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美国华裔作家赵健秀和汤亭亭由于对美国华裔文学持不同的见解和主张,产生摩擦,演变成为美国华裔文学史上持久激烈的“赵汤论战”。从某种意义上来说,“赵汤论战”并无实质性的分歧,两者都致力于打破华人模式化刘板形象、对中国文化都有传承并都有不同程度的误读,对美国华裔文学的发展都有着重大的贡献。  相似文献   
Assistance legislation in Germany is not viewed as being effective because imports seem to be an interior source of displacement compared to productivity change and are not therefore the prime cause of adjustment difficulties. Moreover, programs aimed at specific individual industries do not seem warranted, as they operate to delay necessary restructuring, can easily turn into disguised or open protection, discriminate against the rest of the economy, and provoke retaliatory measures abroad.  相似文献   
世界体系研究历经形成和发展阶段,进入后冷战时期的分化和论战阶段。早期对非洲不发达原因的调查以及对拉美社会依附性特点的解释,推动了世界体系研究理论结构的形成。对中心和外围互动关系以及世界体系起源及资本积累周期问题的认识分歧,导致世界体系理论分化和研究的多样性。  相似文献   
人类文明具有多样性,但更重要的是统一性。不仅文明的历史发展证明了这点,文明的当前情境也正昭示着这点。在可见的将来,文明多元性中所蕴涵的统一性必将有更具实质性的呈现。在长程历史的意义上,各文明间的关系是你追我赶,不相伯仲,既无永远的领先,亦无永远的滞后,因而从根本上讲,文化间的高低之别、种族间的优劣之分是没有的。  相似文献   
如何在美国语境中确立华裔男性的身份建构,这是当代美国华裔作家赵健秀的思考重点。在重建美国华裔男性形象的过程中,赵健秀的主要贡献表现在两个方面:一是着重描写美国华裔中的父子关系,以父子关系来表现中美两种文化之间的碰撞和纠葛;二是充分刺用中国文化史上的英雄主义传统,通过对英雄主义传统的书写,寻找文化归属,确立华裔男性的身份问题。赵健秀和汤亭亭之间,不但是构成了冲突和对话,还具有互补的作用.他们的文学创作.共同书写了华裔在美国语境中的人生轨迹和文化身份。  相似文献   

Recent exhibitions of Allen Ginsberg’s photographs, which feature 1950s snapshots of his fellow-Beats Jack Kerouac and William Burroughs, have been dismissed by some as marketing exercises for the Beat myth that promote their biocentric image. Ginsberg himself invited comparisons between his work and Robert Frank’s The Americans. However, a detailed material analysis of his work as a poet-photographer, paying close attention to his handwritten captions, recognises it as a complex hybrid that extends his prophetic poetics. In particular, contextualising his work in relation to the 1950s photojournalism of Life and Time establishes the ways in which Ginsberg, and Burroughs, responded to the attacks made on the Beats in those magazines on behalf of Henry Luce’s ‘American Century’.  相似文献   
比较种族主义是美国主流社会处理各个少数族裔之间关系的惯用策略,目的是使各少数族裔互相制衡,以维持白人至上的主流利益和地位。亚裔美国文学批评家赵健秀在其批评实践中融入了跨族裔的视野,亚裔与非裔的比较以及在亚裔内部华裔与日裔的比较成为赵健秀文学批评的两大视角。通过比较,赵健秀强调跨族裔联盟的重要性,并为组建亚裔文化联盟进行了卓有成效的探索。跨族裔研究是少数族裔文学研究中的一个重要视角,对于尚处于弱势的华/亚裔美国文学的发展有积极的推动作用。  相似文献   

This article suggests a chi-square test of fit for parametric families of bivariate copulas. The marginal distribution functions are assumed to be unknown and are estimated by their empirical counterparts. Therefore, the standard asymptotic theory of the test is not applicable, but we derive a rule for the determination of the appropriate degrees of freedom in the asymptotic chi-square distribution. The behavior of the test under H 0 and for selected alternatives is investigated by Monte Carlo simulation. The test is applied to investigate the dependence structure of daily German asset returns. It turns out that the Gauss copula is inappropriate to describe the dependencies in the data. A t ν-copula with low degrees of freedom performs better.  相似文献   
雷蒙.威廉斯的“情感结构”理论析论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“情感结构”是威廉斯讨论最多的核心概念,指一种当下的、现实性的、不断变化的和具有某种建构意义的社会或个人的共同经验,具有总体性、多义性、主体性、建构性的特点。每一代人都会以自己的方式对所继承的那个独一无二的世界做出反应,并把自己的创造性反应塑造成一种新的情感结构。一个时期的“情感结构”,实际上就是这个时期的文化。“情感结构”是威廉斯文化唯物主义理论的“关键词”。研究这一概念,对于威廉斯文化哲学的理解和评价及一般文化研究、文化哲学研究都具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   
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