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社区参与的优点使生态旅游成为自然保护区经营的重要方式,但土地权属虚空直接导致政治权力与企业资本联合控制旅游开发,社区参与流于形式。集体林权制度改革使农户成为林权权利人,赋予社区对旅游开发"选择"与"控制"的权利。农户收益得到保障,实质性地参与到管理中来。政府的转型与社区力量的壮大对于避免公地悲剧、协调开发与保护、兼顾区域及阶层的效益与公平起到最终的推动作用。社区集中控制旅游开发的模式有望建立,社区的深度参与将促动保护区功能全面升级。  相似文献   
人生活在语言当中 ,人的思维方式及行为受制于语言。人的语言一般是隐喻性的。而电影《阿甘正传》中的阿甘因为智商和童年成长环境的特殊原因 ,形成了与众不同的非隐喻性的语言观 ,其突出表现就是“跑就是跑”。阿甘在思维上“用眼死死盯住‘球’”的这种“痴”注定了他“真诚、仗义、执着” ,而生活也给予了他相应的获得成功的回报。一颗回归了真善美的“球” ,在生活中的每一次撞击都给假丑恶以猛烈的抨击 ,这对我们被假丑恶蒙蔽了的心灵实在是一种深刻的启示  相似文献   
山地林茶多经综合开发研究的目的在于:通过营造速生丰产林,改善林茶生态环境,生产林产及林副多经产品;利用林地枯枝落叶覆盖茶园;在茶园间作黄豆、玉米,实行以短养长,实现茶园持续、优质、稳产。12年的研究结果表明:7.8公顷丰产林,除改善林茶生态环境外,立木蓄积量已达1004立方米;利用林产进行林产转化种植木耳、香菇、天麻等收入91541.40元;林地每年产枯枝落叶15T覆盖茶园,保水,保温,增肥,建成每公顷产815公斤茶叶的优质、稳产茶园,已生产“白杨春萌”优质茶三年,2.2公顷茶园收入共51022.26元;茶行间作黄豆、玉米固氮遮荫,以短养长,总收粮6000公斤,折合人民币9600元。12年的林茶农总收入为142563.66元,投入产出比为1:4.89。  相似文献   
全面分析了重庆市城市绿化现状与森林城市建设原则,论述了重庆市山水滨江森林城市的自然特色打造、城市森林生态群落的科学构建、城乡一体化的森林城市建设等重庆森林城市建设特点,论述了重庆森林城市建设的生态文化内涵。  相似文献   
Community-based forestry has received much recent attention as an effort to protect threatened Southern forests by linking conservation with sustainable livelihoods. Many researchers have emphasized the importance of effective organization for successful community-based forestry. While significant attention has been paid to community-level organizational design for collective action, less attention has been given to the role secondary-level grassroots associations play in supporting forest governance. The case of the Association of Forest Communities of Petén (ACOFOP) in Guatemala's Maya Biosphere Reserve is discussed, using a framework drawn from research on multipurpose agrarian federations. As it confronts ongoing problems of representation, equity and legitimacy, ACOFOP now encourages associated community forest concessions to diversify beyond commercial timber into collectively organized non-timber forest activities. Diversification, however, brings new governance issues with new participants, objectives and organizational logics that challenge ACOFOP to change while maintaining characteristics that support successful advocacy of its members' interests. ACOFOP and its members actively experiment with several organizational alternatives, each with diverse implications for the balancing of political and economic roles. To better understand and support community forestry initiatives, their associations and similar agrarian organizations should be viewed in dynamic rather than static terms, and the central role local participants play in adapting their own organizations recognized.  相似文献   
北京市香山公园和鹫峰森林公园游憩承载力对比研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为实现“宜居城市”的战略目标,北京市山区森林需要在保护生态环境的同时满足市民的森林游憩需求。选择香山公园和鹫峰国家森林公园进行了游憩承载力的对比研究。在2008、2009年问卷调查和实地踏查的基础上,定量计算与定性分析相结合,对两个景区的空间、生态、设施和社会承载力以及整体承载水平进行了综合评价。结果表明:香山的合理空间容量为13000人次/日和4745000人次/年。在空间和设施方面香山为适载或超载(高峰期),生态和社会承载水平为超载,整体承载水平已接近饱和。鹫峰的合理空间容量为12350人次/日和4507750人次/年,鹫峰森林公园除设施为适载状态外,其他3个方面均为弱载。建议打造大西山风景游憩区,加大鹫峰等森林公园的建设力度和宣传力度,引导市民前往这些相对弱载但很有特点的游憩地休闲游憩,以缓解香山等游憩地的压力。  相似文献   
我国的天然林保护工程从1998年开始试点,2000年10月经国务院正式批准实施。该工程是我国针对生态环境不断恶化的趋势实施的六大林业重点工程之一。自工程实施十年以来,取得了显著的成效,但同时也暴露出一系列的问题。  相似文献   
Among scholars of international development, there is a debate regarding the effectiveness of bilateral aid to improve the natural environment. Here we focus on evaluating whether United States Agency for International Development’s (USAID) aid in the environmental sector reduces forest loss. Little empirical evidence exists on this question, partly because of the challenge of modeling such a relationship, given the problem of endogeneity whereby the same social, political, or economic processes that affect forest loss may also be correlated with a nation receiving aid from international donors. We contribute to this debate by utilizing a two-stage instrumental variable regression model to analyze cross-national data for a sample of 74 low and middle income nations. After controlling for potential endogeneity, we find that higher levels of USAID’s aid for environmental protection correspond with lower rates of forest loss. We also find that a forest’s proximity to infrastructure, agricultural and forestry exports, agricultural land area, and tropical climate are related to increased forest loss.  相似文献   
王同顺先生所著《镇江古代石刻及焦山碑林书法研究》,以其丰富的资料和独到的视角,对镇江古代石刻及焦山碑林作了全面系统的评述和精确的考证,具有相当多的全新的开拓性的见解,使地域书法研究更上了一个新的台阶。该书以史与论、考与证相结合的研究方法,抓住焦山石刻要害,突出重点。  相似文献   
This article aims to explain why the adat movement activists in Indonesia could expand their campaigns for state recognition of adat community rights to activities from within the state apparatus. We argue that three combined processes have contributed to the conjuncture that made institutional activism possible: the preparation of the 2014 national election offered activists opportunities to influence the government agenda; the emergence of a conscious strategy for conducting institutional activism; and the coalitions between some key state officials and the movement’s actors. This article also analyses the problems that institutional activists faced, in particular resistance from influential actors at various government units who were not sympathetic to the adat movement’s agenda. Therefore, the impact of this activism on policy changes so far remains limited. The authors’ personal involvement in this case of institutional activism to promote customary forest provided access to the information for this article.  相似文献   
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