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立足民族地方应用型人才培养全面推进学校转型发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
引导部分地方本科院校向应用型转变是中国高等教育改革的一项重大决策,既是国家战略、社会需要、学生诉求,也是学 校的使命与挑战,更是新建地方本科院校生存发展的选择。西昌学院自2006 年以来就应用型办学进行了10 余年的探索与实 践,立足校情,坚持办学定位的区域性、专业设置的地方性、培养目标的职业性、教学过程的实践性,2015 年成为四川省惟一一 所公办本科整体转型发展的试点学校。根据10 余年的实践,着重介绍了“一个推进、两个定位、三个改变、四个减少、五个增 加”的转型思路和具体作法  相似文献   
甘肃麦客以其极端的吃苦和耐劳,支撑着曾号称天府之国的关中农区的富庶与繁盛。论文以大量可搜集到的零碎文字记载为依托,试图还原一不为正史聚焦的几乎被当代史完全有意无意失忆的特殊群体之存在断面。  相似文献   
1920年底,甘肃地区爆发了以马福祥为首的回族军人集团和以陆洪涛为首的汉族军人集团争夺甘肃督军的运动,史称"陆马争督".分析、评述这一历史事件,有助于探讨这次"争督"的历史成因及其对20世纪20年代甘肃地区军政格局所造成的影响.  相似文献   
西南民族心理研究对于西南乃至整个国家的发展、民族和谐和社会稳定具有十分重要和特殊的意义.总体而言,在研究目标上要进一步强化为社会发展与稳定、为建立和谐社会服务的功能,在研究内容上应特别注重系统性和综合性的研究,在方法论上还需充分重视质性研究和量化研究的紧密结合、思辨分析与实证调查的紧密结合.  相似文献   
郭志仪  石瑾 《兰州学刊》2014,(3):171-175
运用城市流强度的测定方法,计算甘肃省12座地级城市的外向型功能量、城市流强度和城市流倾向度,依据各城市的城市流强度值将城镇体系规模等级结构划分为3个层次:一级中心城市为兰州,其城市流强度值最高,是省内经济集聚和扩散的中心;二级中心城市为酒泉和庆阳,其城市流强度值较低,是省内次级辐射中心;三级中心城市为平凉、定西、陇南、天水、白银、武威、金昌、张掖和嘉峪关,城市流强度值极低,是地方集聚与辐射的中心。最后,依据各城市的城市流强度结构,提出甘肃省中心城市城市流的强化对策和规模等级结构的优化建议。  相似文献   
在入世背景下,西部大开发所面临挑战从根本上说就是以科学技术为核心的国际竞争,西部地区的相对落后状况决定了西部地区科学技术及其产业化发展必须确立合理的技术创新战略,从而促使西部地区在资源的综合性深层合理开发与竞争优势的有效建构之中实现历史性的跨越。  相似文献   
1920年12月16日甘肃海原发生了震惊世界的大地震,这场突如其来的灾难给本已贫瘠的甘肃以重创。由于多种因素,这次地震所带来的损失比发生同等强度地震的其它地区损失更为严重。中央政府救灾态度默然,救灾重任让渡于民间,各地方团体及地方绅士相继肩负起救灾重任,积极组织赈灾,使灾后损失降到最低。但一个健康的社会,赈灾需要政府的公共救济与民间的自我救助相结合,不论政府还是公民都应承担起使社会正常有序运行的责任。  相似文献   
In this article, we consider empirical likelihood inference for the parameter in the additive partially linear models when the linear covariate is measured with error. By correcting for attenuation, a corrected-attenuation empirical log-likelihood ratio statistic for the unknown parameter β, which is of primary interest, is suggested. We show that the proposed statistic is asymptotically standard chi-square distribution without requiring the undersmoothing of the nonparametric components, and hence it can be directly used to construct the confidence region for the parameter β. Some simulations indicate that, in terms of comparison between coverage probabilities and average lengths of the confidence intervals, the proposed method performs better than the profile-based least-squares method. We also give the maximum empirical likelihood estimator (MELE) for the unknown parameter β, and prove the MELE is asymptotically normal under some mild conditions.  相似文献   
By representing fair betting odds according to one or more pairs of confidence set estimators, dual parameter distributions called confidence posteriors secure the coherence of actions without any prior distribution. This theory reduces to the maximization of expected utility when the pair of posteriors is induced by an exact or approximate confidence set estimator or when a reduction rule is applied to the pair. Unlike the p-value, the confidence posterior probability of an interval hypothesis is suitable as an estimator of the indicator of hypothesis truth since it converges to 1 if the hypothesis is true or to 0 otherwise.  相似文献   
In practical situations involving mixtures formed from several ingredients, interest is sometimes centered on the response in an ellipsoidal neighborhood around a standard formulation. We show that standard, orthogonally blocked, response surface designs, defined on a q ? 1 dimensional unit sphere, may be transformed into similarly orthogonally blocked q-ingredient mixture designs defined within an ellipsoid centered at the standard formulation. The method is illustrated using several examples of mixture experiments with three, four, and five ingredients, arranged in two, three, or four orthogonal blocks, obtained by projecting standard central composite designs and Box–Behnken designs into the ellipsoidal mixture region. Rotations of the resulting designs within the ellipsoidal regions are also considered.  相似文献   
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