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We examined the relationship between bat species activity and composition and the extent of forest cover and urbanization in and adjacent to 11 U.S. National Park Service, National Capital Region Parks in Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, and Washington, D.C., from 2003–2004, using mist nets, harp traps, acoustical detectors, and visual observations in a variety of habitats. Our efforts included 363 trap nights across 74 sites along with acoustical sampling at 362 sites. We captured 383 bats and identified 6,380 echolocation passes of 6 species. Both overall and species-specific activities were affected more by forest fragmentation within parks than by urbanization adjacent to parks. With an ability to exploit anthropogenic structures for day-roosts, big brown bats (Eptesicus fuscus) were the most ubiquitous and probably the most abundant species in NCR Parks, particularly in forested, urban parks. Northern myotis (Myotis septentrionalis), and to a lesser extent, little brown myotis (Myotis lucifugus) were more prevalent in forested, rural parks of the Ridge and Valley and Blue Ridge than in eastern, less forested urban parks of the Piedmont and Coastal Plain physiographic provinces. Retention of larger, residual forest tracts and day-roosting habitat (i.e., trees and snags) would be beneficial to most species, as urban expansion continues throughout the region.  相似文献   
石林是闻名遐尔的旅游景区。这里除了具有以喀斯特地貌为特色的自然景观外 ,还有丰富的民族文化资源。石林旅游业的发展既要充分认识、开发这些资源 ,又要重视文化主体———当地居民和社区的参与 ;在发展中建构产业发展模式 ,优化资源配置 ,调整经济利益分配格局 ,完善旅游管理和协调机制 ,走可持续发展之路。  相似文献   
民族服饰反映了民族文化的各个方面,鄂温克民族服饰也不例外。地理环境的独特性往往形成民族文化的独特性,也形成民族服饰的独特性。鄂温克族的服饰,与北方其他民族的服饰有一定的相似之处,但其独特的地理环境和民族文化使鄂温克族服饰又独具一格。鄂温克族主要居住在大兴安岭和呼伦贝尔草原上。由于居住分散,产生了不同的生产生活方式。有生活在森林中,以狩猎为生的敖鲁古雅鄂温克人;有生活在草原上,以牧业为生的通古斯鄂温克人和索伦鄂温克人。从而形成了独特的森林文化和草原文化,这两种文化在鄂温克民族服饰上有显著的表现。  相似文献   
山西森林防火联防网络化案例研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
有效地预防和减少森林火灾发生的途径,是新时期森林防火工作面临的重大研究课题。本文以晋城市为案例,分析了森林火灾联防联治不力和得力两种情况下所造成的影响,指出了当前森林火灾联防联治工作存在的主要问题,提出了进一步抓好森林火灾联防联治工作的主要措施:大力提高全民联防意识;加强对联防联治工作的领导,建立责任追究制度;加强对民营林业大户的培训教育;县级行政边界实行家庭托管制。  相似文献   
This article presents an analysis of Ontario Fire Weather Index (FWI) data?The data used is ©1963–2004, Queen’s Printer for Ontario, Canada, and was referenced under agreement with the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources.Color versions of one or more of the figures in the article can be found online at www.tandfonline.com/lssp. using the block bootstrap for time series. Confidence intervals for parameters such as the first lag autocorrelation can have low coverage relative to the nominal level. Therefore, adjustments to the confidence intervals are necessary in order to achieve reasonable accuracy. We introduce a confidence interval calibration method in which the length of the confidence interval is adjusted according to an amount determined from a double bootstrap. We compare this method with the α-level adjustment method, and we find that the length-adjustment method is superior under scenarios similar to that of the FWI data: coverage proportions are slightly higher for the length-adjustment approach, and confidence interval widths are markedly smaller. Applying the length-adjustment method to the Ontario FWI data gives different results than would be obtained without adjustment.  相似文献   
乐业县同乐林场两栖爬行动物多样性研究及保护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2006年7月对乐业县同乐林场的两栖爬行动物资源进行了调查,结果表明:该地共有两栖爬行动物39种。其中,两栖动物13种,隶属于5属4科1目;爬行动物26种,隶属于21属10科2目。区系特点为:(1)物种组成较丰富;(2)华中-华南区种类丰富;(3)区系组成较简单,以东洋型和南中国型为主;(4)特有种所占比例较低。建议加强对该地两栖爬行动物物种多样性及其生境的保护,合理开发利用两栖爬行动物资源。  相似文献   
村上春树在中国--当代中国文学思潮下的村上热初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
村上春树在中国受到关注,是由于他的现实主义作品迎合了当代中国的文学思潮和价值取向.新写实主义是在现实主义基础上发展起来的一种新的创作原则.村上的作品具备了这些要素.抓住了时代的脉搏.村上是中日读者的选择,也是文学的趋向.他创造的文学世界,让我们看到了人类共同面临的困境和生命的伤口,并感动着今天所有认真思考生命、生活的人们.  相似文献   
As rapid urbanization continues, existing natural areas within urban zones will play a critical role in safeguarding remaining biodiversity. Ants are an integral part of almost every terrestrial ecosystem, including urban environments, and understanding which environmental characteristics influence their persistence is critical. In this study, 24 protected natural areas within urban parks including mosaic, scrub, herbaceous and forest habitats were surveyed for ants with 563 pitfall traps. The data provide insights into the distribution and abundance of ant fauna in San Francisco natural areas, as well as which characteristics of parks have the most influence on ant community composition. A total of 2,068 ant individuals representing 15 species were collected. A regression analysis revealed that urban forests reduced ant richness and abundance and that there was little or no impact of the Argentine ant on native ants. Natural area size and shape were not important in explaining variations in overall ant species richness and abundance, with many smaller natural areas harboring ant populations that are just as diverse and robust as larger areas.  相似文献   
An integrated approach to evaluating urban forest functionality   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Despite the fact that forests in urban areas play multiple and often conflicting roles, research and management efforts are typically geared towards a single role or purpose. Urban ecology addresses this multiplicity of function by viewing human and natural systems in urban areas not as separate entities, but as interacting components of an integrated whole. We present an interdisciplinary approach for evaluating the different ways that forests are often valued: economically, socially, and ecologically in residential areas of King County, WA. Economic function is measured as the change in housing prices attributed to location on the gradient, using a hedonic price model. For social function we use a survey to measure (1) residents’ use of parks and forests, and (2) satisfaction with their neighborhoods. We measure ecological function as songbird species richness, using bird survey data. Overlaying the curves of economic, social, and ecological function on the common axis of our urban gradient allows for relationships and tradeoffs to be qualitatively evaluated. Each function responds differently to the gradient. The housing price response is strongest at high and low levels of urbanization, with positive premiums in both areas. Satisfaction with neighborhood attributes decreases with increasing urbanization, while the likelihood of mentioning ‘parks’ as an important element of a resident’s neighborhood increases. Songbird richness peaks in less-developed areas. Evaluating the different functions together is an important step in recognizing and understanding the multiple roles forested areas play.  相似文献   
森林生态旅游资源研究综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
森林是开展生态旅游的主要阵地,森林生态旅游资源作为森林生态旅游的客体,是森林生态旅游业赖以生存和发展的物质基础和基本条件。笔者对森林生态旅游资源研究的相关期刊文献进行了查阅,并从森林生态旅游资源的内涵、评价、分类、开发和保护四个方面进行了综述。  相似文献   
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