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This article investigates and compares the dominant concepts of public policy concerning the employment-parenthood interface in the UK and Austria. These two countries have been chosen because they represent very different public policy conceptions, particularly in approaching the work-family issue. In order to show the consequences of these policies the paper focuses on working time and time away from employment, when children are very young, and relates these aspects to currently introduced and changed regulatory structures, such as working time regulations and statutory parental leave. The active labour market and family policy in Austria, generally, supports the reconciliation of employment and parenthood. However, the Austrian work-family 'system' suffers from the underlying notion of the male breadwinner model in public support structures and low normative support of employed mothers. The cultural barriers for a more equal distribution of the burdens of combining employment and parenthood seem to be lower in the UK. The market as the political focus, in general, allows more equal opportunities for (qualified) women in the labour market and within families. But the highly flexible and polarised labour market, passive public policy and weak legal protection of employed parents creates a difficult relationship between paid work and family life for many parents, in particular for low-skilled, low-paid parents, above all mothers. These analyses provide the basis for conclusions for public policy aiming at the reconciliation of paid work and parenthood. Ce texte cherche à comparer les concepts dominants de la politique gouvernementale concernant l'interface travail-parent en Grande-Bretagne et en Autriche. Ces deux pays ont été choisis parce qu'ils présentent des concepts de politique gouvernementale très différents, en particulier en ce qui concerne la question de la famille et le travail. Ce texte montre les conséquences de la pratique de ces politiques sur le temps au travail rémunéréet le temps passé à l'extérieur de l'emploi ou sans emploi, et ce, dans un contexte o[ugrave] les enfants sont jeunes. Le texte fait la relation entre ces éléments et la pratique des structures de contrôle existantes et modifiées telles que les lois (ou: les règlements) sur le temps passéau travail et sur les congé parentaux. En général, le marché du travail et la politique de la famille en Autriche encourage la conciliation entre l'emploi et la responsabilité de parent. Par contre, ce système de travail- famille autrichien est un concept qui est fondé à la fois sur le modèle de l'homme comme fournisseur principal du revenu familial dans les structures de soutien public ainsi que sur normes de soutien peu élevées pour les mères employées. Les barrières culturelles face àune distribution plus égalitaire de la responsabilité travail-famille semblent être moins élevées en Grande-Bretagne. En général, le marché et la politique du marché du travail ont offerts plus d'opportunités aux femmes qualifiées. Mais la volatilité (et la polarisation) du marché du travail, la politique gouvernementale passive et la faible protection légale pour les parentstravailleurs créent tous une relation difficile pour les parents entre le travail rémunéré et la vie de famille--en particulier pour ceux qui sont moins qualifiés et mal rémunérés, dont surtout les mères de famille. Cette analyse nous guide vers la nécessité d'une politique gouvernementale qui vise la conciliation entre le travail rémunéré et la responsabilité parentale.  相似文献   
根据云南省罗平县结合项目实施情况的实地考察,从社区发展方法的视角,对项目实施过程中的社区宣传、社区组织、资金筹措、效果评估和基层总体项目管理能力等方面进行了分析.  相似文献   
本文根据笔者工作中的实践经验,从“全面了解学生情况、培养学生自信心、建立良好班风、建立班集体目标、重视学生心理健康教育、做好学生思想工作、客观公平对待学生、重视素质教育、沟通学校、家庭、社会三方面的教育”九个方面分析论证了班主任工作是一项研究人、影响人、教育人和塑造人的系统工程,它在实现学校办学目的、教育目标、教学功能等方面起着非常重要的作用。  相似文献   
In studies of farming, the age of the principal decision-maker (PDM) has been associated with numerous farm structural and managerial features and has been widely accepted as a good indicator of the influence of life-cycle factors on decision-making. As such, it has become an important aspect of many quantitative studies of agricultural change. However, contemporary studies of family farming demonstrate that the concept of a single PDM in family farms is becoming an anachronism as alternative enterprises, pluriactivity and the scale of family farms force more diffuse management/operating systems. This raises questions concerning whether the age of the PDM can still be taken as representative of farm structure, strategy or life-cycle stage? Using a study conducted in the Grampian Mountains region of Scotland in 2003 this note investigates the impact of using an alternative index—compiled by averaging the age of family members working on the farm. It suggests that PDM age is a relatively poor indicator of farm structural and managerial features compared to a family age index and calls for researchers to think about alternative approaches to measuring ‘age’ as an indicator.  相似文献   
文章利用中国健康与养老追踪调查 2011—2012 年的基线调查数据,运用多层回归模型,通过分析社会照料对农村老年人家庭照料获得的影响,探讨家庭照料与社会照料的关系。 回归估计结果显示,个人层次上的年龄、居住状况、失能情况和社区层次上的老龄补贴、经济状况对农村老年人获得家庭照料有不同程度的影响,而代表社会照料的变量在统计上均不显著。 回归估计结果说明,社会照料并不能对缺位的家庭照料起到补充作用,更不会起到替代作用,两者呈现一种非此即彼的“无关系”。 文章的政策启示是,打破家庭照料与社会照料的壁垒,构建一个“流动”的老年照料体系。  相似文献   
Previous research shows that living in a non-intact family is associated with educational disadvantages. This paper compares the relationships between childhood family structure, schooling, and earnings in Sweden and the USA. This comparison is interesting because both family structure and public policies differ significantly. We find a negative relationship between living in a non-intact family and child outcomes, and the estimates are remarkably similar in both countries. After using sibling-difference models, the correlation with family structure is no longer significant. These results cast doubt on the causal interpretation of the negative relationship between non-intact family structures and child outcomes.  相似文献   
基层人口计划是各级人口计划的基础 ,也是落实人口计划时的执行计划 ,它直接影响到家家户户。现行基层人口计划的管理措施中 ,有些地方亟待完善。改革现行基层人口计划管理机制 ,让群众自愿选择生育时间已成为计划生育工作发展的必然要求  相似文献   
稳定低生育水平与中国家庭养老关系的再思考   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
稳定低生育水平不会对家庭养老功能带来负面影响。主要理由是 :1.衡量家庭养老功能的标准已经变化。2 .家庭养老的本质是国家性家庭养老。 3.稳定低生育水平与家庭养老的关系不是单因素对单因素的关系 ,而是系统与系统的关系  相似文献   
Each state has the power to establish its own policy and laws relating to child custody determination. The number of single-parent families with children that are headed by fathers has been growing in the United States. This paper explores the extent of cross-state variation in the prevalence in father-only families in 1990, and the extent to which there was cross-state variation in the increase in father-only families in the 1980s. The 1980 and 1990 Public Use Microdata Samples (PUMS) drawn from the US decennial censuses are used. Decomposition analyses of growth indicate that increases in the number of father-only families occurred across all states during this period, but at varying rates. The primary reason for the increase in most states is an increase in the proportion of ever-married single-parent families that are headed by a father. It is for these families that are headed by divorced or separated parents that state policy relating to child custody determination is most relevant.  相似文献   
采用问卷调查与文献分析的方法,对江苏省农村地区家庭结构的现状进行了研究,并对不同地区家庭结构现状的差异及原因进行了分析.分析结果表明:3~5人的中小家庭所占比重最大;家庭类型以核心家庭和主干家庭为主;户均人口数和家庭类型存在地区差异;经济发展水平和生育政策贯彻的力度不同是导致地区间差异的主要原因.  相似文献   
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