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金巧英 《宁波大学学报(人文科学版)》2010,23(4):57-60
中德两国文化源远流长,形成了各自独特的熟语。德汉熟语间的翻译其实是两国文化的再现。文章从文化视角出发,运用直译法、直译加注法、形象转换法或意译法对德汉熟语进行互译,力求在目的语中保持熟语的源语文化风貌,以促进中德文化交流。 相似文献
Ferdinand Buer 《Organisationsberatung, Supervision, Coaching》2001,8(3):277-282
Transference and counter-transference in supervision. A discussion with Bernd Oberhoff The autor demonstrates in a discussion with the new important monograph about ?Transference and Counter-transference in Supervision“ by Bernd Oberhoff: This significant technique of the psychoanalytical approach must be fundamentally transformed regarding an application in supervision. But in consequence this technique loses her previous utility. This is the tragedy of this approach. 相似文献
Joachim Merz 《Allgemeines Statistisches Archiv》2004,88(4):451-472
Zusammenfassung: In dieser Studie wird ein Konzept zur Kumulation von laufenden
Haushaltsbudgetbefragungen im Rahmen des Projektes Amtliche Statistik und sozioökonomische
Fragestellungen entwickelt und zur Diskussion gestellt. Dafür werden die theoretischen
Grundlagen und Bausteine gelegt und die zentrale Aufgabe einer strukturellen
demographischen Gewichtung mit einem Hochrechnungs–/Kalibrierungsansatz auf informationstheoretischer
Basis gelöst.Vor dem Hintergrund der Wirtschaftsrechnungen des Statistischen Bundesamtes (Lfd.
Wirtschaftsrechnungen und EVS) wird darauf aufbauend ein konkretes Konzept für die
Kumulation von jährlichen Haushaltsbudgetbefragungen vorgeschlagen. Damit kann das
Ziel einer Kumulation von Querschnitten mit einer umfassenderen Kumulationsstichprobe
für tief gegliederte Analysen erreicht werden. Folgen sollen die Simulationsrechnungen
zur Evaluation des Konzepts.
Summary: In this study a concept for cumulating periodic household surveys within the frame of the project Official Statistics and Socio–Economic Questions is developed and asks for discussion. We develop the theoretical background and solve the central task of a structural demographic weighting/calibration based on an information theoretical approach.Based on the household budget surveys of the Federal Statistical Office (Periodic Household Budget Surveys and Income and Consumption Sample (EVS)) a practical concept is proposed to cumulate yearly household surveys. This allows a cumulation of cross–sections by a comprehensive cumulated sample for deeply structured analyses. In a following study this concept shall be evaluated.相似文献
在二维平衡态近似下,用玻色统计理论描述高能P,P(P) 碰撞非单衍过程产生的初始“火球”,得到多重数和质心系能量的一种可能关系式。关系式和实验数据符合得很好。 相似文献
Prof. Dr. Jochen Bigus 《Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft》2009,79(2):235-256
The Ellsberg-paradox suggests that individuals are subject to ambiguity aversion. When the standard of due care is not precisely defined, the context of auditor’s liability can be considered as an ambiguity situation. The paper shows that compared to an Expected Utility framework an ambiguity-averse auditor will exert less care with low damage payments but higher care with high damage payments. Hence, it might be advisable to put a liability cap. With strict liability there is no ambiguity situation and thus, there are no distortions from ambiguity aversion. 相似文献
本文讨论了外势场下低维理想玻色气体的热力学量和邻近凝结点处的临界热动力性质。结果表明,体系的临界性质在外势场的作用下发生很大变化。当外势取幂律形式时,临界性质明显地依赖于幂的大小。 相似文献
Achim Mollbach 《Organisationsberatung, Supervision, Coaching》2006,13(2):139-152
Top-Management-Coaching in mid-sized companies The author discusses coaching of business leaders in mid-sized companies. These companies appear to be under considerable pressure to professionalize at times regarding their understanding, functions and instruments of leadership and management, — unlike their technical and product know-how. Due to the strong personalization of leadership in mid-sized companies, this professionalization can only take place if the business leaders build up an adequate understanding of leadership by alternating self- and business reflection. A coach can be of great help, acting as a sparring partner by combining the ?personal perspective“ with the ?functional perspective“. A prerequisite on behalf of the coach, aside from his competence in individual and interaction psychology, is however the ability to transport himself into the specificities of a mid-sized company and its management as well as profound knowledge of the management of complex sociotechnical-economic systems. 相似文献
百色起义革命道德品质是在百色起义中形成和确立的、表现在革命者道德行为中比较稳定的特征和倾向.它表现为舍生取义、忠诚无二、求真务实、民族团结、民主平等等方面,包含实事求是的科学态度、全心全意为人民服务的价值追求、坚定的共产主义理想信念、艰苦奋斗的人生品格、无产阶级的集体主义原则等内容,具有阶级性、先进性、群众性、民族性、实践性、超越性等特点. 相似文献
刘文杰 《北京理工大学学报(社会科学版)》2003,5(Z1):107-109
克莱斯特的短篇小说<弃儿>中的主角尼科罗,以往通常被解读为恩将仇报的恶棍形象,本篇从文本出发,通过对家庭关系和家庭角色的层层解读,力图揭示悲剧产生的渊源:他是物欲社会和冷漠家庭的牺牲品和受害者. 相似文献
王斌 《哈尔滨工业大学学报(社会科学版)》2010,12(1):6-15
在胶济铁路动工建设的前一年,德国工程师盖德兹受礼和洋行委托到山东考察铁路建设条件,并将考察结果写成《山东省考察旅行报告》,报告内容包括旅行路线、铁路线选线、铁路工程建设、机车车辆、铁路建设成本和效益估算、衔接线路分析、贸易和交通及财务管理等方面。该报告为后来的胶济铁路建设提供了重要依据,而其中关于铁路线选线、铁路工厂选址及桥梁建设等方面,又与实际建设有所差别。 相似文献