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论述了孙中山关于建设政治文明的思想,指出了孙中山关于政治文明建设思想的意义:极大地推动了中国的政治发展,为我国政治文明建设积累了丰富的经验,也提供了深刻的教训。  相似文献   
Few victims of sexual harassment at work file complaints. The current study looks at ways in which the organizational climate, including trust in the system and fear of reprisal, impacts victim decisions to file complaints. A military sample offers the advantage of a work context with formalized reporting processes and a highly segregated and gendered work environment. The findings indicate that fear of coworker backlash keeps victims from seeking organizational relief. Such non-formal consequences of reporting should be addressed in future workplace sexual harassment policies. The findings also suggest that widespread mishandling of complaints erodes trust in the grievance process, which may in turn influence future responses to sexual harassment. The discussion highlights the limitations of current cross-sectional research designs for identifying the causal order of this trust-filing relationship and suggests ways in which future quantitative studies may be designed to gain a broader understanding of the dynamic relationship between organizational context and victim response.
Ganga VijayasiriEmail:

Ganga Vijayasiri   is a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Sociology at the University of Illinois, Chicago. Her research interests focus on gender stratification, sexual harassment, and the interrelationships of gender, work, and family. With Cedric Herring she is currently studying how organizational structure influences sexual harassment incidence and organizational interventions.  相似文献   
Individuals differ in how accurately they perceive their social environment, but research and theory provide conflicting predictions on whether powerful people are more or less accurate than others. Drawing on social network theory and the situated cognition theory of power, we examine the relationship between individuals’ formal and informal power and their perceptual accuracy of social network relationships. We propose that individuals’ perceptual accuracy is related to: 1) their formal and informal power in the organization; 2) the type of relationship being perceived (positive/negative valence) and its relevance to task and goal completion; and 3) the dependence relationship with the target of perception (i.e., whether the perceiver is dependent on the perceived to get their work done). Predictions were tested using cognitive social structure data collected from a technical call center. Results showed that power was generally linked to increased perceptual accuracy, particularly for the types of relationships most relevant for task and goal completion. We further demonstrated that social network accuracy was related to employees’ outcomes, including subsequent transfer, promotion, and exit from the organization.  相似文献   
陈玉山 《浙江社会科学》2012,(6):65-71,64,158
关于宪法序言是否包含着宪法的根本性规定,具有法律实证主义倾向的学者一般认为宪法序言只是政治性宣言,继而否定其中包含根本性规定;而政治宪法学则认为宪法序言中由政治权力的事实构成的政治决断具有根本性,其见解与立宪主义的精神相冲突。我国宪法学的传统学说虽认定宪法序言包含着根本性规定,但由于缺失体系化论证,其说服力有限。规范宪法学认为,在我国宪法中的公民基本权利规范、国家机构规范以及以国家根本任务为统领的公共利益规定中,作为宪法序言之核心内容的国家根本任务虽可被视为根本法,但其既非唯一,也非最高。  相似文献   
在中国近代史上,随着西方人权等观念的传入,在有识之士的推动下,中国曾出现了含有保护人权内容的法律文件。如《钦定宪法大纲》《中华民国临时约法》等。这些法律文件在保护人权方面虽然仅仅处在起步阶段,还有许多局限性,但在中国的人权立法史上却具有重要的意义,并为以后的人权立法奠定了坚实的基础。  相似文献   
宪法的本体含义在于 :宪法至上、宪法至尊、宪法至本。真正多数人的意志是宪法权威的内在根据。制定修改条件的严格和程序的复杂以及最高的法律效力得出了公开的确认构成宪法权威的外在根据。宪法权威的实现主要依赖于两个因素的支持 :人们普遍对宪法的信仰和宪法的形式化  相似文献   
只有间接而无直接规定,这是我国宪法对公民隐私权保障不足。私文化匮乏、泛政治化倾向及科学技术落后是导致这种不足的主要原因。在我国宪法中明确规定公民隐私权不受侵犯,是克服部门法对隐私权保障不力、平衡权力与权利冲突及承担隐私权保护国际义务的需要。人权保障入宪、隐私权理论研究取得成果、他国已有的成文先例为我国宪法明确保障公民隐私权提供了可能性。  相似文献   
第五次《宪法修正案》将全国人大法律委员会改设为全国人大宪法和法律委员会,在继承法律委员会原有职权的同时,增加开展宪法解释、加强宪法监督、推进合宪性审查工作等职权。这对促进以往宪法监督制度中的合法性审查向合宪性审查转变具有积极作用,对宪法监督工作机制建设中的宪法解释工作、合宪性审查工作、具体行为违宪监督纠正处罚机制具有推动作用。宪法和法律委员会的设立,亦启发完善中国宪法监督制度应有要素的思考。  相似文献   
护法运动期间,赵藩凭借着清末时所获得的政治资本和声望,以及广泛的人脉资源而在其间扮演着重要角色,其对唐继尧的护法则经历了一个从积极拥护到离异的过程,而决定其态度转向的主要因素并不是谁更具有正义性,而是人际脉络的亲疏远近。  相似文献   
在<历史与阶级意识>中,青年卢卡奇深刻批判了近代形式理性的物化结构.卢卡奇认为,近代形式理性是一种反思的、历史的和总体的理性,它是以认识论表现出来的本体论.思维遇到既定性的、非理性的事实,使近代哲学陷进主客体二律背反的理论困境.德国古典哲学乃至后来的人本主义思潮试图通过实践、艺术、历史、文化等路径解决这个问题,但都是在更高层次上说明了它的不可解决性.卢卡奇利用总体性辩证法,揭示了具体历史的内部结构.他把"主体-客体"的认识模式从空间结构维度推及时间历史维度,以主体性原则完成了对历史的重新构建,从而超越了形式理性的二律背反.  相似文献   
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