面也要思考在多文化、多语言社会产生的内部国际化课题。在台湾,提早实施英语教育、推进高中第二外语教育、推行中小学及高中的国际教育政策等皆是教育改革重要部分。作为教育改革中的重要环节,20世纪90年代后期开始积极推动的高中第二外语教育已经取得了一定成效,但依旧存在专业教师培养与大学课程的衔接等方面问题。  相似文献   
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