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In a commentary on Coleman and Bassi's study of hegemonic masculinities in the British anti-globalization movement, the author brings to bear the scholarship on the gendered culture of the World Social Forum and through this, suggests the importance of contextualizing such studies in particular places and incorporating race, nation and class as salient dimensions.  相似文献   
In this article we first trace the ideological development and collective framing of the World Social Forum (WSF) as a non-hierarchical gathering for collaboration and networking within the global justice movement. We then analyze the consequences of organizational design, thematic resonance, and technological innovations implemented to produce more open and horizontal collaboration. We do this by conducting two-mode network analysis of organizations that facilitated sessions and workshops during two separate meetings (2003 and 2005) of the WSF in Porto Alegre, Brazil. Our findings indicate that organizational affiliations were less hierarchical in 2005, but we uncover mixed results from analyzing patterns of interaction produced by individual organizations and groups of organizations. Finally, we discuss the implications of such macro-level innovations on the dynamics of multi-organizational fields (collaboration, coalition building, and thematic resonance) and the contributions of such an approach to the study of transnational organizational networks.  相似文献   
By focusing on the aftermath of the 2001 G8 counter-summit in Genoa, this paper aims to provide a comprehensive insight into the interpretative dimension of transformative events leading to backfire. First, in line with the existing literature on transformative events, the study shows that after the violent events, Italian authorities employed all possible strategies to inhibit public outrage (i.e., cover-ups of the situation, stigmatizations of targets to legitimate repressive action, reinterpretations of police violence as different from direct attacks, presence of authoritative assessments and intimidation of participants and witnesses). Second, a multidimensional scaling of symbolic devices from 70 social forum websites shows that after 2001, Italian social movement actors used the narrative of the Genoa events in deliberative (i.e., bridging, extension) or negotiating (i.e., punctuation, articulation) framing processes to build new collective action frames.  相似文献   
Forest struggles and movements in India were a part of the rich tradition of anti-colonial struggle. In North Bengal, the recorded history of forest movements dates back to the 1960s and the movements themselves have been continuous ever since. However, despite the sincere efforts of those movements the livelihood opportunities of the forest dwellers worsened daily. The 1972 Wildlife Act together with the 1980 Forest Conservation Act strengthened further the oppressive structure of the forest bureaucracy. After the introduction of the Joint Forest Management Programme in the 1990s backed by the 1988 Forest Policy in India, it was expected that the forest dwellers would become more empowered economically and socially in lieu of their participation in the forest protection activities. But this failed miserably in the region and in 2000, against such a backdrop, a movement was started to demand land and livelihood rights for the forest dwellers. Following the Notification of the Forest Rights Act (2006) the movement has gained a new momentum while continuing its struggle against the biased implementation of the Act. This article presents a brief account of the movement in order to assess its significance and changing focuses over the years.  相似文献   
"天地生人学术讲座"创建于1990年的北京,到2012年3月10日完成1000讲,是一个由天文学研究、地学研究、生物学研究、人文学研究等诸多方面的中老年学者组成和主持的民间性质的学术交流活动,旨在当代科学的综合性发展潮流中,推动宇宙—地球—生物—人类社会的大交叉综合学术研究,发掘中国古代自然国学整体论思维的资源,对复杂性科学问题的解决进行探索,关注人地关系的矛盾及解决,是一个全开放、纯公益的多学科学术交流平台。二十余年来,围绕自然灾害综合研究、中国自然国学的复兴、中国传统文化的复兴、中医的复兴、民间科学研究的振兴、科学观念辩证、复杂系统的整体论科学思维的发展、中国科技体制创新等主题进行了长期的讨论和探索。讲座明确自己的历史责任和奋斗目标:保存一方学术净土;种一块整体论与还原论优势互补的试验田。  相似文献   
毛泽东的《在延安文艺座谈会上的讲话》,依据列宁《共产主义运动中的"左派"幼稚病》的有关论述,运用马克思主义文艺理论的基本原理,结合当时文艺发展的实际情况,阐述了文艺工作中的一些基本理论和方法,对我们建设社会主义文化强国具有重大的现实启示意义。  相似文献   
2015年10月31日-11月1日,“第六届农村社会学圆桌论坛”在南京农业大学成功举办。运用综述分析法,归纳总结“第六届农村社会学圆桌论坛”典型观点,为现代农村社区治理提供借鉴和参考。研究内容重点围绕关于国家治理下的农村社区及其运行逻辑、关于农村社区文化建设与公共空间的建构、关于农村社区现实困境与治理危机、关于农村社区的治理模式以及关于农村社区治理的路径选择等议题展开研讨交流。研究结果是当前农村社区治理在理念与实践方向上尚存争议,但乡村建设已在推动,其主要治理模式表现为本土精英自主型、政治权力主导型、政策资源干预型和社会资本下乡型。研究结论表明社会转型视域下农村社区治理的路径选择在于重构治理主体,培育职业化农民精英阶层,内化“外部资源力量”,实现农村社区的合作共治。  相似文献   
校园文化建设是大学文化发展的动力,也是提升高校影响力和竞争力的重要途径。作为树人大学校园文化建设的重要方面,"树人讲坛"以树大校训"崇德重智、树人为本"为宗旨,荟萃名师风采,传承大学精神,构建育人体系,丰富文化资源,在多方互动中推动着浙江树人大学的文化建设,已成为引领校园文化风尚、弥补学校师资不足、深化校园文化内涵建设、孕育树人特色的重要举措。  相似文献   
中阿能源合作对双方社会经济可持续发展乃至全球国际能源安全意义重大。中国要恰如其分地评估阿拉伯世界尤其是海湾国家对我国国际能源合作的重要性及难度,正确处理好我国油气进口来源多元化与经营主渠道的关系。要及时抓住国际形势演变带来的新机遇,同时正视中阿能源合作面临的严峻挑战。新形势下的中阿能源合作要以新能源安全观为指导,积极利用中阿合作论坛等各种合作机制,在互利共赢中推动中阿战略合作关系的健康发展。  相似文献   
随着网络论坛在社会意见交流中的空前活跃,其问政功能和舆论影响日益显著。把握网络论坛的民意特点,认清其在民意诉求中的作用,有助于政府网络发言人在与公众的沟通交流中找准角色定位,实现对网络论坛的民意疏导。同时,要从政府、网站和网民三个方面积极促进和维护网络论坛的健康发展。  相似文献   
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