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On 19th January 2004, the UK government published An Independent Review of Government Communications (Phillis, 2004) known as the Phillis Review, and announced that it would implement the recommendations in full. In the early 2000s, under the Government of the then Prime Minister, Tony Blair, there was some blurring of the lines between the role of impartial government communicators who were members of the Government Information and Communication Service (GICS) and politically appointed Special Advisors. In 1997, Alistair Campbell, Director of Communication, and Blair's Special Advisor, had been given the power to direct government communicators and subsequently there were a number of incidents that reinforced the view that propriety lines were being breached. It was felt that the GICS was being increasingly politicised. The Phillis Review led to far reaching change, the most important being the appointment of a Permanent Secretary, a civil servant of the most senior rank to lead GICS.  相似文献   
This study uses focus groups and content analysis to understand the dialogic efficacy of Facebook as a platform for a government-initiated public communication campaign to promote marriage in efforts to reverse low birth rates in Singapore. The findings suggest a weak use of dialogic strategies by the campaign organizers who use Facebook as a channel for one-way communication with little realization of the social networking site's dialogic potential.  相似文献   
This article reviews lobbying in the political sciences and public relations literature, and it also provides a conceptualization for the regulatory practices of lobbying around the world. Then, it presents the newest law on lobbying instituted in 2010 in the Republic of Slovenia, the Integrity and Prevention of Corruption Act. This Act treats lobbying in two ways: (1) as a communication technique used by interest groups to privately influence government officials and (2) as a process of access to information by the same interest groups. This inconsistency follows the same trend for lobbying regulation in Europe and raises important questions regarding lobbying practice and regulation. Lobbying is fundamentally a public relations practice exercised in private and public sectors, and it uses direct and indirect communication between interest groups and their respective government.  相似文献   
The influence of charity involvement on perceptions of the organization's communication of charitable activity was examined experimentally. Results suggest that the inclusion of charity statements on an organization's homepage leads to more positive evaluations of organizational credibility and higher purchase intention. In crisis scenarios, charitable involvement neither negatively nor positively influences perceptions of credibility.  相似文献   
在上海自贸试验区内按照GPA规则开放政府采购市场,一方面可以扩大我国的对外开放,充实上海自贸试验区的内涵;另一方面也可发挥上海自贸区先行先试的"制度试验田"作用,为我国加入GPA后按GPA规则实施政府采购积累经验。对照GPA规则,上海自贸区管理机构实施政府采购,首先必须解决以下问题:现行有关法律在上海自贸区范围内的适用、上海自贸区政府采购体制调整和制度建设、政府采购制度和采购信息公开、政府采购程序与管理、争议申述与解决制度建设及机构设置、对外开放的范围。  相似文献   
西方发达国家社会管理的新趋势及其启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文对二十世纪后半期以来,德国、美国等西方国家在社会管理方面出现的新趋势进行了考察和梳理,其所具有的组织社会、化解社会矛盾、促进社会公平、实现社会稳定的实际功能,以及促使政府和社会运行更有效率的趋势值得我们借鉴.据此,作者从强化政府的社会管理和公共服务职责、转变传统的政府管理模式、优化财政结构、完善公民参与机制等方面提出了建议.  相似文献   
赵晋 《学术探索》2011,(1):103-114
《庸报》制造1937年德王访问伪满洲国的假新闻,意在借其威望使蒙古族民众接受伪蒙疆联合委员会,否认内蒙古“独立建国”;代表关东军的利益,《庸报》大肆渲染蒙疆地区的特殊性。直至汪伪政权成立后,伪蒙疆政权仍是表面隶属而实际高度“自治”的特殊政权;日本假借《庸报》,以宣传吴鹤龄赴日睦邻为借口,将吴氏长期驱逐至日本,深刻揭示出日本的统治方式及对伪蒙疆政权人事的掌控;《庸报》对日本驻蒙兵团只字不提,目的在于掩盖其武力殖民统治内蒙古地区的真相。  相似文献   
伟大的革命先行者孙中山先生在发动辛亥革命与规划中华民国新政权时,吸取了中国古代科举制度中的一些有益内容,又参考了近代西方文官制度中的一些成功经验,加以改革与发展,创立了考试权独立的学说。这是孙中山政治思想的重要组成部分。南京国民政府时期实施的高等文官考试制度,就是根据孙中山先生的考试权学说而建立起来的,在中国现代政治史与现代教育史上曾发挥过一定的作用。虽然由于国民党政治的日趋腐败,而使高等文官考试制度受到越来越多的腐蚀与破坏,但它对社会曾发生的作用与影响,它的经验与教训,都是值得我们重视的,可以作为当前我国干部制度与人事制度改革的借鉴。  相似文献   
新社会组织作为我国社会中出现的一种全新的组织形态,在社会稳定和发展中具有重要作用.由于新社会组织所提供的服务往往要通过政府采购的渠道来实现其价值,因此,政府采购的种类和数量是影响新社会组织发展的重要因素.我国政府只有实现了由经济建设型政府向公共服务型政府的成功转型,政府采购的重点才会实现由采购有形产品为主向采购无形的服...  相似文献   
在中国近代金融史上,交通银行是继大清户部银行之后的第二家官办银行,它的创设有着复杂的背景,从最初清政府特许的商业银行,到一个兼有国家银行、商业银行性质的综合性金融机构,早期对实业的发展就做出了一定贡献。当时中国旧式的金融业如票号已经开始走向衰落,钱庄也日渐式微,不能满足中国实业发展的需要,急需一个新式的专业银行来调剂市面。但由于对交通银行的定位不明确,长期以来,交行在业务经营中扮演着多重角色,未能尽全力于发展实业,显然有悖于开办银行的初衷。国民政府觊觎交通银行在金融界的实力和影响,在1928年和1935年对其进行了两次改组,将其定位于发展全国实业的银行,并成为国民政府“四行二局”金融体系的主要成员。交通银行后虽沦为官僚金融资本的垄断工具,但其专业化的形成,有利于近代实业的发展和中国经济的近代化。  相似文献   
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