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苏格拉底究竟有没有引进新神?对此,尽管苏氏本人及其追随者如柏拉图等人都予以否认,但从柏拉图尤其是色诺芬的记述来看,苏氏的确引进了新神。这位新神是一位至上惟一、全知全能、全善全德的信念神。作为信念神的新神显然不同于希腊(雅典)人信奉的作为人格神的众神,并与后者有着相对复杂的辩难关系,同时也体现了信仰与理性之间的某种关系。  相似文献   
神话和哲学是古希腊文明的灵魂,神话以诗性直感表征世界,哲学以理性追问万物,二者协调并进使古希腊文明具有了强大的生命张力,构筑起诗与思相互融通的精神家园。但是,由于理性的过渡扩张,现代人类陷入了理性机制化的魔圈,使人的思维趋于程式化,精神面临物化,日益失去诗性的美感。人类幸福的终极关怀要求我们重新审视诗性直感和哲学理性的关系,重新构筑诗与思繁荣并茂的精神家园。  相似文献   
The policy of Greek authorities towards immigrants is the subject of this paper. By the term “policy” we mean both the legal framework concerning immigration and the practices of Greek authorities and their agencies regarding immigrants. We argue that this policy is defined by the commitments and the obligations undertaken by Greece as a member of the EU, but also by the number, the ethnic composition, the economic and social situation of immigrants, the attitudes of Greeks towards them and, also, the effects of their presence. In this context, the policy is characterized by dilemmas and hesitations. This is due to the attitudes of Greek opinion and concerns about the possibility that the immigrants could in the long term create problems of national integration. Those main concerns are counterbalanced, to some extent, by the contribution of immigrants to the economy. Like other members of the EU, Greek authorities have tried twice, in 1997 and in 2001, to legalize the illegal immigrants. Legalization seems to benefit both the immigrants and the Greeks. Crime rates have been reduced and xenophobia is losing ground. On the other hand, recent studies have shown that the situation of the immigrants has started to improve. Despite these positive developments, the dilemmas of immigration policy have already registered in everyday life and allow for various hostile practices towards the immigrant population.  相似文献   
This article develops a perspective on African migrant integration, reflecting on the ‘visualization’ of migrant experience. It formulates some considerations on how integration of migrants can be captured, drawing on empirical material from street photography in modern-day Greece. The main research question concerns the role of visual images as sites for the construction and depiction of social difference. In that sense, their meaning goes beyond their content and they act as visual representations of discourses. The paper addresses this issue through a focus on local aspects of integration of sub-Saharan African migrants in the city centre of Athens. Specifically it looks at three themes related to discourses on migrant integration in today's economic crisis: (1) the physical and social environment of marginalization, (2) the migrant body and (3) the fear of the migrant. On the basis of the findings a synthesis is attempted of several parallel existing representations in discourses about African migration. The synthesis betrays the ongoing struggle between, on the one hand, the dominant structures that the state creates to deal with their presence and, on the other, the migrant strategies for adaptation and inclusion, which in turn sustain the mechanisms and form integration takes in this context.  相似文献   
Since 2010, Greece has experienced an unprecedented economic and humanitarian crisis, which continues to have tremendous social impact. Austerity measures and policy cuts have included a dis-investment in social work and social care and more recently the abolition of one of the four national Social Work Departments providing qualifying social work education. In this context, this study addresses the following question: how does pre-qualifying social work education in Greece influence students' ability to manage value tensions in relation to anti-oppressive practice? Using a case study methodology, the research was based in one Social Work Department (subsequently abolished). Data were collected through semi-structured interviews from social work students at the beginning and the end of their professional education (n?=?32) and once from academic staff/placement supervisors (n?=?10). Data were analysed drawing on grounded theory techniques. In this paper only one particular dataset is considered in detail: the attitudes and experiences of final year students. The main findings indicate students' narrow understandings and individualistic approaches towards oppression, reflecting an urgent need to redefine social work education and practice in Greece according to current social justice concerns. Specifically, social work education needs to give greater weight to a structural perspective on the dynamics of oppression. Although focussed on Greece, the paper offers a critical debate of contemporary relevance for social work education in many European nation states.  相似文献   
在古典时期,随着雅典帝国的建立,雅典在政治、经济、文化等各方面都进入了全盛时期,为改善公共福利奠定了经济基础。城邦以及富人在粮食供应,就业,公共生活等方面采取了一系列的措施。这些措施具有不稳定、公民特征突出等一系列的特点,但其根本目的是为了缓解贫富差距,稳定城邦秩序。  相似文献   
古希腊和中国古代的美德,都追求善。善在古希腊表现为五种美德,在古代中国表现为五种道德规范。这五种道德,有四种可以互相对应,只有古希腊的勇敢,和中国古代道德不能对应。古希腊的美德,强调以智慧为基础,在价值取向上以征服为主旨,形成了西方的理性主义传统。而中国的道德,强调以仁为基础,在价值取向上以服从为主旨,最终形成中国重伦理的传统。这两种传统,对中西方民族的影响是非常巨大的。  相似文献   
魏晋玄学与晚期希腊哲学均产生于社会分裂、动荡时期。面对强大的社会力量 ,哲人以逃避现实的方式把握自我 ,这是魏晋玄学和晚期希腊哲学的共同点 ;但是 ,前者采取的是“玄学”形式 ,后者采取的是“思辩”形式。二者的发展趋势又是相同的 :魏晋玄学之后佛教哲学兴起 ,晚期希腊哲学之后基督教哲学传播  相似文献   
西塞罗的国家观包括五个方面的内容:把国家看作公民的联合体,试图从"城邦"中抽离出"国家"这一概念,用res publica代替城邦指称普遍意义上的国家,在一定程度上突破了城邦观念的束缚;用历史演进的眼光看待国家起源,把国家看作具有独立伦理价值的精神实体,通过对私有财产的强调,为国家观注入了非伦理因素;继承了古希腊思想家的政体学说,把国家划为三类七种,始终坚持共和政体是最优越的政体;基本上把国家看作高于个人的联合体,但通过对国家的定义和对公民私有财产权的强调,为他的国家观蒙上了个人主义色彩;接受了自然法学说,力主法治,构建了一个庞大的法律体系,以维护共和制,但后期的"元首制"(princeps)构想反映了他的人治倾向。  相似文献   
常芳芳 《阴山学刊》2005,18(1):18-23
孔子的"兴观群怨"说和"中和之美"的艺术批评标准对后世产生极大影响,以冲突为本质特征的戏剧长期受到压抑,直到元代才出现戏剧大繁荣。小农经济基础上形成的传统思维方式,也是制约戏剧发展的重要原因。元统治者对文学艺术客观上的放任态度为元杂剧的发展提供了极好的机遇;元代大都市的建立和商品经济的畸形发展是元杂剧兴盛的土壤;元代知识阶层思想意识转变,造就了中国文学史上第一批专业作家群,有力地推动了元杂剧走向繁荣。  相似文献   
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